As a person from outside, who has been observing the progressive decay of the US during the last 30 years, I feel that Obama may bring the nation completely to the majority world standards. He used a very cunning strategy of giving citizenship to a huge lot of outsiders. It was so mind-blogging an action that even the opposition couldn't do anything about it. For, if they had made an issue about it, they would stand to lose more of the immigrant votes.
Within the next five years, the US will be on par with most nations of Africa and Asia. it might be time for the original section of people who first made the English-US to move out to a new place. And leave this nation to its predestined fate.
Actually the fate of the US is sealed, for it is led by mindless democracy and equally idotic technical procedures. As the nation gets wearied away and brought to the knees by extra-national forces, the real patriots of the US, the native-English speakers would have to simply stand and watch the going down. Yet, those who swarm in would go on claiming that they have reached the paradise, as the paradise simply moves to a diabolic scenario.