Refinement of India was what the colonial British wanted to do. Yet, this was precisely what the stay-at-home British did not understand. Their picture of India was of a nation simply being enslaved by their own countrymen. There was a minor issue here. The British colonial officials who came back from India were also infected by the social structuring of India. In that, they couldnt escape the strange, yet evil mood of elevation that sets in, when being placed on the higher echelons of the Indian feudal indicant word codes. When they came back, they radiated this evil fragmenting and fritting codes into the British society. It did create its own distractions and distresses. India was infecting Britain. Into the soft, unprotected British social scene, hazardous Indian social codes were diffusing.
The local Britons could feel its tremors. They had to react. They did. Many times. As early as the time of Robert Clive. When he came back, glorious after the conquering and rule of India. They accused him. He tried to explain India as being different from Great Britain. They refused to accept his words. For, it was sure that his vibes were creating uneasy ripples in the English society. No side can be faulted. He couldnt explain, for what he wanted to convey was beyond his capacity of expressing; in English. The difference between England and India was of schizophrenic proportions. He could find no other go other than to commit suicide. Not because of fright, but because of the utter useless of his defences and explanations.