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PART IV: A fast paced contemplative glance at the social undercurrents ...

Chapter 1

A fast paced contemplative glance at the social undercurrents that could affect the American lifestyle and society, on its impact with feudal communication software.

The Mystical Powers of Language: Now it is time to think of what all changes can come about in the USA, with the coming of a so-called global village.

I would start the debate from the premises of my earlier postulate, and theory that language and words do have a sort of mystical power, which can be understood with no need to recourse to supernatural themes, but by just going through their running social programs. Again there are a few themes to be borne in mind. First of all, America is an English nation, a creation of the British. It is prosperous because it is English. All around the world there are a large number of non-English nations, ruled and also under the thraldom of strong socially prominent groups, where the general population is not rich, and are living lives of high exploitation.

A hundred dollars would be roughly equal to Rupees 5000/- in India. It may be understood that the vast majority of Indians have a monthly wage less than Rs.1000/-. An Ironworker in the construction industry would get around Rs.3000/- to Rs.6000/-, depending on his skills, and also provided he works on all days of the month. That is, a skilled Ironworker from India can displace any native American Skilled Iron worker if he is paid around 40 to 50 dollars per month.

The American Heritage: America seemed to be a very intelligent nation, from its very infancy. But this is a very wrong and incorrectly understood theme. For, even though USA seems a new nation, it came with centuries of British experience in nation running, military training, international trade, jurisprudence, administration, policing, town planning and many other things, and also with the most wonderful of communication software, namely English. It is easy to treat this dialogue with a callous disdain, but I know what difference it makes if a person or society knows English. For, I have had the opportunity to study at close quarters the difference in many personal attributes, there are between persons who are at ease in English and those who do not know English. Persons who were lucky enough to have been born in English nations do not really understand this factor, and many could even think that English is just like any other language, like say Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Chinese etc. And they are making a very deep mistake, which can have very deep negative affects for the whole nation, if they come into decision-making positions, of their nations.

The desperate attempts: Now before going further with the philosophical aspects of this theme, let me recount one incident in my life. It was the year 1987. I was in Madras city in Tamil Nadu state in India. Even then, I was very much concerned about the imminent crowding of English nations by non-English nationalities. Why I was deeply concerned about it does have a definite answer, but being a slightly complicated, yet lucid reason, cannot be dealt with here.

One day a Management consultation firm, with which I was having a certain level of connection at that time, called me. When I went there, I saw two Sikh youth. I was told that they wanted to go to USA for permanent residence. Due to some reasons, they feared that their visa application for visit could be rejected. They were bent on going, for they said that their relatives were there and are eagerly awaiting them. Now, both of them did not know much English, and whatever they conveyed to me, was in a mixture of Hindi and broken English. They had presented two workable options to the consultants, who were not much experienced in this type of activities. The Sikh youth said that money was not an issue, if the ends could be achieved.

The first option they presented was to contact the ISKON, that is the International Sri. Krishna Consciousness movement. IKSON was having periodic US tours for visiting their temples over there. The plan was to go with this tour, and once they reach US, their relatives would come and take them, and they could easily vanish. Though I was not intimately involved with this consultant firm, as a person who could do smooth communications, I did at times take up some part-time assignments. So, I went to the ISKON office in Madras. They informed me that one group of visitors would be presently going to USA, and my friends can also join them. The US tour was ostensibly for seeing the American ISKON temples. But, when I informed them that my friends were Sikhs, then they said it won't be possible, as for one thing at that time, due to believed terrorist connections, it would not be possible to get visas. Moreover the visa officials tend to understand that Sikhs would not return, once they reach US.

Now, the youths took out their second option. They wanted a visa to go to Mexico. Why? Because they said that once they reach Mexico, they can literally walk through the border to US, using money as a serviceable tool in Mexico. And their relatives in US would also be at hand to lend a hand.

I don't know what ultimately happened for I met them only twice and then I moved out, and had no more contact with them and the consultant firm.

I have narrated this incident just to bring into sharp focus the danger America is facing. For, when I did mention about the whole illegality of the whole process to the consultant firm's senior person, he, with cynical brevity, told me that the present day citizens of US are also immigrants, and the land is not theirs. So, anybody can go there, with no qualms.

If the present day natives of US do not get perturbed by this story, I can only pity them. For, they do not know what it is that is converging on all English nations, from all directions. I am saying this because all around me are persons with very contemptuous attitude to English citizens, and very egoistic about their own capabilities, and with a very feudal language program running in their minds, yet in continuous and sincere plans to reach the English shores, as fast as possible.

The underlying paradox: Before going on with the main theme, I want to tell another small incident. This was told to me by a person who is now in the US. Her one cousin was residing in the UK. He was in a sound and well established business. The year was around 1986. This man wanted to marry. Though he was a citizen of UK, he wanted to marry a girl who was domiciled in his native nation only, that is India. Why? He told his cousin something to the effect that all English girls were, more or less, morally loose. With some allusion to the fact that he has had many of them. Naturally, he was not impressed with Indian girls living in England. He wants a homely girl, who has studied classical dances, and had imbibed the highly idolised Indian culture. Now, one may note this theme.

Recently, that is around six months back, a man who is now residing in the USA came back for a few weeks. He lives with his wife over there in the US. Both are computer professionals. He told his friend that the White men are not good. For, if they come and invite them for any party, then they invariably look at his wife also, and invite her also for the party. At the party, they try to dance with her.

It may not be easy to discern the paradox when both the stories are compared. In the first one, the hero wants and does dance with English girls, and comes back with loud disdain for them. Yet he wants a wife who he can keep in isolation, and who cannot be induced to party with the English fiends. In the second theme, the protagonist also, if he were alone, would hunger to dance with White girls and women, yet his own wife should be at a touch-me-not distance.

I personally do not think that one needs to party and dance, if one is not at ease in such settings. For, in a free, country there would be immense other things to do, if one has the social calibre enough inside the brain. And the stories that I have inserted here are just what I heard, and naturally I thought I would add them here. But, do not make me responsible for any uncomfortable feelings it may evoke. Mentally I do not have any affinity with both the groups involved.

The Uncommon Understandings: One of the common things that I have seen in many persons who are contemplating on going to the English nations is a contempt for the English citizens. Many are of the opinion that they need to be taught a lesson for the many evil things they have done, and they also have a very lucid idea as to how to go about it. They like the English nations, and yet they do not have any understanding about the ancient heritage, cultural standards, conventions, social experiences, spirit of the laws etc. which are all embedded in the English language, and are the things that make these nations the fine countries they are now.  For them, English is just another language, and the superiority that is seen in these nations is just the pretended and highly untenable, pseudo superiority of the White race. They have no understanding that there are many White men and races, actually a great majority of them in Europe, who do not have any claim for any superiority in anything, like social development, culture, military achievements, technological calibre, discoveries, or even economic strength.

The tragedy that faces the English nations is that many of their own nationalities do not have any understanding about these themes, and as such their own understanding of realities is comparable to the mental framework of these very despicable persons who are aiming to storm the English bastions. They consider themselves as simply superior on account of some level of genetic endowments.

The double-edged face: In this regard, I must go back to my theme on the feudal languages, as enunciated in my book. Here let me take an illustration from India. The languages, which are the powerful machines that design societies, its working and also the mental calibre, and its efficiency, do have a very double-edged face. The persons, who are on the top rung of the communication software, exist with a very powerful social personality, which may even reflect in their physical stature, if it is a position, which is natural to them by birth, or since childhood. And to the persons who exist on the lower steps of the software, it exhibits a very stinging, crippling and stifling force, which very effectively cuts short all their abilities, calibre and potentialities. Their very physical growth may be affected if this is the position that they were forced to survive in since the dawn of their childhood.

Now, this is a very real force, and not something that this author has conjured up. And only those who have felt its force can understand its power. And, what I would like to say is that if any group of feudal persons do corner an Englishman, and keep him in their social confines, so that he is cut off from his innate society, then he would also feel the terribleness of the force I am elucidating about.

Whatever one may say about the power and prestige of British social institutions, the truth is that they do have an innate quality of liberating a person, who has traditionally and socially existed for eons in social chains. One may discern slavery and other regimentation in English societies only when one compares it to English social systems. For, if we compare the same slavery to what exists as free social situations in feudal areas, then one may even say that the slaves in English societies are more free than many of the unchained, yet socially bonded persons in many nations, including India.

The infection: Now what I am trying to convey here is that once the feudal elements come into social and economic prominence in English nations, with a full environment of feudal languages, then the native English speaker would discern the same social strangulation that the lower status natives of feudal language nations do endure. Yet, the affect could have a very, agonizing affect in the English person. For, he would feel the sting, and that too very sharply, for he is not used to such feelings, and in his language, it is not there. But, when he is with a group of persons who linger around him to sort of educate him to bow, bend, be obsequious, not use certain type of addressing which in English do signify just dignified means of communication, understand that sitting in a senior persons presence is a crime, have to suffix many words to seniors with self-derogatory words etc. then it is time to understand that the nation is infected by the virus. And this virus is very powerful, and its power also expands exponentially with the passage of time, and also due to a very funny, yet pathetic situation of other English persons who have not yet felt the sting or its crippling power, trying to understand the pathos, and obvious distress, of the inflicted individuals as evidence of mental arrogance, egoism, racial prejudice etc.

Intellectual snobbery: I have found that many persons from English nations do have a sort of intellectual snobbery when it comes to understanding the power of the feudal language nations. They actively side with them. And try to understand the world economic order as a consequence of the deliberate exploitation by the English nations. These people are just being stark stupid and silly. They and probably most of the persons who have lived in English nations do not have any inkling of what a feudal language is all about. My shock may very frankly be understandable when I say that I find it highly disconcerting when I find even the BBC trying to act out a level of shallow intellectualism, by presenting the views of the feudal language nations in a very positive light, and sort of being a mouthpiece of these very persons. One watches the BBC to know the British view of events, and naturally when the persons over there try to act as a sort of wise guys by, now-a-days increasingly, putting on a level of arguments which one may very well hear on Indian vernacular TV channels, one gets a feel that it is time the British took stock of what is happening to their nation.

Actually, there have been, historically, many persons in Britain who did not understand the working of feudal social nations. The various cases that were brought on officials of the erstwhile British raj, during the times of the East India Company do bear testimony to my statement. I can understand the sheer mental frustration of such persons as Clive, Impy etc. as they came to be judged by persons sitting over in England, and trying to judge them over their actions in the highly feudal language social nation, that is India.

When I see the various levels of immature actions that many persons in the British government has done in the days preceding, during and after the Gulf War II, I have to inform that I do fear that already there are evidence to show that the feudal language affects are on the society. For, when the feudal language inflictions take place, one of the most significant proofs of its presence is the general level of actions by individuals to act as if they fear of being overwhelmed by social events and forces, and impels them to act in most contrary manner to the innate English attitude of propriety. Persons act with a sort of forced individuality that they do have to show off their independence, as if they fear of being lost in a maze of individuals. This comes about when anybody moves socially or professionally for long periods in the company of feudal language society.

The need of the hour: The need of the hour of the English nations is to stand as one as they do stand in a most momentous moment in history. The English nations altogether do not add up to much when the whole world is taken as a whole, in terms of numbers. And now the whole world is out to crash into the English nations, eyeing everything that is out there. I have just been told of a concerted level of meeting organised by many senior industrialists of India, to organise Health tourism, to corner a mighty chunk of the healthcare business, in the English world. The rates offered would be very, very competitive, to more or less drive out the whole healthcare industry in the English world. And mind you, the persons in the English world are not competing with the persons of similar stature in India, but with the towering personalities of Indian Industry, who naturally are very, very strong, in the feudal language environment they exist.

As an allegory, I may mention here that the highest persons in Indian history were always of much more grandeur than similar persons in English history. For example, no English monarch can match the grandeur of the mighty mogul emperors. But then the average English man was hundred times grander than the average Indian, as to his stature in his own nation is compared. That is why Britain always won. But now, the common citizens of English nations are being baited by, not the common men of feudal nations, but by the economic and social feudal lords of these nations. And the situation is more severe when one may understand the truth that the persons who run the industries, and other commanding heights of the English economies are also, in sync with them, as they aim for more competitive rates, by going for cheaper labour. And if the common public of the English nations are not truly aware of the sweeping significance of these historical undercurrents, then it would have tragic consequences for them.

The threat: When one thinks of the jobs in the English nations, I may say that all jobs would be cornered by persons from outside. But if one thinks that this is a good thing, for the nation gains from cheap labour, then they have not understood the real danger, implicit in this development. Along with labourers, would come their lower stature social culture, connections, and communications. Their very demeanour, anthropological features, and also their gestures would speak it out loudly. And they would make a mess of the society of the English nations. Many native workers would simply leave their field of activity and seek out other avenues, leaving the field with more vacancies. It would be just a vicious chain reaction, which would garner more strength as more and more immigrants come. The immigrants who come with English and an innate understanding of its social philosophies would not create much problems on their own, but when a mass of immigrants with feudal social understandings converge on a specific profession then that field of activity is as good as lost for the English native. For, he or she won't be able to bear his social identification with them or maintain his equanimity. Now it is the nursing profession; many others are in the offing. School teaching, taxi driving, computer-based work, like that, slowly the native English speaker stands to lose his bastions one by one. And then the general comment that the English are a group of lazy, egoistic, snobbish race would come about. Already I have started hearing such comments.

It may be noted that once a profession is associated with non-English speaking, immigrant populace, then other sections of the society tend to keep away from that field of activity like plague. For example, just imagine the plight of the Middle East nations, like Saudi Arabia. They would like to get rid of the of the immigrant population from many areas of professional activity and get their own nationals to work in these fields. Yet, no Saudi national would like to come to have a professional address, which has been contaminated by the address of the Asian immigrants. Actually, the basis of this social factor may be traced to many Asian nations like India, where many professions are given lower social marks, and understood as inferior social levels. And in India itself, people tend to shield themselves from its sting by maintaining a level of psychic aloofness.

Taking up the theme of Health Tourism, I asked an associate of mine who is a CEO of a participating Healthcare Industry group, as to what would happen once the Indian and other nations corner the Hospital business from the English world. He said it is only a matter of time, before almost all major hospitals in the English world would close. But, for the time being the factor of quality, wherein the patient should feel at home in the alien hospital environment would be a slightly limiting factor. He said that this factor also would be solved in a few years time, by studying the underlying factors that make an English hospital more pleasant for the English national, and by replicating the same here. And he said that since the top Industrialists have taken up the issue, they would naturally be able to bring it about in a matter of years. Then the next question is what would happen to the hospitals in the English West. His answer, with a glee, was that it was only a matter of time before they close down.





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RE: Chapter 28: A fast paced contemplative glance at the social undercurrents .........................................

The diabolic situation: If this scenario had been discussed some 20 years back, the portentous premonitions that I have dealt out here would not have seen significant, even though I must admit that such thoughts had crossed my mind as early as that. But now, the world has changed with the coming of the computers, high band Internet, satellite communication systems etc. So a high calibre man sitting in a third world country need not interact professionally with his fellow nationals; instead he can sit in a corner of the world and still be in an English environment; and as such he is not limited by the mediocrity of his national society. Moreover he can compete with the English nations using the low cost labour and infrastructure of his nation, and also enjoy the benefits that accrue by keeping the society, people and currency in low value.  And it must be understood that in third world feudal societies, persons exist in two definite qualities; the boss who is of super stature and capability, and his dependant of very low displayable personal qualities. It is the former who is going to gain heavily by the new international development. And these persons know all the tricks in the trade, and can use all modern things like law, lawyers, rules, terms & conditions, connections, feudal strings etc. with unbelievable efficiency, and supreme crookedness, used as they are to trap whole populations in feudal thraldoms.

Now from the premise that my acquaintance left, that is the factor of studying English systems and copying them to replicate the systems here, I need to go further. If any person from the English West has had a habit of reading Indian Newspapers over a long period of time, he would have noted that there is a continuing theme in Indian minds that all intellectual knowledge and many other resources of India, like plant and animal DNA, ancient medicinal knowledge etc. are being looted by the English West. Actually this is really nonsense. For, traditionally, as I have explained in my book, no Indian would share any of his knowledge with anyone, as it is this factor of being the repository of unique knowledge that makes a person the fountainhead of respect.

The contributions: Now, what has India really contributed? The tarred road, the post office, the electric bulb, the electric wire, the railway, the motor vehicles, modern dress like pants, shirt etc., the modern educational system, the pen, the pencil, the writing paper, radio, telephone, air travel, television, modern dining systems using dining table and chairs at homes, cinema, tape recorder, modern administration, police, modern systems of management, the higher education, the computer, the Internet, mobile phone etc. are all non-Indian discoveries. The list is long. And most of these inventions are actually contributions of English nations. Actually, whatever comes in the English West is given to the whole world for use. In this regard, even the most vilified language of English, is actually being utilised by the whole world, and many nations do not even have the mental magnanimity to acknowledge the contribution of Britain in spreading this language all round the world. In fact, there are many academics in India, who try to say that the English that they are teaching is progressively a non-British item, and sort of an Indian invention.

The Stark Stupidity:Now, isn't the whole English West being a bit naïve. They annually contribute huge amounts to the third world nations like India, who actually take this with no mental qualms and use it with splendid energy to spread more canards about English colonialism, neo-colonialism etc. which the people lap up with watery mouths. Whatever the English people, teachers, researchers and technologists discover are given to the whole world, where clever businessmen use them for competing in the commercial field. To put this idea in more candid terms, let me take the case of higher education in the English West. All rich students in the third world nations go to the English Western universities, and from there get to know the latest in the research scene. And then they go back and utilise the low cost labour, and infrastructure of their own nations, and built up gigantic institutions that later compete with the commercial institutions from the English nations. Here actually the English nations are being stark stupid. For, who does not know that personal connections are what builds a business; and to allow persons from competing nations to enter into one's domain and allow them to build up much connections with the significant persons in their nations, is, to say the least, an unqualified level of stupidity, which posterity would never forgive. And, it should be understand that the students who come and study with the middleclass student of the English nations in English Universities are not from the ordinary classes of the third world nation; they actually do belong to the dominant classes in their nations. And, they have supreme resources at their command once they go home, with which their native-English classmates cannot compete.

The Proliferation: Recently a senior Pakistani Scientist was in the news as the person who was responsible for the proliferation of nuclear technology. Actually, this is not an isolated phenomenon. For, many Indian scientists also from various Indian White Elephant organisations like Indian Space Research Organisation etc. do use all the facilities at their disposal, and once they get an assignment abroad, vanish with all the knowledge they had collected at the local tax payer's expense. Yet, in all these incidents, there is one factor that is not being understood. All original scientific knowledge proliferated from the English nations. This includes even the nuclear bomb technology. And what can one expect when the whole universities of the English nations are teeming with students and teachers from the competing nations? Isn't it a stupidity of gargantuan proportions? What has happened to the collective wisdom of the English nations? Do not imagine that once the feudal nations come into economic significance, they would treat the English citizen with deference for giving them education, knowledge, opportunities etc. They would then metamorphose into creatures with unbelievable nastiness and wickedness. And they would be unapproachable. Their superiority would be towering, and the words they then use to the impoverished English persons would reflect the ancient feudal lower indicant levels.

Will any nation, with any sense, allow foreign nationals to come, and study their exclusive technologies, for use in competition against themselves? Doesn't anyone remember how the Chinese protected the knowledge and secrets of silkworm rearing and silk manufacture? The story goes that ultimately one man smuggled silkworms in the hollow of a bamboo stick. That is how oriental nations would protect their commercial knowledge. And that is how it should be.

Let the English nations remember this theme before it is too late, and take effective steps to counteract the damage already done. Actually what they should do also needs to be dealt here. But for the time being, I refrain from doing it; for, I need to know how my writings are taken up by the English nations; for, to a person who views my themes with a condescending smile, and a contemptuous attitude, the remedies that I suggest would seem absolutely hilarious.

Has the reader of this writing read the work Candide by Voltaire? It is a book, with a story that takes us through the medieval age Europe; and the shocking levels of insecure living that passed for civilised living over there. But remember, that though Voltaire was a well-liked writer of France, he himself was a self-proclaimed Anglophile. It is possible that even in medieval times, Britain did exhibit a level of rare social maturity, in comparison with the Europeans. Here my comparison is between the common men in both places.

The medievalism in India: It must be said that most of the themes dealt out in Candide are true of present day India, also. I am talking about the India that the vast majority of Indians would see if they were moving around from their base. But, as in the case of medieval Europe, not many common Indians do move much from their home base. There is no security for them. Anything goes wrong on the way in a far away place, then they are as good as lost. No one with significance would help an ordinary man. The whole administrative infrastructure is meant for the higher Indian. Actually, no one finds any fault in this system, and if anyone ends in up in trouble by moving beyond his social and geographical parameters, then he is just blamed for being so reckless.

There is a whole, well-organised trade in trapped girls all over India, which operates with the full knowledge of the administrative machinery. In many places, the very administrative machinery is in active collaboration in this trade.

Many public service examinations are just a farce.

The sales tax officials are just dacoits. Many are fabulously rich; and there is much to compare them with the thuggees of pre-British India.

Long distance solitary road travel is not safe for the unwary traveller.

Corruption is rampant. Recently, a senior police official did an intra departmental enquiry in a district in the State of Kerala, in India. The report he got was that in the whole district, there were only 6 police officers, who were not corrupt. And one may imagine the plight of the persons who get trapped in the net of the corrupt policemen.

The judicial system is a mess. Many judges are corrupt. Advocates tell me that even in High Courts, judges do seek for women and monetary benefits, for giving the required judicial rulings. Moreover the system is very slow when it comes to the task of helping the helpless individual. And against persons who it does not like, it moves with malicious speed. And in many cases, judiciary is just an appendage of the police and administrative departments.

Citizens are cynical, sarcastic, mean, obsequious, highly opportunistic, non-committed to words of honour, and of many other mean qualities.

I can go on and on with the list. But that doesn't serve any purpose, for many persons do know India with all these identifications. But what I would like to declaim here is that, do the English nations like to go in for a level of competition with this level of nations?

Actually all English nations should keep away from all levels of activity wherein they have to compete with these despicable nations. Even the game of Cricket when played with mean nations not only debases the game and its players; but also gives a halo and glow to the players of these base nations, by their very interaction with the English players. I can put this theme in a more correct base by saying that if one day all English nations stop playing Cricket with non-English nations, then this game would lose its exalted status in many third world nations.

A disturbing comparison: In this regard, I would like to compare an English speaking, internationally mobile, Indian girl with an English girl from a similar background. On seeing the Indian girl, modern dressed, with very good English, coming from superb social standings, and with very gracious looks and communicative standards, one may, with much shallow understanding of psychic undercurrents, identify her personality as equivalent to that of an English girl, of similar or even lesser or superior social standings.

Yet the reality is that the Indian girl is not a single entity with clearly definable personality. For, what one has seen is her English personality. Yet, English is actually her second language, for at home, and in her intimate society, she may be living in Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, or Malayalam etc. When she is in this latter program, then she clearly is a different person, with different social equations, attitudes, emotions, likings, dislikes, animosities, reactions, obsessions, relationships, antipathies and even social repulsions. Her society is different, and how is she discerns society is like a step-like hierarchical structure, which is very much unmoving, both in terms of manoeuvrability as well as emotions.

This individual is not the same as the English individual who is equated to her. And, because of this propensity to oscillate between highly opposite social situations, this Indian girl is a highly dangerous social entity if allowed the free run in English societies. For, she can really operate from this sinister mental and professional background, with a highly evolved level of deceit, in the English social and professional areas, with extremely tragic affects for the host society. And here, I must interject to say that though many English novel writers have tried their hand in bringing out themes of deceit, betrayal, cheating etc. in the English world, though much of it can be traced to European connections and not exactly from English world, the fact is that the level of deceit as practised in the feudal language social schemes is of a much more sinister level, with conspiracies, backstabbing, betrayals, selling out etc. done with more finesse and less mental qualms. And it is a socially acceptable action, when the victim is discerned to be of weaker position.

Beyond all this, the factor of how both girls are seen and positioned in their own societies is to be reckoned. The Indian girl would enjoy a status of extremely supreme levels, with not many persons, other than her own level of persons, in India able to even address her by name, with or without a Miss, or Mrs. prefixed. All addressing to her, or about her should be couched in highly feudal respectful terms. Now this type of social moulding is not available in the English world, other than to their monarch. In other words, the Indian girl who one may see as nice, cosy, educated, cultured, and refined is actually a mini royal personage, in her home nation. And her association with the English world definitely helps this image immensely.

What I would like take out from the allegory to the Indian girl is that the same comparisons can be made out of any individual from the Indian or any other feudal language side, when compared to another person from the English side. Like for example, an Indian cricketer and another one from the English team. Though both are of similar stature in the English sense, the level of reverence that the Indian can command at home is of the nth degree, when compared to the Englishman.

Democracies in an oblique stance: Now let us come to the concept of democracy: It is a very dangerous philosophy for the English world to insist upon and try to bring in. The very concept of democracy is against quality. In English nations, where every individual is having an innate capacity of articulation, it is the best thing. But in other nations, where the language evolves a social psychology, wherein most individuals lose their sense of self-respect, social motivations, and where independent thinking is a negative attribute, this so-called democracy is just a farce. Whatever is done, the language acts as a gigantic machine to bring to fore only certain levels of persons to levels of controlling the society and nation; and an automatic tutelage of enduring dynasties continue. Then democracy works out as just a competition between these dynasties. And the common people just divide themselves into groups, of servitude to differing dynasties, and try to eke out a social position for themselves.

A one-way ticket to disaster: Now, what is dangerous for the English world is not this. The fact is that the total world English population is very small, and in years to come, in almost all international organisations, the leadership would go to persons from the feudal nations. Let it be UN, IMF or any other associations for cultural, artistic, literary or religious activity, in years to come, the leadership would go feudal. And this feudal leadership would be very powerful, for they come with the strong support base of people, who do not care for issues, or principles, or even rectitude; but just their own connections to the person on the pedestal, and their own social position, this connection accrues to them.

And once these persons take over the world leadership, there would be no understanding of propriety in anything, other than that of social position. The rule of law would be just a mockery, and even if such institutions as judicial courts were in existence, these persons would be highly efficient in contorting them into laughable entities. If the reader thinks that all this is an impossible scenario, just look back at USA and see what the Italian Mafia could do, even when all America was in its prosperous phase. Imagine what would happen when the nation goes through a phase of economic weakness, and with all the negative forces converging on it. The system would collapse, and each individual would see the negativity bearing in on him, through the social positioning, and then it would be a mad rush for self-survival, which would again be a one-way ticket to disaster.

The shallow understanding: Persons who come to India from the English West, stay in nice hotels, and eat the best food, most of which the common Indian has never even seen, and go home with the sweetest of memories of their Indian friends, who were more hospitable, generous, polite, and even more pleasant than any of their English acquaintances. But is this the real India? If anyone thinks that this is the reality, then his head needs real examination. This I am saying because the Indian media is full of stories, and interviews by persons of English nationality, who declare their love for India, and that they see India as much superior to the English West. It is their opinion, and it is not correct that I should contest their opinion, as it is their private view. Yet, I would do so, for what they are doing is a grave delinquency, for airing views, which may be taken as authoritative by many, without information, is a most malicious thing of the highest order.

A few years ago, a journalist from Britain came to India, and travelled through many places in India, journeying through trains. He then gave interviews from a position of supreme unbelief that such supreme services could be given at such cheap rates. I couldn't believe his level of stupidity. For, the fact is that in India, where the general people live at very low wages, the cost of train travel is not very cheap. And the facilities that are available to them are of the primitive levels.  In this regard, it may be mentioned in passing that many years ago, the government with much fanfare abolished the third class in trains pointing it out as a vestige of the British colonial rule, meant to maintain the lower persons at a level of disdain. But over the years, the railways, keeping the second class as the lowest class, went on adding on more superior classes above the first class; now the meanest level of government officers can't bear to travel in second class, wherein they have to be in contact with the common Indian.

And there was another item that the English journalist was missing to understand: that was the fact that Indian rates are cheap, and if he was so much impressed by it, it was only a matter of continuing intellect to understand that Indians can replace his very job, with much competitive rates of salary.

A story: Let me tell you a story, which I heard many years ago. One man died and went to heaven, because of his good deeds. There, St.Peter handed him a nice violin and told him that he could move anywhere at will and play the instrument to his heart's content. He sailed over the clouds, and played the violin, and experienced the enduring state of bliss. For days he did it; then he was a bit dismayed by the lack of variety in the actions; he went to St. Peter, and asked him to allow him to do something else. He was told that all things in heaven were like this; for here it was a state of lingering peace.

He then asked if he could visit hell. He was told that no sane man would do this, for hell was the very negation of heaven. Yet, he persisted in his desire. So, a visit visa was acquired for him from hell. He went to hell, where he, being a rare visitor from heaven, was given the red carpet treatment. He visited the nightclubs, dancehalls, and all other places of vice, and squalor, and immensely enjoyed the experience to the hilt. And everywhere he went he was treated with deference, for he was a citizen of Heaven, while the locals were the doomed inhabitants of a gloomy land.

When his visit period was over, he went back to heaven and made a bit racket over there. He called the heaven a place of cheap deception. He had seen what is available in the hell, and how well he had enjoyed the life there. He demanded an immediate permission to cancel his citizenship in the heaven, and a citizenship in hell. Getting a citizenship in hell was easy, he was told, for very rarely do anyone apply for it. But to get a citizenship in the heaven was not at all easy; in fact, once he repudiates it, it is good as lost forever.

He rebelled at all this useless talk. He applied for a citizenship in hell, which came fast. He moved fast to the hell, with eager anticipation. When he reached the hell's gates, he was this time shown a different entrance; when he entered it, he found himself one among a lot of forlorn men and women, with deeply apprehensive expressions. He found he was for all purpose one among them. When his turn came, he was treated like a dog, by the officialdom, and one nasty creature dragged him by his ears, and dropped him in boiling water. Then he was taken out, chained and dragged through the streets. There was no food, and at times he was given dirty water to drink. He was tortured till day end.  His nights were also, no different. Everyday was same. Then came a day of rest. He experienced a bliss, he had never known before. He then found some time to enquire one of his guards, as to why the whole scene was different from what he had experienced when he came as a visitor from heaven. The cynical answer was: Oh, that time you were an honoured visitor from another nation. To impress you was a propaganda theme. Now you are one of our citizens; who cares what you think?

This story, more or less, sums up the impression of many 'Indophiles', and such similar beings, who live in the cosy environments of English nations, and seem to feel the atmosphere over there very stifling; and at the same time yearn for the presumed fulfilments of living in such nations as India, Soviet Union, China, Japan etc.





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The Two Indians: Now back to the allegory of the English speaking Indian girl. Actually, there exists in India, two classes, apart from the feudal society, with all its step-like hierarchy. If one goes to Delhi, the capital of India, one may see it. See the affluent, internationally mobile, locally rich, English speaking persons. They visit only higher-class shops, hotel, multinational banks etc. Though Indian, they cannot bear the other lower class, non-English speaking Indian. For, they bring in a different social set-up with them, and can putrefy the social air around them. And for keeping them out, crude looking vernacular speaking security men are posted at the entrance of all higher-class business institutions, who use rude words, glaring eyes, and cruder methods to keep out the undesirable elements from entering the premises, even if they desire to enter to do some legitimate business.

The Infectious Negativity: Now, this factor of infectious negativity from a cruder language and social set-up is known to higher-class Indians, which they understand without the help of any dissertation. And they employ the crude methods to keep the negativity out. Now, the negativity is felt by the higher-class Indians because the lower classes nurture and breed it in their vernacular language, and maintain it through the lower social status.

Now, consider a whole group of vernacular speaking Indians or any other feudal language groups, who alight on an English social scene. They bring in simmering negativity, in their midst. But, for the English society to completely comprehend it, may be entirely impossible. For, in their thought process, there exists no gadget, which can measure it. Possibly they may detect it, but may not understand it, or they may be at a loss of words to describe it. In other words, this society would be absolutely defenceless to the infection and afflictions that would very naturally follow. Here, I must make it clear that in no way do I say that the persons in the English society alone are good, and of supreme character; and that the immigrant population is vile and dirty. The very concept that I am trying to convey is entirely different, and does not come into the scope of the concepts of individual good, and bad; or of rectitude, and gracelessness.

Swarming of the nation: Now, let me tell you another thing. If the English world is so gullible as to give right of passage to all individuals of the feudal language world to come and go as they please, and allow them to study all the technologies, sciences, philosophies of the English world, then it only a matter of time, before the very persons who came in the guise of worshippers, would metamorphose as competitors and, with the understanding of the entire social, business and financial geography of the English world, would overrun it.

There is a very tragic component to getting low paid employees from feudal nations. One of the best examples would be the ongoing process of computer related employees, who have come in waves to flood the computer scene. It is true that they gave a great impetus to the firms who could make use of low paid employees to garner financial strength. But in the long run, it is a thing the nation could regret. For, it has given skills to persons from feudal nations, that is, nations which would never reveal any of their skills to another person. Along with empowering the others with knowledge and skills, it would also, erode the skills of the local citizen. In the long run, it weakens the local citizens, and naturally the nation.

Even in the case of back-office job outsourcing, there is the grave danger of leaving a generation of English nationals with lack of expertise in many minor skills, which in the macro level really affects the enduring efficiency of the nation. And another thing to note is that the jobs lost here, are not being taken by the socially same level persons from the third world nations, but by the super affluent. And when they come empowered, they have more social power to overrun the middleclass of English nations.

And one may seek in history of the same folly another nation did many years ago. It is the nation of South Africa. There Indian and other Asian labourers were brought in to do low cost labour; they later became an apparition with a body of its own; and later was to become another bit of severe problem that came to create more confusion to the mess, that was already brewing up.

Gullibility at its worst: Another level of stupidity the English nations are doing is the doling out of immense money in the form of aid to third world nations, where it is, more or less, pilfered by the ruling bureaucracy as pay, perks, pensions, allowances, commissions etc. and as subsidy to partisan NGO's, who also go in for super affluence. It is high-time, the English nations, do use this money for the education, food, dress, housing, healthcare, technical empowerment etc. of their own citizens, who are in dire need of the same.

Take the State of Alabama, in USA. There are plenty of poor there. Their jobs are lost. Though they may be poor, they cannot be compared to the poor in the feudal language nations. For, even though they are poor, the English language does not discriminate in words, usage or grammar with regard to their financial instability. Now, imagine that to their area, a lot of persons, from the same feudal language group, come. Immediately, the poor in Alabama would suddenly understand that there is another component to poverty, which they had hitherto not known. That of the stinging lower indicant words. Even though initially they may not fully comprehend its overwhelming effects, it is only a matter of time that they feel it. Mind you, now channel TVs can bring the feudal social viruses of their native nations, to the homes of the newcomers. And perpetuate, breed, and nurture it in the USA. The affect is a painful one, and what it means in the long term can be understood by just seeing an average Indian social, civic, township and cultural scene at close quarters.

A drama that may be oft repeated: Now let us go to another scene. One US policeman, who by ancestry belongs to a feudal language nation, stops a lorry or a taxi driver who also belongs to the same language group. If both of them don't know their ancestral language, then no problem. And again, if only one of them knows it, then also not much of a problem.  But if it happens that both of them do know their ancestral language, and the policeman has a propensity to talk in it, then it is disaster in the making for the American nation. For, when the policeman asks for the relevant papers from the driver, in the feudal language, the words and usages used, more or less, creates a neat break in the free communicating social atmosphere of America. The driver goes into the level of dirty linen, and the policeman rises to the level of a feudal lord. And the gestures of both men change dramatically, to accommodate their new social identity. And this first incident would just be micro-training for both men as to how to handle their respective professional positions, which in a matter of time, can cause the atrophy of the profession of taxi/lorry driving, and also, afflict the mind of policemen, with a certain level of megalomania, and also with the symptoms of schizophrenia, as elucidated in my book.

Mind you, the example I have given here is only a sample; the drama that has unfolded here can take place in many other professional areas, including schools, and colleges, and bring down America to the cultural and professional levels of third world nations.

But in-between, for the sake of the English-speaking natives of the English nations, I would give a hint of a conjecture. Do not allow persons who speak feudal languages in their home, or with friends, with children etc. to have access to get professional postings in such government departments as Police, Civil security, Sniper Wing etc. For, there is a distinct possibility that their mental program would be slightly, yet in a statistically significant manner, more prone to treating their fellow beings with more disdain and consequent violence.  

The animosity: There is need to curtail immigration to all English nations by persons who are innately inimical to English. I remember one individual in India, who was a graduate Engineer. His abilities in English were not less than average, but he did have a very adverse opinion about the English nationals, and, more or less, had a competitive mentality to them. The problem was mainly that he understood that he is seen in sharp inferior position to them, by a lot of persons, mainly the English nationals. At the same time, he himself was a rich, and naturally feudal mindset person, with ample chances to improve upon this over his fellow citizens. And he did tell me of one of his aunts who did come back after staying with her daughter in USA, with repulsive notions for that nation. I do not know what her real reason was, probably it may have something to do with the fact that she was living in India, as a high feudal personage, while in the USA, she would have to live with her daughter who was a computer professional, and hence not heavily paid, in terms of American Consumer Price Index. But what he told me was that she was used to servants who would massage her legs, in deep feudal servitude; and that this she did miss out in the USA. I am relating this story here without going to any inferences for I do not know what to summarise from it. But the mentionable thing here is that after a few month from this conversation, this young man was in the USA.

The English Student under Siege: Now we can take the factor of education. In the English nations, technical and medical education may be expensive. But it is very cheap in the Third World nations. Now, if the English students are forced to go to the Third World nations to study, they face the unnerving situation of being forced to concede to feudal, lower level positioning in colleges, and other educational institutions. When I say it now, the reader may not comprehend the full intensity of the problem that I am alluding to. But it is a theme with a singular level of power, and any English student made to move to these levels may come back with deep mental scars to his personality, which would again lead to deep scars on the English society. For, it may be understood that in feudal nations, the schools and other educational institutions are the breeding ground of feudal positioning, with the teaching and other staff retaining the superior posts. This feudal stature and design would, in the case of many students, be a life long binding thing, from which a few may escape.

At the same time, all students from other nations, including the non-English nations of Europe would be able to endure it, and possibly make the best of it. And in the whole bargain, the English youngster would stand to lose much. And again, if he or she were to rebel against the sinister feudal lower level positioning, then he or she would be labelled as having ego problems. The situation would grow worse, when the local psychologists pronounce that the student is having mental instability problems, including signs of schizophrenia. Actually, what the English nations should understand is that the British went to war against China, in what is now known as the Opium Wars, mainly due to this psychological issue.

The cumulative affect of this theme would be that many doctors, engineers, and other technically skilled persons from the non-English nations would barge on the English nations, leading to very unique historical issues.

All the themes dealt here need really deep reflection and study. But this is not the space for that.

Provoking one's sense of refinement: Persons, who have lived in feudal language social conditions, do have many peculiarities, which they may initially not display in an English atmosphere, until they get a society of their own language, and ideal social conditions, right in the midst of an English nation. To make this factor clear, let me take the case of private bus staff in India. They are kept at a low social level by the bureaucracy and police. The bus staff then takes it out on the passengers. The general level of behaviour they display to the passengers, is very crude, and rude. To the passenger who comes with no bearing of superior social and positional strings, they are perfectly impolite. Now let us take the scenario to the Middle East, to such nations as UAE etc. where Indian workers of all kinds including those working in buses, are impeccably courteous to the passengers who belong to the various nations.

Now, how is it so? The secret lies in the fact that persons from feudal language nations do have a multiple level of personality, each meant for different levels of social interaction. In a society, where they are unsure of their legitimacy and permanence, they can be remarkably civilised, considerate and generous to a fault. But, once they do understand the stability that they have achieved, from which no power can displace them, then they feel no fear in opening up their innate and refined barbarity.

The contradictions in civility: Another connected thing that need to be understood by the English world is that non-English social behaviours do have many finer aspects that could really test a person of refinement. Here I am not talking about criminals or criminal behaviour. What I am alluding to is about the natural, and well-accepted behaviours in non-English societies. It must be understood that in feudal language societies, persons do use crude actions, gestures, postures, words and many other disturbing things to continuously tone up their feudal positioning in society.

One main difference in feudal languages, is that they do severely lack equivalent words that do mean thank you, I am sorry, beg your pardon, excuse me, I apologise, please, kindly, I regret, Good Morning, Good Night and such others. In many languages, the so-called equivalent terms can only be used by an inferior to the senior, or between equals, and not by a superior to an inferior. The reader may kindly try to think of the level of rudeness, crudeness, and also brute bluntness this could add to any initiation of conversation.

Another thing may be the tendency to ask awkward and highly personal questions as a sort of right on persons one perceive as socially inferior. Then there is an inclination to be boisterous, loud and teasing towards the same group, including those of lesser age, like students, children etc. Along with this come natural actions like talking to inferiors with a drawn forefinger in the pose of admonition, beckoning them with callousness using fingers, touching and nudging to get their attention etc. Also, a propensity to touch positional inferiors on body parts like shoulders, back, thigh etc. to convey a sense of ownership.

Then there is a cultivated habit of spitting with a loud, screeching sound to proclaim a posture of masculinity, as required in a feudal language psychology.

Another thing that could disturb could be the tendency of honouring words given only to those of social higher level, and to others of lesser level a deliberate stance of not honouring to convey the sense of their social worthlessness.

These persons would have no sense of the sanctity of the principles of precedence. They would not naturally form a queue for anything like getting a ticket, paying cash at a counter, buying stamps etc. For, in a feudal language, precedence is to the powerful, and not to the earlier person.

In many feudal language areas, even body postures are not straight and steady, as not much premium is given for dignified postures. For example, in moving buses, persons who are standing would, as a matter of natural right, position their hip on the shoulders of the sitting passenger. Any words of disapproval made by the sitting passenger would be taken in the worst possible sense.

And many would have atrocious table manners, which are, more or less, okay in feudal language settings, but may cause severe consternation when practiced in an English atmosphere of eating with the most elegant of manners. Many persons would even deliberately practice belching as an easy way of exhibiting feudal position in a family or joint family atmosphere.

And the most obnoxious of all feudal language behaviour, that is of disdainful attitude to one's staff, or subordinates or servants to the point of taunting and teasing them, would also be displayed by persons from the feudal language world.

Now, it must be stressed that persons who migrate from the feudal language world would not naturally take on themselves to practice and exhibit the above said negative themes, deliberately in the English nation. But, when a large number of them live together, it is only natural that these attitudes would come up as a most natural component of their personality.

The Mental Disturbances: Persons who exist in English, and even many others who are of refined disposition would be very much disturbed and distracted by the bluntness, and crudity of these attitudinal behaviours; glancing, glaring, blunt words, suggestive looks, lewd talk, taunting gestures, unnecessary comments, physical gesture like touching, nudging etc. done by persons who obviously exist in a strange, lower level mental frame and can cause deep levels of insecurity in an otherwise perfect society.

Also, when native English speaking Americans need to interact with non-English speaking Americans, who have donned feudal titles among their own language society, like that of Master, and such other terms of feudal position, as an appendage to their names; they could find that they are actually evoking mental disturbances, and antipathies, when they address them in the usual English, polite, yet non-feudal manner of addressing. They may find that the other person is trying to extract a similar feudal level of interaction, by deliberately delaying things, which are of vital importance. This factor may, at the moment, be a very incomprehensible idea to the average English speaking man for the present; yet when huge communities start functioning in feudal languages, then they may get a keen idea of what it means. Yet, it may be too late; for all feudal ideologies wait for the opportune time to spring into action.

The infection: And when persons do react to such disturbing signals, by, retorting and reacting to it or even retracting from it, they very naturally go down to the levels that have disturbed them. And they would change. In this context, I must say that the present day America has changed much for the worse, by being the place where many feudal language social groups gathered to imbibe English systems. The latter did develop much, but it naturally had its toll on the English systems.

Many persons may come with exclusive symbols of religion, caste, race, beliefs etc. When these persons come in isolation, there is not much of a problem; and in most cases, they would cease to wear them, as there would not be an appreciating or approving crowd; and no one to disapprove if they stop wearing them. Yet, when the single person later becomes a part of a crowd, then the whole proposition changes, and the wearing of the symbol becomes a sort of offensive posture to fend off a defensive sense of inferiority. This problem in itself doesn't create a problem; yet, there is a virus that has started ticking.

See this illustration: One lady in India told me an incident. She was travelling in a private bus. In the front, seat one woman, wearing a dress, which had a markedly religious connotation of a particular religion, was sitting. The lady who told the story was standing in front of this woman, for the conductor had informed her that this woman would be getting up in the next bus-stop. In front of this lady was another woman wearing a similar dress, which, more or less, identified her as of the same religion. When the bus stopped in the next bus stop, and the woman got up to alight, she suddenly gave a nudge to the woman in front and signalled her to occupy the seat.

Here, what had taken place was an action of solidarity for the other woman who was very accurately identified as of the same religion. Now the same type of closed minded solidarity could be seen to be involuntarily displayed by persons, when they start wearing dresses and symbols that gives a sense that they are a group apart, and need to fend for each other. And can create social disintegration, which the English nations can do without.

The flawed comparisons: Now there is a tendency to compare powerful English nations like America, or even the British Empire, to the ancient empires like the Roman Empire, Chinese Empire etc. This is seen done by none other than the scholars from the English world. Actually, there is a basic flaw in this comparison. The English empires were not formed on the basis of a military march like that of Genghis Khan or even Hitler. It was a more natural progression, of liberty as enthused by the English language. And there is no comparison of American actions being similar to the Roman rampage to gain more territories or Genghis Khan's onslaught to pursue pleasure by obliterating other tribes and their men folk, and then fornicating their wives.

If anyone does say this, it is a blatant lie; for if America had not come to the aid of Kuwait, then there would have been no independent nation in the Middle East. Even India, would have gobbled up some of them. And to claim that like all Empires, America would also lose its supremacy in a short while, is to speak blasphemy; for, if the feudal language nations come to the fore, then it would be the medieval age again for the world.

Need to comprehend: Yet, the problem America does face is that it has not really understood the social philosophies of the places it is forced to interfere in. For, in all places with feudal languages, no matter what one does to change the society, the society and its people again would arrange themselves in definite patterns, as dictated by unseen lines of forces, which lie embedded in their language. And if English nations do not strive to understand this vital factor, then they could end up making very terrible mistakes in their endeavours to strike out in favour of justice. And in this regard, I must say, 'do not disregard the insights the earlier colonial officials, who lived in nations like India, had.'

Though there may be many compulsions to interfere in other nations to right the wrongs in those nations, America may stand to make mistakes in understanding the underlying reasons that creates dictators, megalomaniacs, tyrants etc. and the compulsions that make them do things, which from outside may seem unwarranted and unreasonable. In the long run, it may be a good policy for America to maintain an intimate relationship with English nations, at the same time go in for an enduring policy of isolation from other nations, in political, as well as in many other things, as all interactions with the feudal nations would only bring grief to the citizens of the English nations, if not done with careful understanding of parameters.

When the English nations take sides, or go in for helping their non-English language nation allies, against subversion, revolt, revolution, terrorist-attacks from their own people, they have to give consideration to certain things. First of all, will any English native like to live in these countries, under the same government and bureaucratic systems? Consider the possibility of one day, one of the English nations being under the rule of some nation in the South Americas; of such nation as Spain, Italy, Japan, India, Pakistan, or of some Black African state. Would the English citizen bear the rule, and endure the stifling social and ruling conditions with equanimity? Will they not revolt? Won't their children take arms? Won't they resort to activities which the ruling nation would classify as acts of Terrorism?

This theme may be a bit bewildering at the moment, and if not fully comprehensible, I can only leave it at that, for it may require a lot of logical and systematic build up of theory to tackle the questions involved.

Implications of Space Research Collaborations: Another thing that America is doing with not understanding the full implications is the cooperation it is having with other nations, with feudal language social systems, in Space Research. If the American astronauts go for long sojourns in outer space with the astronauts from other such nations, there are deeper issues connected with the social climate that has to be understood. If the space journey partners are from India, China, Russia and other such nations, there will be different social parameters to be borne in mind. For the sake of debate, I may take the issue of American astronauts being in space with Russian cosmonauts (?).  If the American astronaut is outnumbered, then, there really is a chance that the feudal language social atmosphere in the spaceship can really create a feeling of intense mental suffocation for the American person, and more so, if he has endeavoured to learn the Russian language. I am making this assertion from the premises that the Russian language could have feudal elements in its communication program.

But the issue is a bit more complicated that than. For, in the step like hierarchical language social structure, certain Americans with a definite level of superiority in certain crucially fitting physical or intellectual factor may also find a cosy environment. For, their position or personality may have an alignment to fit into a specific grove in the social structure, which may give a positive halo to him or her. But for most others, the effect may be of a negative nature. And when a group of Americans move at close quarters with a group of Russians, the Americans, if they are outnumbered or dominated by the Russians, may split themselves to fit into the various groves of the feudal hierarchy of the Russian social communication. In all these situations, the American society would be the real loser. This negativity can be contained and bottled up, if the English nationals do take up the real superior position, and impose their own social communication systems on everyone. In which cases, most of the Russians would also feel liberated.

Also, it may be noted that if Russian language really does contain feudal elements, which I am, more or less, sure of, then the superior officials of the Russian Space Research Organisations could have a very hallowed personality, as compared to their juniors.

The ridiculous policies: I need to conclude. Before concluding, I want to state one more thing. That is on the immigration polices of the English nations. Compare it with the Middle East nations, like UAE, Bahrain etc. Their land is sparsely populated. Yet they do not allow the foreign labourer to get any level of residence rights, other than for the purpose of working. And they are not fools. They live in close quarters to the varying feudal nations, and possibly to some extent they may themselves have some level of experience in this aspect. And do you think that they face any problem, with regard to the labour force?

Why should the English nations give full citizenship rights to the thousands of immigrants that come in search of work here? I personally think it is time for all English nations to think of bringing a stop to this exploitation of English magnanimity. There was a period of time, till about the end of the 1980's, when citizenship granting to foreigners could be justified. Now is the time for some level of introspection; if it is not done now, then there may be no other occasion; for, the variety of languages, and societies, and cultures would creep into all government institutions, including judiciary, and then it would be pandemonium revisited.

About the policy of immigration, one of the most stupid things is the fact that an immigrant worker who comes legally by passing a low standard English exam, can later bring his or her spouse, who need not know English. Also, their parents also get the right to enter. Well, it is an unstoppable chain; and within a matter of ten years not only the demographic looks of USA would change unbelievably, but also, the present day Americans would face a very disconcerting issue of being seen as a sort of culprit race, who had exploited the human race for so many years, and need to be justifiably punished. This would be the charge of the new occupants of the land. If the policy makers can't discern the grave danger in this, then I must say that the collective wisdom of the nation is already damaged. And needs immediate medical help.

I need to say that I do have some very constructive ideas to convey, by which the English nations can protect themselves; at the same time, be the saviours of the immense number of persons who are living in various feudal language nations, awaiting an intelligent intervention from the English nations, to cut the fine strings that bind them down. This theme may require another writing.



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