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Post Info TOPIC: Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part I Progression of logic


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Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part I Progression of logic

This article was posted on on Posted 09 January 2007 - 06:21 PM
It took me a long time to reach the mental calibre to writ Codes of reality! What is language? I had to experiment with a lot of other writings that ultimately led me to the subject matter in that book. Given below are a series of writings that I started from January 2007 on the website Currently that site has changed into an immigration site all these posts are made invisible. However, I have the copies of my postings on that site.
I have written much on a particular aspect of language study, and its multifarious affects on human beings, on this forum pages. Even though I have done a major study on this them; here on this forum, I could give only a very cursory detail of it. The ideas mentioned were more or less what I had felt from the very dawn of my childhood. And I converted them into writing some 15 years ago.

But then, during the last 15 years, my understanding of this subject has gone much deeper. It has actually reached a sort of metaphysical level. I could call it the Secondary Level. In many ways, it is a development from the Primary Level. In the Primary level, I had contemplated on a theme connected to feudal verses non-feudal inputs in the codes in the language software. And due to the limitations of my knowledge of other languages, I had to extrapolate it from an English verses Feudal languages arena; even though its ambit cannot be confined to a mere conflict between English and Feudal languages. From this Primary Level, I could explain immense elements of Human behaviour, which are usually explained away in a most cursory manner as cultural differences.

Since I was not very successful in bringing out the Primary Level ideas as a major subject for academic debate, it had seemed pretty silly to continue expounding on the Secondary Levels. Yet, since I find that I can place those ideas on these forum pages, I am doing it.

The Secondary Level does not seek out the feudal verses non-feudal elements in languages. Rather it moves to contemplate on the other codes and various other aspects of language; its connection with human aura, how the codes and its affects can travel through the various other Systems (human beings and also other beings); what can trigger certain hidden codes, and what can activate, pause, and resume the activation etc.

In certain areas, the activators do exist outside the physical body of the living (human) beings. The initial area of this theme can be of the mundane variety. For example there can be certain physical objects or persons who or which can exist as sort of Convex lenses, Concave Lenses, and then there is an effect which I can only categories as a Night Vision Affect. Moreover persons and events get linked through codes, sentences, and other codes.

Even though the terms that I have given here may seem exotic, they will be very easy to understand, once I propose them. Yet, these are only the initial areas of the Secondary Level. I aim to reach a level of contemplation, wherein the codes in the languages, may be seen to exist in very close proximity to the mystic realms of Mantra, Tantra, Magic words, and also where one may literally create a human being from codes. For English also has codes, that activate and design human preoccupations. Yet, these very codes get highlighted and emphasised when seen through languages like my own vernacular. This highlighting facilitates study.

I have not done any writing on this extended theme. What I aim to continue to say exists in a vague manner in my mind. To bring it to lucidity, I need to create the ideas in words and put it down. This can also make the theme clearer to me.

Being good in English and my own local vernacular did spark my thoughts in this direction. One of the earliest feelings that I had on seeing the difference between English and my vernacular was that there was a sort of Black Magic in my vernacular, which was not even contemplate-able from English. In a way, speaking and thinking in my vernacular could bring in very formidable moods and emotions which by their very power could activate so many human activities, trigger violent passions, and even design the very looks and expressions of the persons involved and that of their dwelling places.

Actually this minor dialogue need not be a major discovery, in that in computer codes, a single word can activate an external machinery like the Printer.

A few educated persons who are good in English in my nation have told me that Englishmen cannot understand our themes. It is true. For, we do exist in a very weird world of Black Magic. Yet, not much persons care to think about it. For, everyone lives in a most narrow space in this world, having to live according to the rules applicable in that narrow space. In this narrow space, the rules in application are found to be true; and it is only intelligent to live as per those rules and make a good living, even if it hues them with displeasing Black or timorous Yellow. The colours meant here is not physical, but connected to some inner aura.

I am sure it is Englishmen who have literally made fascinating pioneering discoveries in almost all fields of human knowledge. Yet, in the theme that I am proposing, I am sure they would have to stand on the sidelines and behold what emerges; for they do not live in the creepy world of diabolic codes in human communication. And they can only perceive the codes from its effects, not from the power of the codes themselves. That part is left for the doomed citizens of Boogey Land to discern.

In recent years, Hollywood has been bringing out immense films on evil personalities, evil machineries and much else. (It is true that most of these films do lack the poetic beauty of older English film, which had an essential native Englishness about them). These films miss the mark by light-years, as to what is the essence of evilness. Also they have not been able to focus on what is the essential code that makes men crave for power. What is the essential encrypted code that make say, Winston Churchill or Robert Clive different from Adolph Hitler, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Saddam Hussein? What propelled these latter men to strive for a most contorted form of Leadership? Also, what propels everyone for leadership, even Robert Clive and Churchill included?

This last paragraph does not really belong to the Secondary Level, but really exists in the Primary Level, that I have proposed.

I have to cut short here. Paucity of time is the reason.

I hope to continue.





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This article was posted on on Posted 09 January 2007 - 06:21 PM





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Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part I Progression of logic

There are many things I can write on, to continue my dissertation on the Secondary levels on language codes. In fact a lot of things are overflowing on to my mind. Yet, for the purpose of careful conveying of ideas, I need to take pain to move at a slow pace.


I cannot claim that everything that I propose is original and not of occurrence to anyone else; even though generally in my writings on language issues, I have very rarely used ideas from other persons.


Today I aim to write on certain things, which are not fully connected to languages; yet, I need to write them for I hope to use them later in the later stages of this proposition. What I am writing here occurred to me; yet, it is something that must have occurred to many others, especially those in the field of computer programming.


I have mentioned in my write-up on Muthappan that it is possible that some particular code or program is being activated in the man who gets possessed. Today I intend to expand on this theme. I am sure that the reader may not fully realise where my arguments are heading on to, even after reading todays write-up to the end.


The reader may be knowing about the computer software Adobe PhotoShop. Using this application, one can edit and create many affects on images, pictures and photos. This application is running on pre-set computer language lines and codes. Yet, as one works on photos and images, new codes and lines gets written, and remain as intricate part of the edited images, in addition to what they already had.


Now think of one specific Robot, programmed to carry eggs from one room to the kitchen. It has pre-written lines in its software, as per which it does it the work. One fine morning, as it comes to the storeroom, instead of eggs, it finds a newspaper. It scans the item, then searches its memory, finds what it is, and then takes it to the parlour and keeps it on the reading table.


When it does this, actually as happened in the case of the PhotoShop image, a new set of lines are being created. For each action, for example, turning to the right, then left, a specific set of lines may be created and stored and used.


Now, compare this same scenario to that of a man. Whatever he is doing is actually something wherein a particular set of codes or lines of program are being utilised or created. When he bends, turns to the right, picks up something, and all else, actually some program line or code is being written; I do not know where. It, most probably is not in the same world that we exist in; but in some other cyber world, where everything gets encoded and stored. It may be noted that the codes that I am speaking of here is not the software on which the brain is working; but of something which is beyond the software used in the brain; so that even this software used in the brain is actually a creation of the other one, that I speak of.


Now we have reached a premise, wherein the proposition gets connected to what one may call lines of destiny or what in Indian languages is called writings on the head. Yet, what I proposed may not be entirely lines that foretell destiny; it may be simply that whatever we are doing can be seen in another arena in terms of lines of codes; I do not know what language, or what type of script, neither can I imagine the surface where it is so done.


As to the lines being created in computers, one can easily see it when using such programs as Adobe DreamWeaver, used in Web designing. Whatever manipulations are being done on the web design can be seen as changes in the codes, by just clicking on the Code View.


Again I must extend my proposition. When this is the scenario, it also comes about that all information that gets moved around among human beings are also actually codes that activate many actions and emotions. It may even include a simple calling out loudly. Instead of understanding a calling by mouth as one of sound emanated from the mouth, it will be seen encoded as a series of specific lines of codes that contain powerful inputs for initiating various actions, causing emotions, commands for actions, requests, apology, and much else.


It then is seen possible to go into the interiors of these signals, and encrypt a lot of intense other codes, that can initiate or define many other things.


What I am proposing here may be simply stated as that we are really susceptible and controlled by a lot of still un- understood codes that are very, very powerful.


I can at this moment enlarge the concept and state that even the physical body of a man and other objects are all creations of some super computer codes; as in the case of images, animation characters, and such else. Yet, this statement has no relevance here, and if at all I need to use this, it can only come much later.


Then there is the connections between incidences, events, places and such other things, which are in physical terms separated much by time, and distances. Something that happened much time ago, has a link to so many persons and subsequent events. Now, it has been discovered that clues to a murder committed much time ago, can be collected from the DNA in the hair of the murderer found at the site; even if the murder had taken place in the last century. This link was there always; yet, one could use this link only when modern science came across DNAs and such things.


Similarly events and places still have an unseen link through words and sentences. Yet what is seen here only the physical affect of the words and sentences; actually what these words and sentences connect is through some other unknown codes; even though at present we have no understanding about them.


Also, it may later be seen that distances between places and objects can be different when one goes through some other non-physical media. Like a man on a ship can be close to his home when his wife tries to connect to him through this media. Actually such gadgets as the phone, TV and Internet have achieved this to some extent, in physical terms. Yet, it is possible that there are other routes that come with more power, and precision.


Now consider another scenario: Vasco da gamas ship is moving across the Indian Ocean after having crossed the Cape of Good Hope for the first time. This scene is being visualised from space by an intelligent entity.


He is bound to reach India, causing immense changes in the socio-cultural settings and also severely affecting the future history of that place. At the same time, the society in India is structured by codes into a definite pattern or design. One can see Vasco Da Gamas ship as a particular code or command, which moves across the oceans and reaches India, where it creeps into the codes already in existence over there. It dislodges many lines in the native codes, rewrites many, deletes many, and does such other things; ultimately rearranging the social pattern. History is prompted to remould.


At the higher level where this type of envisaging is possible, all universal incidences can be seen as mighty lines in some mighty computer language.


Yet, where does language come into all this? It is my belief that the software called language may have a great connection to these things, maybe not in a direct manner. Or at least one may be able to approach these things through the study of the inner codes in language.


Again, when talking about languages like Modern (British/American) English, there is one thing that needs to be pointed out. These languages can be compared to water flows that move on horizontal planes. Feudal or structured languages are like different waterfalls, falling down from different heights. Each having different potential energies that can impart different kinetic energies on the impacted surfaces.


Now, it has come to my understanding that it is this tremendous difference in the feudal languages that makes them contain very powerful, yet malignant as well as evil potentials. Yet, by studying them, one may be able to discern the power that lies inside them. By studying the interiors of English, one may not be able to see any codes and such things unless one has fantastically more understanding on this subject.


What I am trying to state is still in a hazy way in my mind. The things stated above needs to be connected to the next part of the concept. How this is to be done, and what is the next part that needs to be put first, is not yet clear to me.


Yet, I can state here that the idea that is converging in my mind is that society is bound by unseen codes. From here I need to go into the theme of what are these codes. What are the characters that they do possess, and what gives them these characters?


I need to wait till I can propose them. Maybe I need to approach the theme from another direction.





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Secondary levels on language codes: Part III The Software

I had intended to continue this topic at the pace of one chapter every three months, in the understanding that I may get around 50 readers in that time. Yet, I was suddenly over taken by a stroke of heavy work, which literally swallowed up my whole time. There was also a bout of health breakdown due to heavy work.

The time problem, and also a slight vestige of the health problem, continues. Yet, I hope to continue this topic.

I think I need to bring up one more proposition to prop up my other contentions. I have already stated that all physical objects including the living, as well as events, actions, emotions and all else can be viewed as a complex maze of codes in some super computer language.

It then follows that the shape of things and eventualities can be changed by a change in the value in the appropriate area. For example, even gravity can be changed by a change a specific value; it can not only be increased and decreased, but also made to become zero, and also negative.

I may need to give more inputs here, but let me move on for the moment.

What could be the essential difference between the living being and the non-living physical object? As per the current scientific understanding, it could be that organic molecules have assembled themselves in a particular manner to create an extremely complex interacting system, the very interaction itself creating a different thing called life. From the physical level of viewing things, this is true, and need not be tampered with as an understanding of reality.

Yet, this thing called life can also be viewed from the other arena that I propose as a different proposition. I would suggest that special-life-inducing software is being superimposed on the other software, which already has created the physical world. (I am not in a position to propose who does this).

Then, all live symptoms are lines in the codes in the software; and there being an element of values encrypted. For example, the heartbeat is 72 (I think) per minute. I do not know what is the understanding of current Medical knowledge that explains this number; yet, as per the codes, there would be a specific value that keeps this number intact. It also means that it can be tampered with or changed, by simply having the value altered in the arena of the codes.

Recently my eyesight started becoming weak, due to overwork on the computer. Most of the persons of my age do have power glass for Short sight. I did not need it. I had once worn glass during my adolescence. I detested glass, due to the general nuisance it extended. Now the possibility of one donning my face again became real

Just before going to the optician, I just went to the Homeopathy doctor, next door. I asked whether Homeopathy had any cure for Short sight. The doctor, an acquaintance of mine, was not very keen to try Homeopathy for this problem. He told me that Homeopathy may not be effective in gross pathological change. I insisted. He said that are medicines mentioned, but he had never tried it on anyone.

We went through the medical texts; we got the medicine. He gave me a few doses for two days; the second day to be three days after the first.

I took the first days tablets. By evening my eyesight had improved significantly. After the second days medicine intake, there was phenomenal improvement. The doctor himself was taken aback.

Due to my preoccupation with language codes and such things, I have had taken a very serious interest in the subject of Homeopathy, even though I do not know much about the medicines in it.

What I have tested with this cure on my eyesight was that Homeopathic inputs were really entering into the area where the particular value for the focus of my lens was encoded. It was more or less, doing a Cntrl Z (Go back) command to the change.

For some years, due to this coincidental meeting with this Homeopathy doctor, I have come to some understanding on Homeopathy. I have come to the emerging understanding that this is a field of not only medicine, but may be of also many other things, that can directly linked to super codes of the super software that make life. Homeopathy itself does call this as the Vital force. It seems to me that this Vital force is actually the superimposed software that superimposes life on non-living matter.

It may be noted that I do think that even non-living object is actually a creation of some software.

Before moving ahead, I do want to state that it is possible to control the requirements of ordinary life, including the need to eat, drink, and much else by simple reaching out to this arena of the software and making necessary changes, or simple activating the Pause key, and such other things.

The aura that I have mentioned in my earlier posts (Part I or II) can really be the Life Software of Vital Force.

I do not know whether I have come to some allusion to the occult science of numerology. It is possible that values as numbers may have connections to encoding. Yet, whether what I propose can link up with numerology, I do not know. The problem with such sciences as numerology and astrology is that even if they do contain solid contents of exact study material, all its exponents are mere practitioners of a vaguely understood art. None of them being able to expound on the machinery or exact logic on which it works.

Going beyond this I may propose that one may go even further to understand that all physical events, and objects are connected by the software that creates them. So that even coincidences are not mere coincidences, but really the running of the codes that arranges coincidences, loops, hairbreadth escapes and much else.

Now, the question comes to why I need to bring out all this type of awkward propositions into the dimension of a discussion of languages. It is because I do think that there are powerful codes in the software called languages that can reach out to the super codes that design life and events.

Its existence and effects cannot be easily displayed through English. Using other languages that contain powerful codes of varying power, I can show how it does it.

Words have powerful effects. I have experimented with its power, and seen that it can even design human looks. In the long term, it can singularly affect even anthropological features. It is directly linked to the different levels of human aura. All human beings are not equal. This aura defines the level. Yet, language and words can redefine it and its elevation or subjugation.

It is my belief that many modern fields of human knowledge, including anthropology, psychology, and much else, even physics, may remain incomplete without an understanding on this theme. Even the superbly shallow subject of International Relations, may profit much from this theme. Even the issue on Iraq may need urgent understanding from this. For, America, despite all its good intentions, is literally in an ocean of meagre understandings. It is a dangerous situation.

I think I have made some base for my arguments. Now, hopefully, I can move forward with my original intention on language codes. Again, I must concede that even though I have not taken any idea from anyone else, it is possible that there have been others who have imagined things in close proximity to my own contentions.





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Secondary levels on language codes: Part IV Creating a Power

I am extremely thankful to the readers, who have come to read this series of posting, this being the no: 4. The number of readers is small, so it is more endearing.

At present I am terribly short of time; my spare time I do content development. The brain gets clogged with so many things. I need a clear mood to write this theme.

I am sure that at least a few of the readers must be thinking that I am surely going off my rockers with the strange level of propositions. I hope to make amend for all that, since I intend to come down to the real world as one experiences it, and start from more solid foundations.

As to the preposterousness of my contentions, at least in my last post (no:3), I can assure you they are no more preposterous than the famous Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe. The theory leaves us in the more or less same level of bewilderment as we had as we started to view the beginning of the universe.

That of the universe starting as a small ball, standing nowhere, with no external areas, then one fine morning, it explodes (into what)?

The perception of the whole universe expanding; well, it is more or less a problem of perception. There are so many things that are not perceivable for the human senses. And most of our perceptions are basically misperceptions defined by the limitations of our senses.

Now let me start at the mundane levels of human existence.

I want to tell about certain powers in the language that are real and very powerful. Many of these powers are there in English also, but at very, very timid levels of energy. The powers that I speak of are very visible in feudal languages.

Actually, I can think of immense items to speak of. Yet, for the sake of consistency and comprehension, I need to take them one at a time. Here I need to go to an area, where it can transcend to the primary areas of language codes. In fact, it is the area from where the materialistic themes start moving into the cyber world.

I need to start from a particular combination of human existence as designed in feudal languages.

It is like the thermocouple. Two mutually opposite entities are placed in a specific position relative to each other. A particular type of energy entirely different from both in physical form emerges. I will name it here for convenience as the two-some cell. (I hate terminology as I have found that most shallow studies are given a feel of profundity with a series of contrived terminologies. The term I used here is not a terminology, but only to help me use it again.)

I am talking about the superior and the inferior existing in a close relationship in a feudal language setting. This association is a very powerful one, and when they exist as a conjoining entity, they are of extreme capacities, in terms of society and everything about human living.

I am entering into the area of ordinary language, conversation and communication. The superior in a feudal language like Tamil, Hindi and such else is couched in a web of superior words. Now, it is not just plain words, actually what it weaves is a web of a very powerful aura, that can protect this person from so many attacks, both physical as well as verbal. The words of You, He She Him Her For him for her, his or her name and much else is of a particular pattern that is interrelated.

Now who concedes this superiority? There are a definite group of persons who do it with conviction and rigid loyalty. Now, in ordinary English understanding, it may defined as the leader being formed by the presence of followers. Yet, it is not so simple in feudal languages.

Now, this superior is entitled to address and weave his specific inferiors with a wide pattern of lower level words. Now, do not think that the lower persons would take it as an affront. No, they wont. They would willingly concede to the suppression and really be glad that it has been achieved. Those who do not, fall outside the domain of the two-some cell that I have mentioned.

Now, this two-some cell can approach any human entity and cause affect on it. For starting from simple understandings, let me say that if any third person or persons come into the proximity of this two-some, so many manipulations can be done by this two-some entity. For example, a single word of superior indicant level by the superior person can convey a very powerful aura to the third person. This is again amplified by the use of the same by the lower level persons in the cell.

At the same time, a single remark that does not concede this superiority to the third person by the superior in the cell, can literally make the person sort of impotent. This is amplified immensely by the grabbing of the content by the lowers in the cell, and their proclaiming it.

Now, I need to tell about what is gained and what is lost.

A simple higher indicant word used by a superior with regard to a third person conveys a very powerful pattern of words on to this person and he is literally encased in a fabric woven by these words, which sort of plug various levels of vulnerabilities depending on the level of words. The whole power that has now descendent on him is conveyed around by the lower persons in the cell. What it does to him or her in the materialistic sense is that doors starts opening, things start moving, people become courteous, in short a very powerful propelling force surround him, and can lead him to leadership, success, financial acumen and much more. It depends.

At the same time, a negative word addressed to him or used in reference to him in the presence of the lower persons in the cell, can grip him or her with the most negative forces.
Doors can shut, moving things slow down, people keep away if he or she tries to be affable, and try to snub or suppress if it is possible. The force that surrounds him can push him or her into social disasters, and financial decline.

Now, the native English speaker may identify all this with the affect of opinions, and such other things. It is true that there is remarkable similarity; yet, that is the only level to which a native English speaker can come to comprehending the phenomena. For example, think of a very bad story about a person having spread in a particular area. All his efforts at affable relations in this area will be repelled by a web of this negative impression. It is a similar issue; it can be seen from English, and from the world of codes in a different manner. The issue I mentioned earlier is similar, but not same.

Now let me talk about how this two-some cell functions. It is quite different from any phenomena that the Englishman can understand. During the colonial days, English observers had noted that in India, the more the feudal lord snubs and suppresses the serf, the more respectful and loyal he become. The phenomenon is entirely different from the necessities of English, wherein courtesy begets courtesy.

Now, there are certain features of this cell that needs to be understood. The more lower the standards of the lower groups in the cell, the more powerful it can be. Therefore, any person or entity can be brought to that level by just making that person or entity equal to the lower level. It is a commonly used technique in India; that of making an adversary or a person who irritates to be forced to communicate with the lower part of the cell on a level of equality, either enforced or naturally. The thing about the lower part is that a very visible negativity settles on them, in looks, expression, ways and manners and even in speech. The more unbearable they are, they more effective they are. And the more becomes the negativity of an interaction with them.

This cell is a common entity all over India. They exist in various forms, many of them intersecting into each other, as the social settings vary. The master and servant, the senior government and junior most official, the schoolteacher and students, Gandhi and his followers, and much else. The more lower you keep them, the more respectful they are.

Now, it must be emphasised again that the more is the distance in quality between the higher and lower parts, the more is the power this cell has. A very severe example can be the relationship between Indian policemen and the common public of India. The Indian policemen are literally crude, and certainly of the lowest class in terms of culture. The police officer-constable combine is a very powerful cell, wherein the lower placed constable (actually a sipay (peon)) is allowed to keep the majority population below them in indicant words. It literally cripples the whole personality of the common Indian.

The other thing is the play of this force in caste features. The lower caste man, the lower he or she is, carries a most heinous negativity enforced on him or her by the use of lower indicant words on them. By thus making them the core of negativity, they are seen as the harbingers of negative social force on others. The negativity they carry and convey are real, and scientifically observable. So that they are given the wide breadth.

When the lower part is made equal to another outside entity, that person or entity literally goes down to the level of the lower class. In a way this phenomena can be understood in English also, but the strange effect of indicant words are still not understandable.

Likewise, the more lower in quality, standards and financial acumen the lower part of the cell is in, the more vulnerable and inferior it is. It is in a most inarticulate state with regard to the other higher entities in society. It is very vulnerable. Yet, this class simply sticks to the higher part of the cell with a ferocious level of loyalty. It is the duty of the higher part to see that the lower part does not come up to his or her level. Yet, it should give a seeming level of protection from the other elements of society. This mutual symbiotic relationship carries a very powerful association.

Now these dialogues are precisely in the region bordering the primary and secondary level of language codes. Now, I propose to enter into the secondary levels fully. The roots are definitely in the primary levels. Do this force that I have proposed as real, really have an existence of its own, that it really travels through some other medium that it reaches out to the people and places at far distances? That is the moot question here.

I know it does. The evidence can be produced later. Now let me relate the preliminaries.

For that I should mention the languages. I know the basics of Hindi, and Tamil. Both are feudal. Yet, Hindi is much more lesser in this factor, that a South Indian man, who speaks Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam will find it more easier to converse in Hindi.

Now, generally in south Indian languages like Tamil and Malayalam, I have seen the use of titles to adorn the names of seniors. For example, in Malayalam I have heard a police constable saying, There is a message from the Commissioner Adheham. The word Adheham only means him in a superlative form of indicant level. Yet, the dialogue in Malayalam can very well be There is a message from the Commissioner. Yet, when the constable says this simple sentence, in a place where the earlier sentence is used, there is a spontaneous eroding of the commissioner's command; even though he is not anywhere near that place, and he or she wouldnt even have heard the sentence.

If this simplified sentence gets repeated by other constables, there is a singular weakening of the power of the Commissioner. It is true that the hierarchical structure of the bureaucracy and the police administration will repair it automatically. Yet, if the same thing happens in the case of a superior person who has no such structure to repair the damage, there is a very tangible power disappearing.

Usually the police commissioner will lose his Adheham tail from the communication code of these people only, if he is disgraced and loses his job. There are other far fetched scenarios that can bring delete, like his wife moving with relatively lower class companions, his daughter marrying into a common mans son, who is a menial worker and such. So, when the police constable delete this tail, the code that get conveyed is similar to these far-fetched scenarios. All this has a powerful affect, which can also have a domino affect and go on pulling the shutters on so many of his worldly affairs. For, actually when his sons is proposing to marry an ordinary craftsmans daughter, what he is doing is bringing disruptive affects on the codes that keep his father in power, and in a position of social protection. In a way, what he is doing is informing others to delete the Adheham from his fathers features. It does a corresponding change in the cyber codes.

Yet, generally government officials in India are generally immune to the violent rocking that these things can do. You can imagine the plight of the Malayalam speaking people as they are kept under the lower level of words by the lowly policemen. It is a common phenomenon all over India. This theme requires a separate page to delineate.

There are many aspects to this phenomena. It may require detailed writing.

I will conclude for the time being with this one simple story. There is a south Indian film, about the seafaring folks. When the husband goes forth into the sea, it is the fidelity of the wife that ensures this safe homecoming. There is a connection in this to the feudal language. Fidelity can be at different levels; not just sexual fidelity. Sexual infidelity is only one of the worst negativities. Yet, all this are connected to the particular language structure. For, fidelity, association, companionship, conceding of leadership and listening to another person, all do create very definite changes in the language codes. They are powerful and have real physical powers. One that can convey as well as deprive a person of physical protection and safety. Many of the powers I want to mention do not work in English. Yet, it is the presence of English and its stark difference that highlighted the codes; for me to note.

I need to continue.

In between, I need to continue another theme. Consider a robot. It is carrying a gun. It walks inside a room, takes aim, and shoots straight. Yet, the moment it presses the trigger, an appropriate value in the computer language line, makes the hand bend and the bullet hits its own leg. Similarly, a man is aiming a gun. At the moment, he presses the trigger, a value change is induced in the software controlling him. His hand bend down, and he shoots himself.





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Secondary levels on language codes: Part V The Psychic subjugation

On the borderline
I am now thinking of treading the very preliminaries of a vast idea. Actually, this posting today is really a part or a continuation of the last part (Part IV). Since the wordings got lengthened last time, and I was not in a mood for a very clear writing, this has become a separate heading. Yet, it does not matter.

Introducing Mediums
Now I have conveyed the idea of a group of persons carrying a very powerful negativity. To define it more precisely, let me say that in certain structured languages, when you place a group of people below a particular section, they accrue this powerful negativity. Now this section of people are in a sort of layer, like one would say a medium of air and a medium of water. When you place something inside water and look from the air, there is a necessary change of dimensions; actually, it is an affect of light diffraction, and its intensity is connected to something called refractive index. Actually, my contention is that a similar component can be measured for these different levels of human existence.

I can give specific examples of such human existence.

Convex Lens
Now let me continue without digressing into that. Before that for the sake of convenience, let me say that particular levels of human beings who create the change in subordinate human beings need to be named as Convex lens layer; they will have focal lengths and power and even focus, with which they can create so many effects; both of enlarging, minimising and also even of burning up an entity.

Structured languages and feudal languages
Before going ahead I need to explain a particular affect of structured languages. Actually I had used the term, feudal language in many of my writings here; but in a debate on this site and another site, one of the readers here had suggested the word, structured language and brought up French as an example. I do not know French, even though I have discussed about French and France in my book.

Human Pyramids as social structure
When one says the word feudal or structured language, the impression is of a language with hierarchical words, which arrange human beings in a sort of military like arrangement. It is possible that it can be so, in certain times and social conditions, which are nowadays rare, and also always so. Actually, what this type of languages creates is a sort of human pyramids. That is there are so many pyramid like relationships in society; with each pyramid being headed a single person, and so many others falling under it. Currently, this is a very dynamic situation with each pyramid trying to eat into the other. Also, there will be Pyramids in a most mixed up situation. And many pyramids exist under larger pyramids.

If the reader cannot make a head or tail of what I am speaking, kindly leave it for the time being. For, it may take us to an entire different area (Primary language codes).

This much I have said about the Pyramids is just for the mention at the correct position.

The Millstone
Now think about the negative energy in the lower placed individuals. Their mention of equality with a higher up person is like tying a millstone on the latters neck. Socially it pulls him down to the depths.

An Example
I will explain this with an example understandable in English; but mind you in the languages that I am thinking of there is the additional factor of ;\indicant words, with which English has no connection with.

One elegant (first)man (feudal language) comes to a new town and takes residence. He wants to meet the social elite in this town. Then he is introduced to an amiable (second)person who has the right physical bearings. They become intellectually close to the point of addressing each other by name. Here the situation actually diverges from English understanding; for the words of address etc. change. The words you, he his etc. go into the intimate form, which is also the lower form.

The next day, the elegant man goes to meet another socially elegant (third)man; he meets him and is arriving at a dignified level of close acquaintance with this man. They are coming out from the building. At that moment, the other (second)acquaintance from the previous day comes and grabs his hand and says; Hi, what are you doing here? addressing him by name. In English, there is no great problem with this speech. Yet, in feudal languages, this speech is connected to so many social levels and containments.

No major problem so far. Suddenly the new acquaintance of this day, the social elegant (third) person, says, Are you acquainted with this fellow? He is my peon. I am sure the English native speaker can understand the situation and its piquancy. Yet, there is another area, which only persons who are acquainted with feudal languages can discern.
The moment the third man says that the new (first) acquaintance is a friend of his peon, there is a very powerful tearing out of the first persons royal aura, with which only the third person can communicate. Not just the third person, every man in the scene understands this. The first person simply withers away.

Assigning the positions
Now, I have used this anecdote to illustrate. Persons can argue nothing has happened and all such things. However, what has happened here is in the cyber media, which is not physical. Even though the English speaker may have understood this concept, the overall effect in the feudal language is of the nth degree and beyond his comprehension.
(I remember the film Crown in the jewel where Hari Kumar (harry koomer) is literally unacknowledged by this British friend Brown, when both return to India and meet in a setting where Brown is a military officer surrounded by loyal Indian soldiers, and Harry is just an Indian.)

Here the third person is the convex lens, and the second person is the entity placed in the lower medium. The first person gets powerfully infected with a severe negativity.

Evil eye, psychic attacks and such
Now, I aim to go into the realm of the evil eye, psychic attack and such things as applicable here.

When an person is in the lower medium and there is a convex lens in proximity, he carries a very powerful negative energy. At the same time, he feels his own negativity. Such persons instinctively develop a value system to measure and find out who is in his own medium and who are above. At the same time, what another person can do to avoid being entrapped into the same medium is to clock himself with an aura of superiority; which in physical terms means, have himself attired with superior words.

Any intimacy without this protective attire can plunge him into the lower medium.

Now, any contact with the lower person has its danger points, where the aura gets erased. For example, there can be evaluation items where the other person may lose points. One major item can be age, which in many feudal languages is a measure of superiority.

The Psychic subjugation: The eyesNow consider a superior aura young girl coming into contact with a lower medium elder individual. If the superiority is strictly enforced, not much problem. Yet, when the enforcing power is weak, the other item for measurement comes up; that is the lower age. The lower indicant words come into play; the girl is literally at the mercy of the lower person; her superior aura is erased and she literally starts exhibiting lower class and below aura. She is made to do that; by the powerful force of lower words.

Now, even though I have mentioned words of address, there is actually no need to speak. The essential changes in code words (indicant words) are done speechlessly inside the mind. Then this mans very eyes are dangerous. For, there is a different manner of looking at higher indicant persons from that of looking at lower indicant persons. When a superior young girl has lost her aura in the mind of lower medium person, her very presence in that persons sight has danger. He speechlessly looks at her with a different vision. It has its immediate affect on the girl. Yet, she can save herself to some extent by not looking at his eyes. Yet, if there are others in the vicinity, the lower mans visual character would convey the message to them also. It then depends who they are; whether are inclined to restore the girls aura or not. If not, the girls will severely be affected. For, to save herself she has to avoid all these eyes; which in itself is subjugating.

The Psychic subjugation: The touch
There is a similar affect when this girls shoulder or some other part is held by the lower medium person. The feel of lower medium persons touch varies as per his mental acknowledgment. If he acknowledges her superiority, it is one feel; if not another. The latter is crippling.

What is the code that gets conveyed through the vision and touch needs to be discussed. There are codes; similar to software codes, involved.

Historical examples
I can continue on this; but then the words are increasing. So, I will conclude this part (Part V) with some historical examples.

The severe moods of Indian caste systems can be connected to this. Even un-touch-ablity, inauspicious human beings, etc. can be thus connected.

I have heard of Asian black magician claiming that White man can be immune to their endeavours. It need not be correct. Even if it is true, only White men having languages similar to English can be immune.

Now, what about an English child brought up in Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi etc? Well, the white genes are not going to protect it. It is as vulnerable to the above-mentioned attacks as any other Asian child. To check this fact, any reader can talk to any English (White) person who had been brought up in the above-mentioned languages. I am not sure if they may have thought about it.

There is one book Shadow of the moon written by Kaye, the author of Jewel in the Crown, I read in my childhood. In that book, the protagonist is an English girl brought up in Hindi among Hindi speaking Indian servants, and her vulnerability when she return to India. Her India is different from an average Englishmans India of that time. I am not sure if the author(ess) is aware of the factors I have mentioned.

There is another book: Gullian by Frank Yerb. This also I read in my childhood. Beautiful Gullian was looked after by an African servant women since childhood. They converse in some African lingo. Gullian has a double personality; one is very negative and dangerous. It is alluded to that the African women is practising voodoo on her. Actually, the voodoo is in the language of conversation and it is very powerful.

To a limited extend such themes as Apartheid, racism etc. can be connected to this theme. Yet, the racism in English nations needs a wider ambit of discussion. What happens in South Africa can be really connected. The fearful aversion of English colonialist towards close social interaction with the native population has one component from this; there are other components, also. Another place to see this is in the Middle East nations like Dubai, AbuDhabi and such, where there exists a very powerful, non-tangible caste like structure, with the English and the Americans existing in the top. That also has a definite link to the subject matter.

Now a theme from the Cyber world.
Due to my Physics background, I remember that to some extent that all motions can be defined by mathematical equations. Take a bullet. It is fired. Its motion can be described by a mathematical equation. Similarly, the bullet can be created by a software writings. It moves to hit a man. When it penetrates the man, the codes have to change to accommodate the tear in the flesh; for the man is also a creation of a software.
Now at a particular position of movement of the bullet, before it hits the man, the software codes does not allow it go forward. What happens? The bullet stops. The man is cloaked with a bulletproof vest created by the software.





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A few days back I saw the excerpts of an interview with Eddy Harris in an Indian English magazine. Though I do not usually find this magazine very impressive, the words of Eddy Harris was really stirring. He says:


I am fascinated by the split personality in India and the differences between English-speaking and non English-speaking population here.

It is a very intelligent observation, much close to what such persons as Robert Clive saw at close quarters, and has been much invisible to modern academic experts. However, the observation remains at a periphery levels of the depths of the subject.

I have not been continuing my writing on the theme of Secondary codes for quite some time. It is because of extreme paucity of time. It is not the lack of time to write, but lack of space in my mind, as it remains terribly preoccupied by other things that require extreme intellect inputs.






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Secondary levels of language codes Part VI The Evil Eye and other effects

The parameters of my profession
I should not tarry much with the theme of negativity and should make haste to move on, for the themes that pulsate in my mind are much more complicated. Yet, I cannot leave it without saying something more about it.

I did think of writing on this theme two or three times, yet it requires a special mood, and a strange way of thinking to feel out the fine strands that I wish to illuminate. Moreover, since the idea is being developed with no other platform or foundation to get support from, at times, I do feel daunted that I have ever strived upon this endeavour.

One other problem that I face is that there are so many bits of ideas in my head, which are connected to this central theme, that I do not know where each should fit in; and where each should be connected to.

Another thing that I need to stress again is that the theme may oscillate between primary codes and secondary codes; the primary code part I have dealt in detail in my book.

The Social Well
I had mentioned that feudal language society might be arranged in the form of intersecting pyramids; some of which might even be fully encased in other ones. Yet, there is another feel to the social experience that needs to be explained.

The language codes can give a well-like effect to the persons in the society. That is, persons in the lower bottom of the language codes can be felt to be existing in the depths of the society. Any person from the higher parts of this well, if he or she happens to descend to the bottom levels, due to any particular catastrophic event in life (be it financial decline, social status decline, loss of professional status etc.) can then feel the powerful effect of being in the lower part of this well.

Now, the native English speaker may feel that this is an emotion (just an emotion, it would be contended) that is very well understandable. Yet, the truth is that this is not so. In a feudal language situation, the persons in the lower part of the well are connected to each other in very fierce level of language codes, which can really encase a person. And each person in the relative higher echelons of society are connected from the bottom not in a linear manner, but by powerful codes of respect.

These codes of respect are actually double-edged; in that the person who stands in the lower part, when he concedes the respect, is also acknowledging his own inferiority, inadequacy and lowliness.

Now here there is another phenomenon that is generated spontaneously. The person in the lower ring of the well strives to display strings of connection to the persons in the higher rings, to others around him. The more effectively he is able to display it, the more effective can be his own stature among the persons in the lower ring.

What are spontaneously generated is that certain symbolic scenes, certain loaded words and sentences and such other things become very powerful codes in this scenario. What I am trying to convey now is relatively simple to understand, and possibly a known thing. I can explain it by a simple scene: A man of not known social stature is standing on the roadside. Suddenly a vehicle carrying a very senior police official stops, and out of it comes out the senior police official. This official advances to the man on the side of the road and extends him his hand in a gesture of very close acquaintance. Now, this scene has been enacted right in front of many other persons of the lower ring. What then happens to the stature of the other person is really phenomenal. His stature rises spontaneously.

Now, is there anything of a very great discovery that I have related here? I do not think so. For it can be a common issue even in English nations. Yet, there is a difference in the feudal language nations. When the stature changes, there is a singular change in the words like he, she, his, hers, for him, for her, and even in the codes attached to the very name of the person. Even if, due to the extreme static nature of the social situation, there is no discernable change immediately, there will be a severe shake to the structure. Now, this is a phenomenon different from English; for in English, more or less, nothing can change; even though, there is an understanding that this person is powerfully connected.

Now, what is the difference is that the way this change of codes or the shake in the codes is conveyed through the social system. In a social system, where immense actions and inactions are connected to the power or rank of the codes, there is a change in everything.

Now what happens to a person who has been inadvertently thrust into the lower ring? His is in a maze of enforced codes that would seem to strangle his powers of all articulation. He is suddenly informed that all persons in the higher levels, where he himself had been a dweller, are out of bounds of common communication. For standing on the lower ring, all those around him will convey to him in very powerful, yet convincing manner that there are subordinations that has to be displayed to those in the higher ring.

Balloons and Millstones
From this discourse, I need to mention such terms as balloons and millstones. In the example that I have given the senior police official is a sort of balloon. For this balloon can given an upward push or pull to the person stuck in the lower ring.
At the same time, there is the opposite item; that is the millstone. There is a man who is striving to display his higher ring credentials to persons who are trying to measure him or his ring position. Suddenly one man of very explicit lower ring personality comes and addresses him with familiarity, in front of others. This is very understandable thing, even in English. Yet, in feudal language scenarios, this man has a very powerful millstone like effect. Yet, it need not be a person; it can even be information connecting him to lower ring persons and social standing. It is a very powerful millstone, which can all spread through the social system.

What I have mentioned has a theme connected to leadership also. Yet, it is a different theme, and only a very slight connection is alluded to here; I will clarify the issue from another side.

The Evil Eye
There is a theme of the evil eye in most cultures. In many feudal language cultures, it is a regular part of social understanding, and people do take steps to ward of its evil affects. I am not sure what the real character of this is, nor if it is a reality, on what mechanism does it work on.

Yet, from my language code understandings, I have come across something of very close similarity.
A person of higher standing suddenly has to live in a place where the lower class is residing (in a feudal language nation). Due to some upheavals in his life, he is in a tragic strait financially. He is unable to display his real social ring (level) to his newfound neighbours. These people live on the lower rings of the social well.

Now this man is enwrapped by lower level indicant words advanced by the lower level people. It is a very powerful and strangulating situation. Not because of the words, but by the fact that they are used by lower level persons.
Now, this man is again trying out endeavours that are really connected to his own natural social and financial level.

Yet, whatever he does gets conveyed in the local society in lower level indicant words. These words encase not only him, but also all his endeavours in the same millstone like lower level indicant words. These words give a snubbing not only to him, but also to all that he is doing. He will feel a strange phenomenon of all that he is doing failing and that even mechanical things malfunction.

At the same time, if this same man had been able to display some superior attributes in this new neighbourhood, in such a manner that he exists in a superior position there, a great amount of the negativity mentioned will not affect him; for he is then encased in superior level words. In some cases, he exists as a very superior person here that things move faster than usual.

This phenomenon is not of individual words creating powerful affects in themselves, but in the manner in which it gets conveyed in the society, and the web like powerful strings that it generates.

Generally, in nations like India, government employees and members of the officialdom always remain above this strangling hold of indicant words, for their have a powerful pedestal from where they can function.

The Links
Now, let me talk about personal connections in social, professional and familial relations. All these are connected by links or strings; these links are very clearly highlighted in feudal languages by very specific and powerful codes and sentences. So that every relationship has a link created in a very specific group of connected words, which is very much connected to status and relative position of each person in the relationship. Again, it must be mentioned that in English, the language is incapable of displaying such varying codes as the relative statures change.

I wanted to enter this theme again from the concept of leadership and its components, yet I will give here a minor aspect of this theme. In feudal language relationships, each relationship like elder brother, elder sister, learned person, appreciated person, person of acknowledged wealth, of acknowledged social position, of acknowledged familial position, of acknowledged power and such are encoded in the words used to them and about them.

The same is the case of persons, who are on the opposite side; that of younger brother, younger sister, uneducated person, unappreciated person, person of acknowledged poverty, of acknowledged social insignificance, of acknowledged insignificance in family hierarchy and such.

Usually nothing much happens to these words; for person in authority, either by professional seniority, position inside the family and such other aspects, encode each person with a specific level of codes in words. It is a very placid scenario. All persons are tightly and securely connected in links of very specific distance and strengths.

The Wobbling effect
Yet, there will at times come persons of unstable disposition to occupy such positions of authority or seniority. It is a terrible situation. They, due to some insecurity in their own personality (most probably caused by some other language-code instability) tend to change the codes and words as per their momentary whim, either in an incoherent manner or deliberately. The effect on the others is like being pushed and pulled, as per the momentary changes in the other persons whim and mood.

For each change in words and codes, changes the distances and the levels. Moreover, the others around who see or hear the words, also start seeing the distressed persons wobbling, and also see power being loaded and unloaded from them in a most erratic manner.

Now, what happens is that such persons, who are at the butt end of such erratic effect, may seem to be under some mental instability. For, they seem to be on some very slender or wavering mental stamina, and also on the verge of mental distress. Actually, the person who is really in a mentally instable condition would be the senior person; but this perception will not be there, for he or she is in a powerful position; and the weight of the negative suggestion will bear more on the person who is being manipulated by dynamically varying indicant words.

Now, this phenomenon can also be perceived in English also. Yet, from the words and codes in the feudal languages, the theme is very easy to study.

The Ladder
Now talking about relationships, there is need to understand the way all relationships are designed in a feudal language with the use of indicant words. For example, take the case of a family structure. Usually the indicant words create a sort of joint-family mood in all family relationships, even when the joint family concept has been abolished socially and by law.

There is the uncles, the aunts, the parents, the elders children, the younger children, their spouses, are all arranged in a definite ladder-like arrangement by indicant words. Each level is connected to the upper level by an indicant word of respect, and to the lower level by that of no-respect. Now, this is a very powerful arrangement. In that, every request by the senior becomes a sort of powerful command, which cannot be disregarded without creating a severe breakdown of the relationship ladder. This relationship ladder is really a very powerful negative force, when viewed from other relationships like that of husband-wife, and professional integrity, for this more or less overrides their requirements.

Now, what I want to tell is that if a particular person, say a female, does not concede to this strangling structure, and just insists that she be addressed with a respectful word by all, including her uncles and aunts, can simply be out of the ladder. That is, she cannot anymore exist on the ladder. Her position on this relationship becomes an impossibility.
Though this theme when I say it here may not seem of grave importance, actually it does have immense significance, which can be dealt with later.

External Links
Many sites are connected to ukresident website. Do the quality and reputation of those sites affect that of ukresident. For example, my website has a link to ukresident. Will my sites reputation affect ukresident? Well, in social situations it does, when viewed from feudal languages. In English also, it can be proved to have a slight affect.

When my young daughters song videos were made for an English Learning Digital Book, one of them was placed on the web and a link was given from ukresident (a few years back). {Currently it is available on
Youtube }

A few persons then came from ukresident and viewed it. At that time, ukresident was simply a debate site with very few members. The same link was given to a penpal of my daughter from Australia. Now, only a few members of ukresident and a child from Australia saw this song video. I did not put a link to this video to any other site or give it to any other person. Now, to whoever I give the link gets a connection to this video. At the same time, this video is standing in cyberspace (in some disk actually) without any external links exuding from it.

Actually, I did this to get a feel of an idea that was brewing in my mind. I did not give this particular link to any other sites or people.

This idea first sprouted in my mind when in New Delhi some years ago, I approached a five star hotel to get an advertisement for a publication that I was bringing out. The very affable marketing manager told me that giving an advertisement was not a problem, yet, as a five star hotel in India, he wanted to know the quality of the persons to whom this publication of mine would reach. He was very bland when he said that as it is in India, and as a five star hotel catering to corporate seniors and international visitors, the management did not want the advertisement to be in a publication that would be in the hand of the common crowd.

This dialogue contained a very vibrant understanding of the social structure and its associated issues, more or less accentuated by the indicant words in the feudal language. Every comment, derisive laughter, snide remarks and much else coming from the wrong level of crowd would be very, very unsettling. Whether it would affect a Five Star Hotel is a moot question; perhaps it would, at least at a minor level.

Now, to continue this understanding to a feudal language social situation, one man simply claiming that he is such and such a relative to such and such a person does have a terrible effect. For, the moment he claims to such a relationship, all words that connects them changes into very powerful codes that convey powerful social claims.

A person on the wrong level or ring claiming a relationship would be like be a repulsive creature hugging on to the body. It can be a very disgusting situation, for it can redesign a persons social level, without he or she doing anything. It is like the video link. No link is there on the video, but external connections bring in a connection. Likewise, without this person making any claim, others can claim (post) links.

If the other person is a reputed person or a socially acknowledged person, the link that bears upon this person can bring in a singular level of power and social empowerment.





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Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part VII The dynamic metre and the multidimensional props

Going beyond the frontiers
Now I am thinking of really entering into the secondary codes area. Yet, before that, I would like to enlarge upon a minor phenomena connected to structured languages. It is not a great idea, but it definitely has a very encompassing effect on human functioning in such language-based societies.

The Petrol Metre
The idea is thus: Each man in the social set up is assigned a specific value by the society. Actually, it can be visualised in terms of numbers; may be in the virtual world that exists behind the material world, it may actually be defined in numbers.
When I explain the concept, the native English speaker would also say that it is something that a person from the English world can also understand, and also does make use of. Yet, there is a difference.

The bouncing
It is like this: A unknown man comes to an office in a feudal language area. Who is he? The query initiates. Without a specific answer, he becomes a jarring item in the social set up. He is not well-dressed person. The evaluation number comes to wobble between 20 and 23. Then someone says that though he is not well-dressed, actually he is from the next-town reputed and rich family. The evaluation number neatly jumps to 65 and about, again wobbling unsteadily, waiting the next input. Then someone says that though he is from the famous family, he is actually a black sheep over there and a sort of loafer, who has no value in the family. Then again, the number runs back to around 35 and around, again unsteady, waiting for some more inputs. Then comes the new information that even though he is a black sheep in the family, actually he is a very well learned person who has a following in his own genre of genius. Ah, again the number runs back to 70 and about. Then someone has the information that though he is currently looking like a vagabond, actually he is rich frequently. The number gets pushed to around 80. Then comes the information that he has serious moral defects. The number gets squeezed to around 20. Then comes the most powerful input. That whatever he is or he was, he is actually a very powerful person, who can literally move anyone in the office to any level of social heights or abyss by his sheer personal capacity and connections. The number simply shoots up to very near 100.

The difference
I am very much sure that the scenario mentioned here is not difficult for any reader to understand, even if he is a native English speaker. Yet, there is something about this scenario that the native English speaker who does not know feudal languages cannot understand. It is the presence of what I have denoted as indicant words in the feudal languages.

Now before going ahead, may I redefine what I have described here as the Petrol Metre phenomena. It is easy to visualise the movement of the numbers as the way the numbers move in the old version of the petrol metres in the Petrol Pumps (Gas Stations). The only difference is that the numbers move both ways, and comes to a dynamic equilibrium as the inputs cease coming. Yet, it is not a steady number that comes to rest, but one that is always wavering slightly, for the social evaluation fabric is a continuously shaking one.

Now as the numbers in the metre goes on changing, in the feudal language system, the indicant words connected to that person also goes not changing. When the numbers go up, higher-level words enwrap the persons and apt levels of links emanate from him and also to him. When the number goes down, the indicant word level goes down and links of that level emanate from him and to him. Now, it is important to understand that the links are also very much made of indicant words. Actually, all links are composed of a particular level or levels of indicant words. When I say links, you may currently understand them as simply the groups of connected words used for addressing and referring.

The unbreakable corridor
As I have mentioned earlier, it is this group of addressing and referring words that define a person in a feudal language society. Beyond that, it defines that persons social level of functioning, allowable or appropriate level of displayable intelligence, physical poses, entrance to many places, level of assertiveness, possibility of being revered or beaten up and such. In many ways, it defines a sort of corridor in which the person is placed. This corridor is not an imagination; it is very real, and very powerful. No person, however physically or intellectually strong can break it, without breaking the system. If he tries, he becomes a havoc creator, an impertinent person, and a real nuisance, whatever be his intellectual capacity and moral standards
The perching and evaporation
Now what happens in the office room where this unknown person has entered? As the indicant words go on changing, one can literally feel the perching and evaporation of some aura like power on the physical presence of the stranger. It literally has a similar effect on all persons in the office. They also start feeling a sort of going up and down in front of this man. It is not really a psychological effect, but real changes in the codes in the virtual world that props up the external world.

It is the presence of indicant words that makes a plateau-language like English different from feudal languages.

Now that I have defined the Petrol Metre phenomenon, I think I can go ahead on to the frontier areas of the virtual world of secondary codes.

The three-dimensional props and links
Facilitating detection
Every person in a feudal language world is actually propped up by many links which are actually codes connected to indicant words. Actually, in an English social system also this is true, but as I had mentioned in the earlier chapters on this theme, I cannot hope to study this phenomena from English, for, there the codes are in a very plain manner; that detection of the phenomena is not easy. Yet, from the feudal language codes, I can plainly see the sharp elevations, spikes, and gorges, so that I can easily study the phenomena; for these unevenness cause sharp disturbance in the virtual as well as material world, which can be detected and studied.
The others

Every person in a feudal language society is linked by indicant words to immense others in the society, including spouse, father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, professional seniors, professional juniors, neighbours, friends, enemies, the public at large and much others. Now this link is by very specific indicant words, which create a web link structure, in which the person is more or less embedded. Actually, one can even say that this person is propped up by these words, in a specific position in society.

The free floating and levels of agony
In feudal language social systems, persons feel very much in a free-floating situation if they are not properly connected to others in the society. It is not a feeling of distress due to isolation; but a quite a different phenomena. When a person arrives in a new society, he or she makes haste to get embedded in the society at a particular level from where he can function comfortably. The problem comes when he or she is not able to get embedded in the correct level of prop up in the indicant words. (Actually, this is a continuous distress in feudal language societies, which creates a lot of mental agony and distress).
The safe haven
People who fail to arrive at the correct prop up level, go in for seclusion and become recluses. In many ways, the theme of going into forests to become a sanyasin can be seen as a method to denude oneself of the attire of immense prop up links made up by indicant words. If the virtual world secondary codes of a sanyasin can be seen, it will be seen that he is perfectly in isolation from these prop ups. It is a strange world, which can be quite disquieting for many persons who are not practising long years of penance and meditation. Yet, for the person practising extreme levels of meditation and spiritual focus, this can be a most ideal situation. For, it keeps him or her safe from the constant pulls, pushes and tangential shears of prop up codes.

The dimensions
For, the prop up codes are having powerful forces in them. Each word can pull and push, and even exert a twisting force on the person. Looking at the codes, one may be able to see that these codes in the form of links are extending in all direction. So that they are in a three dimensional atmosphere. Whether they are having more dimensions than three, I cant say, for I dont know. Moreover, whether the dimension of time is also there, I am not currently in a position to say. Yet, it is possible that time is also a powerful dimension.

The calculations
Now, let me continue to say that the force on the person from these links can be calculated if one clearly understands the scales and have proper gadgets. I do think that the sin, cos, tan and such components of these forces can be calculated, and the resultant effects calculated. I do not have much knowledge about three-dimensional trigonometry. Yet, the forces and their components do have significant effects on human psychology, social functioning, such phenomena as telepathy, mantra, meditation and much else. What emerges as the social personality and possibly physical personality is the resultant of the total effects of all these components. Mind you, this phenomena is not limited to its effect on single human beings, but has a more universal connection. That can be deliberated later.
A comparative study
Now, I want to do a comparison study of two persons who are placed in two different social levels in a feudal language society.

Consider a person who is a senior bureaucrat in a feudal language society. The links that props him up are of a superior kind. If the bureaucrat is in a stable condition, financially sound, his children all in good social and professional positions, his family life good, his wife from another equally sound family, his father and mother do not boss him, his uncles and aunts do not boss him, he is the eldest among his brothers and sisters. Moreover, he is good looking. Then all the propping links are powerful.

Now consider another person in the same feudal language society. He is a lower level menial worker. His wife is also a menial worker. She is from a similar family. His children are also poised to follow his footsteps. He is the youngest among his brothers and sisters. He is not very assertive, and socially diminutive. Well, it can be noticed that all his links can be of the lower level, even if he is intelligent inwardly.
The two stages
Now, when both virtual world secondary codes of both the persons are studied, it can be very clearly seen that that they are both propped up in two different levels. Actually, in the case of the second man, one can even say that he is not being propped up, but literally crushed down by the linking props.

Wherever these two persons go, they unconsciously carry their propping codes. It remains as an invisible part of them, not discernable materially, but actually a reality. Now, what each man is connected to, all gets infected or enwrapped by these codes. For example, the superior man gives a present to a relatively inferior man. This present carries a powerful code that gives it an aura of power. The big man gave it.
The holiness and the fart
I will give a powerful example to illustrate the point. Once in a minor city in South India, in a Memorial building dedicated to a revered national figure, an employee there showed us a chair, which he mentioned in hushed whispers as the chair on which this revered man had sat when he had come there. His eyes seemed to pop out as he mentioned and looked with stupendous awe at the chair; a most ordinary one. The very name of this personage was cloaked in superior words, and it was mentioned with a statutory ji attached. Yet, a bystander, to whom the name did not evoke much reverence and hence the superior words were not acceptable, was to remark in very disrespectful words that it could be the chair on which this man must have farted. I am sure the words are shocking to those who worship this man. Yet, I am also sure that the shock and dismay a fan of this man would have on hearing these words can convey the very effect I am trying to illustrate.
What I am trying to say here is that the virtual codes can get attached to many items which can come in contact with superior and inferior persons. Actually, everything is in this manner affecting each other. But, for the sake of study let us go at the pace of one item at a time.
Where one moves
Let me emphasis here that both the persons mentioned here are in more or less ideal conditions. Moreover, along with all the other factors mentioned, there is another defining factor; that of the society of other persons with whom this person moves socially. This also is a very powerful factor in adjusting the language words and codes that encase the person.
The amplitude of vibration
Beyond that it must be mentioned that in reality, most of the defining factors would be at continuously varying levels of superiority and inferiority. Generally, a superior mans many features would be all connected to the superior side and the lower mans features would be connected to the lower side. Yet, in a real life situation, many of these factors generally go on changing within a particular level of range, and thus the position that the props do lend is really in a dynamic equilibrium, resting within a small range of amplitude.
The negative value
Now, let us think of the lower man giving a present to the senior bureaucrats son. Other than the issue of there being affection, this present is entirely devoid of any powerful positive aura, that can bring in goodness. Yet, it can have another powerful negative aura connected to the lower mans codes. Like when someone asks who gave this, the very words He gave it, can be of crippling effect. For, the word he (indicant word) and its associated unseen links are also from the depths, which can have pulling force. One can have protection from the pulling powers of the forces from the depths, if one is attired in formidable armour of superior codes.
The positive value
What I am trying to convey here is the fact of even inanimate items gaining an aura. It is like seeing a military officers insignia on a persons dress. Immediately there is a designing of the virtual codes to accommodate that fact, which spreads through the social system. The indicant words, the associated codes and the encrypted senses all change, and conveys powers through the system in association with that person. The same is the case in all similar social incidences.
The individual frame of reference
Now, going back to the props and links, it needs to be understood that they are all connected to other individuals, incidences, events, inanimate items, names, statues and much else. Yet, when we consider each person, we can take a relative frame of reference and see this person as the centre of codes and props connected him. When we view from each person, (or event, items etc.), we see him/her as a centre point and lots of codes and links emanating from him/her. Everything connected to him/her, has a relative connection to this person.
Moving between different pedestals
To make the situation clear, let me give this illustration.
One young man from a feeble social background in a feudal language society, gets a big management job in a corporate sector in India. His native society has no understanding about the grandeur of his job, or what a corporate sector is. When he arrives in his professional arena, he is a powerful personality, though young. Powerful prop ups keep him in an elevated position. Yet, when he reaches his native place, there is no one to introduce his grandeur to the local crowd. Let us imagine that due to some singular circumstance, he is not able to display his monetary capacity in his native village. Every single word uttered is in reference to his feeble social background. Here his complete prop up links and codes are of the lower level. Anything he says, gives, requests and such are absolutely devoid of any aura of power.
The absolute reframing
Now, what is happening in the virtual world of codes is that whenever he is moving from his professional place to his native place, he is de-linking his prop up codes and thus dislodging himself from an elevated pedestal and positioning himself in a different platform, which is in the abysmal depths. Even though from the material world one may not see the codes, the pedestal, and the platforms, the reality is that in the virtual world, this huge shifting of codes and links and positions are taking place. It is a reality, and very much observable scientifically.
The nefarious powers
From this, I would like to contemplate on what all things can create an affect on the prop ups, codes and pedestal. There are persons in particular positions who can bring in drastic changes in another persons/events/objects prop ups. Many of them are persons who are themselves placed in superior pedestal by their professional or social superiority. It is like a person joining a private proprietor owned firm in India. The proprietor is in a position to bring in drastic changes to that persons complete levels of prop ups, inside the institution and thus possibly outside also, by just assigning him a particular level in the organisation and/or by assigning a definite level of indicant words in his regard.
There are also others placed in very inferior positions in society, who also can bring in drastic changes to another persons prop up codes and links by themselves assigning him a particular level of indicant words. They can even create powerful negative affects by just telling others that he is related to them. He is very vulnerable to this, unless he himself has a very powerful and displayable social attribute.
Negative presences
Now, it can also be understood that there is actually no need to say anything; for persons in both powerful and also in very inferior positions can create similar affects with just their presence in a particular area displaying a particular relationship. Actually, there is something more to be said about this. Let me not digress now.

They can also create similar catastrophic affects by using their eyes in a particular manner. Or by just placing their hands in a particular manner, or by a particular pose, or smile or smirk or grin, laugh, fast movement, slow movement and much else.

What is then to be understood is that all these actions done by persons placed in specific areas in the three-dimensional virtual world space are also specific codes, with encrypted designs and forces.
Specific positions in the virtual world
When saying this, I need to state that all persons in relation to another person, are all having a relative yet specific position in the language, and hence in the virtual world. For example, a mans wife in a feudal language will have a particular position relative to him. This specific position is defined by the powers in the various links that brings the position of the wife into a particular position. When the wife willingly stands in this position, the husband-wife relationship will be most cordial. If she does not allow herself to be positioned by the language codes, then there is bound to be either familial or social friction. This is just an example. To put it more candidly, a women who is conditioned by English living standards, may find it difficult to adjust to the position in the virtual space allowed by feudal language such as Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Cantonese etc.
This subject needs a wider inspection. Let me leave it at that for the time being.
Causing a tumbling
Now, there are so many things that can be used to upset the dynamic equilibrium of a persons propped up position in the virtual world. Once it is tumbled down, everything connected to him can be made to tumble down.

The writing has extended too much. I may need to stop fast. So, let me say thus:
Tumbling or drastic changes or minor changes, or very focused attacks can be done if the theme is understood carefully. For example, a person standing at a nefarious relative position (to a particular person) in the virtual world can simply buy a thing and give it to a person connected to the other person and simply tell him: This is yours, and only for you.
The statement is simple and innocuous looking. Yet, in a particular setting, the given item can go along with the other person, and create deep havoc in many relationship, by just having the embedded code of this is mine and only for me. Actually, in the virtual world, this item is having a malicious code that is ripping off or at least seriously damaging the fibre of so many other links.

There is much more to be said about this. I need to conclude for the time being.

Now, let me just say something about the other level of this study.
Many years ago, I was in a metropolitan city. There was a young engineer seeking a job, who was staying in my room. He was a few years younger to me. Since he was having a lot of free time, he proposed teaching me some Pascal, which was then a popular computer language mainly meant for scientific use.

He started the class by stating that this language and all its definitions are fully man-made and thus, all logics inside it are functional only inside that particular language. I do not remember much about this language now, for it has been a long time, and the class did not proceed much.

Now, talking about the software on which this universe is made to function on, could it be that all our logics are functional only inside this universe. That is all mathematical theories and logics are functional only inside this universe. Or to put it more forcefully, that one plus one is two is true only inside this universe? That there can be other software where things can be true differently.
I hope to continue





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Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part VIII Manoeuvring the machinery

Beyond the curtain
Since I have been able to speak about the unseen strings and forces that bear upon human beings, and universal events, I think it is time for me to go into the deeper realms of this world. It would be quite right to say that this is an arena that does have much to do with the happenings of the real world, in ways and manners not really understood.

Limiting my contentions
Even though I should say that everything in this universe could be connected to this unseen world, I do not do so now; what I would propose now is that most of human attributes, emotions, emotional problems and much more can be understood and studied by having an idea of this world.

The relative frame of reference
Actually everyman is held on by these strings that position him in certain specific positions in a multi-dimensional space. Here the particular person can be visualised as being the centre; yet, it is only a relative position, which changes as per the changes in the frames of references; meaning that, each man be visualised as the centre, and all others in various positions in the space, relative to him. Naturally, a persons position changes in accordance to who is the current person in perspective.

Links to attributes and reactions
Before going much beyond this level of contention, let me say that it is possible to define many aspects of human personality and social conditioning from the codes that I am expounding on. For example, one can see clearly the designs of national character, social character as well as personal character in them. Let me make a rather irking declamation here; just to catch the attention of the reader.

Codes of treachery and betrayal
When one sees through the Indian languages, one can see vividly a feature of treachery and betrayal etched in the language codes. What I have contended is really something of an unseemly kind. I refine my dialogue, for I do not know many of the Indian languages, yet, it is possible that many of them do have these features inherent in them. Maybe there are certain of them that do not have these features in them. Of them, I do not have information.
It has been said that orient has a definite undercurrent of treachery, backstabbing and of shifting loyalty as a very definite feature of national or geographical character. Yet, it is possible that some European languages also do have this feature; I do not have much information about them. It is very much possible that French (at least the earlier version) and German do have this feature; maybe some of the East European languages do have it. I cannot say for sure. One can ascertain it only by closely studying the inner codes in the languages.
Now, what is it that one has to look for? I will come back to it presently.

Codes of diabolism; not telepathy
In the preceding chapters of this writing, I had referred to evil eyes, negativity, negative affects, power perching, power fading, affect of looking at or being in the presence of inferiorly placed individuals, and much else. I have also alluded to events at far distances affecting a person, as in the case of fidelity, association and such things. In many ways, it may seem that I am talking about such things as clairvoyance, telepathy and such things. Actually, I am not thinking on those lines at all. The concept is totally different; may be one may at a later stage discern some level of connection or common machinery between them. Yet, at the moment what I am harping on is something that does not reach out to those levels of supernatural machinery. At the same time, the current subject is also somewhat supernatural, for what is being debated upon is not on items that can be seen or touched using our ordinary senses.

Look at this scenario: A non-descript man in a feudal language nation claims that he is a friend of the local district police officer. Immediately, the unseen lower indicant word codes that radiate from him and to him loosen up, and move away. A new string of higher indicant word codes come into position and connect to him. Though this is not a see-able item, it is possible to detect their presence in the personality, if he is not making efforts at hiding them; and in the ambience around.
Similarly, a person of socially dominant features is sitting in a place (in a feudal language nation) and relaxing. The people around him evaluate his visage, and are bend on assigning him a higher indicant value. Then the local street sweeper comes along and tells everyone that this man is his uncle. The higher indicant word codes and strings evaporate from the man. It has a very telling affect on the presence of the person, and his surroundings.

What is elucidated
Actually, this idea I have presented earlier; so what is the purpose of repeating them here? It is for the purpose of putting forward the idea that the indicant word codes work even at distances without the immediate presence of the person in target; that these codes are a reality, and has existence beyond the mere mental feelings created in the minds of the people in the vicinity.

The resultant
Yet, before embarking on this idea, I need to tell you that the total effect is the resultant of many powerful forces. Look at the theme of the non-descript man who is the uncle of the local sweeper. The relationship building words of the sweeper can encase him with a powerful negativity; yet, suppose the first man is actually a very powerful bureaucrat of the area; well then, the effect of the encasing negativity will be very, very low.

The gnawing from the distance
Now, think of a person who is in a faraway town from his native place. He is trying to connect to the higher beings in the new society. He is giving hints of his grand social connections in his native place. His close relationship to the higher bureaucrats, his friends who are highly placed in the corporate world and such inputs. The new society is viewing and measuring him. There are many powerfully placed persons around; and there are also persons who are lowly placed all around. They are all seeking bits of information by which to place him. The higher up are not too much bothered, they only want to place him in a particular position; the lower classes are more bothered, for they do not want to concede superiority if they can help it. The indicant word codes are really swinging wildly as newer perceptions are received. The man goes on building up powerful codes on to his personality.

Suddenly, the phone rings, and there on the phone is his close associate from his native town, who is an agricultural worker. Now in most areas of feudal language nations, an agricultural worker exists on the lowermost edges of the indicant word codes. This agricultural worker is talking to the man in the lowermost levels of the indicant words for you, which is also the same term for intimacy. The moment, the phone call is connected to the man, who is desperately trying to garner the higher indicant codes (to radiate from him and to him), the lower codes from the cyber world strings on to him. Though they manoeuvre into position without being seen from the external world, they really do create havoc on what he is trying to achieve. Now, the total affect on him would depend on his other capabilities, which must erase the negative affects. Yet, the lowly placed persons all around him physically would easily detect it; especially, if he is not in immediate possession of displayable wealth and other powerful aspects.

Something of more substance
Now, what I have mentioned; is it only a mental (psychological) affect or something more? That is the moot question. My contention is that it is not a mere psychological affect, but something more, and with very real power and substance. It exists, as sure as one can say that that something is coming into ones computer when one is downloading a file from the internet.

Back to betrayal
Now, let me go to the treachery, betrayal, and shifting loyalty issue in feudal languages. Actually, this is an area that comes back to the primary levels of the codes, in that one has to deal with the physical world.

This feature of certain languages need not be there in all feudal languages; it depends on the arrangement of certain words, and the presence of certain specific links. Let us take the case of a particular Indian language; it can be anyone, but I think the south Indian ones would be better. The affect is like this: There are many persons who get formal reverence from at least a few of the others in the society. This can usually be between employers and employees, man with money and those without, customer and business owner, leader and his follower, and such. In all these cases, the second mentioned persons speak out higher-level reverential words to the first person, in his presence. That is, the first person is mentioned with the higher indicant word for you, he, she, his, hers etc. Moreover, the name of the first person is given a suffix of respect as much as possible. Yet, in many cases, the moment, the first person is not in the immediate vicinity, all these things disappear, and all terms can go down to the less respectful level or even of disrespectable level. (One neat exception is in the case of permanently placed bureaucrats).

How it works
Now, what has to be understood here is that when a man is placed in the level of respect, the inner codes that attach to him are of the most powerful level. Whatever he says or requests for, all come encased with a powerful command codes, that are very, very powerful. These links from this person to all others are like that of a claw-like hold that can compel obedience, and loyalty. What can be said about him is also limited to certain levels of themes. Yet, the moment, the words of respect are removed, and other inferior level codes shift into position, it is literally like denuding the personage of all his superior capacities and making him a mere mortal.

Every item of relationship, like sincerity, loyalty, need to be honest to, need to be punctual to, need to obey, need to exhibit absolute fidelity to, need to honour, limits on subjects that can be discussed about him, the need to cordon off negative information about him, and much else, simply vanish.

Connecting to leadership
Now, this situation can be extended to a particular situation: A follower of a particular leader has the habit of keeping companionship with certain persons who are inimical to that particular leader. What literally happens is that every time this follower moves with the inimical elements, and hears the mention of his own leader, it is equivalent to acknowledging the ineptitude of his leader. Moreover, when this follower mentions his own leaders, he would be only able to mention him in a level consistent to what the others around him allow; in most cases; (there are at least some intelligent followers who do not fall prey to this). When this is done, this follower is spontaneously squeezing out all powers that are in his own leader. No sensible leader of whatever kind in a feudal language nation, condones his followers action of moving with disrespectful persons.

If the secondary codes connected to this event can be seen, it would seen that when the follower is conversing with his leaders enemies, actually his own leader is being erased of much power; the links and codes of the lower levels are radiated to him, and the powerful ones are being simply pushed out.

From history
Now, what I wanted to say on this factor from the primary level is that persons either show ambivalent attitudes of loyalty, or are forced to turn treacherous. Actually, there are immense incidences in history to exemplify this. {In my article on Robert Clive, I had written thus: Even Sirajulldaullah jumped on a horse and escaped. Yet, it need not be imagined that he was of timid disposition. Yet, he was a victim of the enormity of his social situation. That needs explanation and expansion. Later. Actually, this explanation was connected to this understanding: wherein his demeanour was at the mercy of the persons in his mothers household). It is also a most natural incident in Indian social life. The only persons who exist above the dangerous features of this, are persons who are placed in very secure social positions like that of government employment or traditional wealth, or of immense financial security.

The encompassing medium
Now, when we view the same issue from the secondary levels, it can be visualised thus: The whole social environment is a sort of single mass of medium, in which the individuals are embedded with links emanating from them and to them. When there is a change in the forces on any or more of the links that exists as a web-like mass, there is a resultant shift of all items in the medium. It is like a square box 90% filled with marbles. Any change in the position of the square box, makes all the marbles to shift to a different position of equilibrium; wherein all links change their direction and component of force.

The focus: the human psyche
In todays post, I am aiming to delve on the affect of the secondary code world on the human psyche. The pace is slow, I know, yet, I am helpless; for I am not writing from any source of reference.

Metamorphosis to leadership
Everyman in a feudal language secondary world is propped up into position by the links that surround him; and they convey an energy to his personality. A means of conveying this idea can be done thus: Any man can be converted into a leader, if there is any other person who comes into position as a follower. Thus a follower stands in a particular position in the secondary world, and props the other man to leadership.

The vantage position of the wife; and the void
Now, a person who can convey this leadership is the very common person called wife. A wife, if she stands in a very definite position in the language code, can propel even a most incapable man to tremendous levels of leadership power; (actually, in feudal languages, most wives simply shy away from this glorious responsibility, and heed to external negative inputs with regard to their powerless husbands). Now, suppose a persons wife does not listen to him; instead listens to her father, mother, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, her in-laws or her paramour etc. much to the chagrin of her own husband. Now, what she has literally done is make a very deep void in the very position from which a very powerful prop should have extended to the husband.

Now, even if the husbands plight is not known outside, wherever he moves, he is actually carrying the unseen void along. It will reflect on is personality, his abilities, and his potential. In many ways, this issue is directly connected to the story I mentioned in an earlier chapter about the story from a seafaring community.

The very thinking and the very seeing
Now, let me tell you of the affect of thoughts, sights, and words; the very thinking, seeing and hearing. Imagine a man in a feudal language society marries a woman from a lower class social section. Actually, the term lower class is a very relative one. For, if one moves through any class, of whatever depth or elevation, it is very much evident that inside them are steep social setups. Thus, even in an Indian slum, there are persons who are literally very highly placed inside the setup. They are more comfortable inside that setup and really fear the removal of the slum, if the same social elevation for them is not transferred to the new slum-renovated social setup.

The dislodging and the replacement
Now in the sample theme, this man marries a woman who is from the lower social setup; but at the same time, from a higher family in the lower social setup. Here one social issue is that there will be many levels of persons who this family views as higher ups, who are actually lower class persons from a higher social setup perspective. For example, a police constable is a high man in a low-level society, while from the perspective of a deputy district official and the Indian Police Service class level it is a very low job. Now, if the woman is from a class that reveres a constable or police inspector, this mood exists inside her as a social conditioning; (this is also connected to certain word codes). She marries into the class where the constable is a lowly creature.

When a constable comes to meet her husband, the social set-up (and the secondary codes) ensures that he displays reverence to her husband. When the constable meets her also, a similar mood is ensured, if she is on a mental place in-sync with that of her husband.

Now, it happens that one day her mind is dwelling in her parental family area; where she is a person below a constable. The secondary codes that now links to her and emanate from her are all of the lower kind, in comparison with what she is encased in, with when her thoughts are in connection to that of her husbands social level. At this very moment, a constable accosts her. The secondary codes surrounding her are very much evident to her constable and his behaviour to her is as he would behave to a lowly person. Along with this, her own instinctive attitude would be that of obsequiousness to the constable.

Now, I am not sure how the modern psychologists would explain this; may be they would connect it to a concept they might call mental conditioning. What I am proposing here is that there is a real dislodging of certain links and structural frameworks and the positioning of new links and structural framework into the vacant slots.

The machinery of negativity
Now, here it is seen that mere thoughts have acted as powerful negative inputs, which can severely replace or restructure social and public functioning.

The same effect can be induced by the mere placing of photos bearing links to negative arenas in ones life in places, in strategic positions, from where they enter into ones thoughts.

Words, information, lowly standard subjects etc. all encoded to deliver negative links can also do the same work.

The mental affects
Many persons can detect or feel the changes in ones own secondary codes or what one can call the codes in the virtual world that exists behind the curtain. For example, a man who is of formidable social bearing is feeling the collapse of certain prop ups in the secondary code world due to the lower level association of his wife; by the hearing of certain words by third persons that axe down his propping codes; by the presence of certain persons who have the capability by their very presence to rearrange the social structure (by shifting the secondary link codes); can display acute actions of mental trauma; or he would be seen reacting to unseen signals. If the others in the immediate vicinity cannot understand the theme mentioned, the diagnosis would be of some level of mental disorder; the real reasons may lie in the virtual world where the prop-up links are being preyed upon.

Persons who dismantle the links
With regard to the issue of certain persons who have the capability to rearrange the social link structure by their very presence physically, or invisibly, I need to say more; but I feel that todays words have reached endurance limit. This theme requires a bit more inputs.

I think for today, this much writing is enough. Before closing, I need to say that recently I reread my post When the Princess died. It had these words: The fact that she came from not really the royalty, and was more of a commoner, could naturally bring in a lot of negativity, into a level, that can at best be described as the cyber level. I wouldnt debate on this theme here. I am impressed that I did use the word cyber level in that article, which I wrote in April 14th 2004.

The real codes
Before concluding, may I first remind the reader that there is still the issue of the real lines in the codes that do the command work? What is it made up of and what is its language? I do not know as of now how to approach it.

Thoughts from the far perspectives

Item One
Then there is something else that I need to allude to. I had mentioned in the earlier chapters of this write-up that nature as well as creatures including us, may be created by as well as working on software (the machinery as well as the software that runs them). Well then, if it is so, then there needs to be time to do periodic scanning to remove errors that creep in. If so, the time of sleep hours might be doing just that; scanning. In which case, long hours of sleep deprivation can accumulate errors in the program, and lead to hanging up of the system or involuntary shutdown.

Item Two
Another query that I have is whether software does have mass or weight. When my new laptop was bought, it was practically empty other than for the Operating System and application software. Later, it became full of heavy files. Did it increase the weight? What is the software that loads? Do the lines have mass, or do they simply rearrange the internal structure of the hard disk? If so, do the rearranging of the internal structure hard disk, glue in some energy or mass into the hard disk?

I hope to continue.





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Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part IX Strings in the marital system

The expanse
When I scramble through minor areas, they suddenly expand and magnify, in certain ways similar to Google maps that can be made to expand each miniscule area. In my last post, I did mention about the props that should or would spring out from a wife. When I thought about this theme, I discerned a lot of jumbled up themes deep inside, all of which can be magnified and the varying intertwined strands taken up for closer inspection.

The concealed discrepancy
Actually I was seeking a means to illuminate a definite idea about the existence of specific designs in language codes that can create extremely pre-defined relationships, patterns of behaviour, varying layers of social existence and such else. Actually, it is easy to delineate on this theme, if I simply say a few words on Indian marital life. The designs are there, very obvious; yet, the problem is that what I discern in Indian marital system is not what is the commonly accepted view about the Indian marital system. In many ways, it is contradictory to popular view.

The scholarly view, and also the popular
The popular and even scholarly view about Indian marriage relationship might be of very strong husband-wife relationship, based on extreme levels of fidelity. Even though the concept of joint family system is there, the newer concept of nuclear families, in which the husband is the head of the family with the wife supporting him is believed to be the truth.

This view is completely erroneous and even if in existence, may be confined to a very small percentage of the population. So, I am forced to write more on this theme, and can connect the whole theme to the concept of language codes.

The tug of war
Actually the modern Indian family system is a competition between matriarchal and patriarchal claims on the nuclear family being formed by the husband and wife. This dialogue may seem scholarly and unclear due to the presence of terminology. By matriarchal, I mean the claims of the wifes family members, such as her father, mother, sister, brother, sister in law, brother in law, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew and such others. By patriarchal, I mean the similar claims on the family from the husbands family side.

The concept of being man and woman, and its limitations
Now, even though in an English concept, a man marries a woman who he wants as his woman and a woman marries a man, who she wants as her man; in the Indian concept, it is not so easy. Actually, in India also, the man is marrying the woman for similar ends; yet, the language codes that come into play severely changes the complexion of things. What comes into play depends on the quality of the codes that is being put into practise. In certain areas, the daughters husband is seen as a person who has to be placed on the pedestal of respect. In most other areas, especially in areas where English has not illuminated the beings, the husband is a person who the large family has lured into servitude using the girl as bait.

The shifting position and aura
How this happens is that the moment a man marries a woman, her family members in the various levels of the family structure, changes the words and usages in regard to him. The father, the mother, the various uncles & aunts, and other seniors in the family start using the lower levels of the words You, He and His and such other things. It is a very powerful change; in that, it places the new entrant in a specific place in the sleazy command structure, from where he can be manipulated as per the will of the higher place individuals. The gravity of the sordid tragedy of the occasion depends on the quality of the persons involved.

Similarly, the woman, the moment she marries a man, she is not just his woman, but a person placed in a particular position in the huge web-like structure of the strangling family links. It is a situation, wherein there is no other go, as each communication sentence enforces the position. It is not possible to escape it, other than by means of breaking down the family structure. The other means would be to not comprehend the language; which naturally cannot be conscious decision, but only a natural attribute in most cases.

The serving class
Now, that is only a part of the issue. The other part is that in the Indian language system, the sons and daughters are actually a sort of serving class of the parents, and to some extend of the uncles and aunts and other senior members. The words you, he, she, his, her and much else are designed at the same level as that of servants. These are also the words of intimacy; all types of intimacy; even the intimacy that the master feels for his servants. Now, does anyone feel the trauma of servitude in this structure? Not many would feel any distress. It is like the fact that we all do have the weight of the miles and miles of atmospheric air thrusting on our heads; yet, we are so used to it since our birth, that we seldom feel it. Yet, a person who has lived in a no-atmospheric pressure area and became accustomed to its lightness, if suddenly brought into our physical world would feel the tremendous weight bearing on him.

The power of conditioning
In similar manner, the sons and daughters do not feel anything awkward about the whole arrangement and design pattern. They get to know the paths of their communication structure, and the varying levels of command routes that come through simple words. Beyond that they also build up varying levels of positions from where they also get the command over many others in the family structure. If anyone asks them if they feel any level of control or lack of freedom, they would be amazed that such a question has even been asked.

The freedom of the shackled
Once a girl told me that there was no problem of any social freedom for her. She goes to her college and comes home. She stays at home and goes in the morning holding her books pressed to her bosom, walks with her head bent, talks to her acquaintances, stands among the coy girls; in the bus, the conductors are rude to the students, yet, she does not have much problems as she keeps to herself. She uses words of respect to certain others, and they in turn keep her in a particular position by a particular level of positioning indicant words. Beyond that she, despite her overall subordinate demeanour, has many younger as well as socially inferior persons who she can successfully keep at subordinate levels by the use of the appropriate words. In this position, she is a powerful person, with a strangling personality. Yet, there is essentially no complaint; it is a matter of each person on the lookout for others to strangle.
Yet, seeing the whole procedure from outside the stranglehold of these relationships, one can discern a most sordid enslaving mentality, wherein each person is placed in solid containers of dominance and slavery. They have learnt to live by it, and may even be in distress if their containers are broken open and they get the first feel of actual freedom.

The feel of freedom is not the theme here. The focus of this chapter is on the designs that carve the familial structure.

The weird repositioning
When the marriage takes place, the codes of communication assert themselves and everyone involved gets attached by varying levels of the words, such as you, he, she, his, her etc. and by many levels of suffices to names such as elder brother, elder sister and such; and also by the need to use and the need to not use it. It is a very weird world, when looked upon from English; yet, for a person born into it, it is a most natural one; and there would be many who would not be able to believe that there is any place on earth where this is not the way of social and familial arrangement.

The props to the leaderships
Now, one thing has to be repeated here. That is the concept of leadership. The children are essentially beings that exist at the level of followers that create the capacity of leadership in their parents. When a girl is marrying another man, she is actually absenting herself from her position of being a follower of her parents, and moving into another arena, wherein she has to add leadership to her husband, and to many others in her husbands family.

In many ways, it can be a distressing situation. Yet, it can also be not distressing, if the marriage is done with deliberate care, wherein the girls family benefits from the new connections, and extended levels of leadership and also of being followers to many new persons. It is a most interesting give and take situation.

Removing the prop
Now take the case of the affect being distressing. When a man marries a girl, it is wise to take here away far from her own family. For the girls family is not going to easily give up one of their props that lend leadership to them. The leadership is contained in the words such as you, she, her etc. all used in the lower indicant level. The husband is actually removing a particular post in the cyber world, so that all these links and strings that extend to this post are orphaned.

Yet, in normal conditions it is not easy to remove the wifes familys leadership. For, the husband himself has also become one of the followers in their leadership links. His wifes father, mother, elder brother, aunt, uncle all would talk to him. If he is not of powerful social standings, then all their words and sentences are practically commands; for they come through the link of lower level indicant words.

Leadership in a nuclear family
Now, where does the actual leadership in the husband-wife nuclear family be? I must digress here to mention that many men find it very distracting when faced with this question. They are uncomfortable when they say that it should be with the husband. Actually, this is a very complicated question that deserves a detailed answer. I wouldnt go into that here.

Here I would simply say that the leadership in a nuclear family should be within the area between the husband and the wife. That is, the wifes leader is her husband, and the husbands leader should be his wife, as far as family matters are concerned.

The competing leaderships
Now, what happens in the typical Indian feudal language encoded family structure? The wife has come out of a particular level in her own family structure. The husband technically has also done likewise. Yet, the reality is that wife now bears two leadership other than that of her husbands. That to her own ancestral familys as well as her husbands ancestral family.

When her husband tells her to do something, and this request is countermanded by the husbands own family members like his father, mother, uncle etc. it is a very dangerous situation. For they also stand on very powerful pedestals in the language code, very near in levels to that of her husbands.

What she heeds to basically depends on how assertive and powerful (including financial acumen) her husband is, inside his own ancestral family. This decides as to who wins: her husband or his ancestral family members.

The intransigent man; or an intransigent woman
Then there is the command that comes through the dialogues of her own father, mother, uncle etc. There may be chances wherein they find it difficult to position her husband in a particular position in the family feudal hierarchy. If that become so, then they are in an uncomfortable position. This man is a most unfit person, and then there is real competition between them and the husband on the question of who is the leader of the wife.

All these ideas are from the primary language code arena. I could have avoided the whole writing if these ideas were well known. Now let me connect this concept to the secondary code area.

Husband-wife unit
The husband tells the wife cordially not to go to a particular family function. Even though one may see it only as a conversation, actually what is in action is the assertion of a particular link and string structure in the cyber world that exist behind the material world. In this world, the husband and this wife are connected in a mutually adjusting link and string system. Others are outside and their command and control of this unit is minimal.

The cordial commands and the hacking
After some time, the phone rings, and the wifes uncle is on the line. He tells her cordially that she should go and attend the function. Here again the spoken words are cordial; yet, they also contain the codes of command; for the lower level indicant words are spoken. Not necessarily command, but instructions which can be only conceded to; they do not entertain any other route of action; other than through impertinence. In the code definition area, each word has a particular level of definition that defines its power, both relative as well as absolute. Here the words are powerful and have real force; it is a relative situation.

Now, the entity identified as the husband-wife unit is being hacked by another unit, which has its own structure, hierarchy, command route and leadership strings; all these are different and inconsistent with that of what is inside the husband-wife unit.

Now, which command is the wife going to heed? It can depend on many factors, like the husbands financial independence, assertiveness, and much else. Actually, the factor of affection that the wife has for the husband may easily be overwhelmed by other factors.

Now, the wife heeds the words of her husband. In the cyber world, from where the codes are being made and unmade, the husband-wife unit stand intact.

Or let us say, the wife heeds her uncles words. Well then, in the cyber world that stands behind the scenes, the hacking unit has encroached into the husband-wife unit. The entity that is the wife has been repositioned within the bounds of the hierarchical strings of codes that define her ancestral family. It can be a temporary hacking and within no time, the husband-wife unit may be able to repair the damage. If the husband and wife are both intelligent, they may be able to forestall future hacking attempts, with appropriate firewalls.

Now, what is happening in the cyber world is an absolute rearrangement of codes; if this continues and recurs frequently, it can damage the essential energy that encases the family unit termed husband-wife. It can portend dangerous events for the family.

Now, when native English readers see this writing, they may try to envisage the events from their own lives and experiences. They will only reach erroneous levels of understandings. For, their thought processes cannot go through the weird codes called indicant words. (Yet, in the English world also, there are strings, though without the character of indicant word codes).

The pull and push
Now there are other sides to this issue. For example, there is the other issue of relative social status of the different families. When an uncle of the wife is from a lower (or higher) class, and is able to take command of the wife from outside, through the access made possible by the indicant words, it adds another dimension to the shear in the husband-wife unit in the cyber space.

The features of these issues can also include the factor of wife actually heeding to her uncles instructions, but at the same time not informing the husband as to what she has done; or even telling a lie in this regard. All these actions do bring in very powerful shifts in the indicant word code strings. Well, to put it frankly, in non-feudal language situations also, there is shear in the system; but the sharp effects can be discerned more through the feudal language system study.

Envisaging a line; and also other lines
Now, I have mentioned the usage lower class. This term itself would require a bit of elucidation to comprehend what it is supposed to mean in a feudal language system. Imagine the social classes as represented by a straight line. That is the left end of the line represents the lowest class, and as one moves towards the right, the classes of relative superiority comes in. Now, the problem with feudal language systems as found in India is that each point in the line also has a perpendicular line exuding from it. That is at point A, a line is seen standing perpendicular to the line at that point. What does it represent? It is actually the arrangement of the various persons of that class with a particular hierarchy amongst themselves. Now, the issue here is made more complicated by the fact that each such point A, can have more than one perpendicular line exuding from that point.

Each such line can represent different hierarchies based on different units; such as age, relative financial capacity, gender, education, physical attributes, access to centres of power and such. It need not be understood that the lines are coinciding. They can have different direction coefficient. Now, a person at point A can have different levels in the different perpendicular lines. So his affect on so many other entities in the cyber world will depend on the various trigonometric components that come into play at various interactions.

A personal aura
Beyond that it needs mention that there is a mental aura a person carries with him. This aura is really connected to his actual position in the left to right line. At any particular social scene, what the aura he protrudes is directly connected to that particular position and also to the position he has in one of the perpendicular lines that currently is taken into account. Now, it needs mention that there are persons who carry an aura that is not consistent with their obvious or current social standing. It can be higher or lower that what is seen to outsiders. It is something that is encasing mainly through his/her own personal belief on what or who he is /capacity/intellectual calibre/family ancestry/connections/professional group/education etc.

Neutralising the aura
Here I may take a slight detour and speak about the theme of two persons of wildly differing positions on the line and as well on the perpendicular lines, partner for something. Before going ahead, I need to stress again that the effects here are purely from the feudal language world, and its exact parallels may not be there is plateau-like languages like English. The best example may be husband and wife partnership; but then other partnerships like that of business partnership etc. may also suffice for the purpose of study.

Think of a husband and wife from this type of highly different linear and perpendicular 3 dimensional position-difference going to a new place for striving to improve themselves in society. If either of them mentally leaves the encumbrance of his or her native 3-dimensional position, and strive to arrive by all mental stamina at his or her partners 3-dimensional position, then it is s a powerful unity; one that can bring in a unification of energy, that can possibly produce result of manifold power. At the same time, if both of them stand in their own native 3-dimensional position and aim to tackle worldly problems, it is a sort of neutralisation of each others power and capacity, leading to a nullification of the complete struggle to achieve success.

How to explain this in pure material terms? Suppose the husband has a mental demeanour that makes him feel that he is on the upper planes of social communication. At the same time, the wife is continuously keeping a contact with her lower class, yet high-level-on-the-perpendicular-line family members.

The essential requirement
The husband and wife are functioning in a far away place. Whenever the husband is striving to arrive at a level of equality with a particular class of persons, there is the gnawing in the cyber world by the strings from the wifes mental class. Actually what might happen in reality is that he is bound up by block when he strives to enter his own class, possibly put up by characters from the lower class. A sort of lower class aura may also hover on him, visible mainly to the discriminating lower classes. The issue here is not one imaginable in English. For, each class can use a particular level of words to and about others. To use a word or sentence of equality with a particular higher class requires a certain amount of inner aura, if other physical attributes are not immediately available.

Outside intrusion
Now coming back to the husband-wife unit in the cyber space, any outside intrusion from any other person, will affect with a force which is a resultant of various such bits of influences. To make the theme clear, I will simply say that at times, it is not easy to compare a persons social power by just looking at his position on the left to right line; but one has to also see that persons relative position in the perpendicular lines; the place where the action is taking place, and which type of perpendicular line has to be taken into cognizance.

The questionable powers
Now coming into the husband-wife unit, the power that comes through the words is tremendous. Actually, the matriarchal system of family system that existed in India till about the 1960s is a stark example of the powers in the words. In many ways, it gave a strangling hold over others in the joint family to the Great Uncle. Along with him, the women also had strangling powers, to the extent of being able to put their husbands in singular plights. In certain castes, the Great Uncle could decide on who should sleep with a particular woman, even if she is lawfully wed to another man. These castes were not from the lower levels, but from reasonably sound levels.

The deviant pleasures
In certain cases, when the Brahmans and other persons of temporal or spiritual powers came visiting, the woman could be persuaded to sleep with them. It is true that in certain cases, the husbands themselves took pride in persuading their wives to entertain themselves thus. The pleasure thus derived by the husbands is also connected to another part of the feudal language codes.

Sidelining the husband
Now, what happens to a husband who does not listen to his wifes Grand Uncles or his corteges dictates? Well, his wife can be very politely told to keep away from him. Such is the overriding power that dwells in the words spoken by the seniors in the wifes family.

That is past history; does it have any value in modern times? Well, it should be answered in the affirmative. Yet, there are parameters to be defined. If the husband is powerful, has money, has social support and such else, wifes family may not try to assert control and command. Yet, if he is seen as powerless, then there is no feeling that it is another mans wife. They simply come in, with powerful indicant words to strangle the husband to submission or have his wife simply disobey him. She can even be encouraged to lend connubial, not necessarily sexual, pleasures to other men; just to spite the rightful husband; who has taken an un-obliging stance.

Explaining the power of gestures
This assertion needs explanation. In feudal languages, even a simple gesture can have powerful meanings, and conveying of leadership or authority. For example, a simple gesture of getting up when another man comes in has a meaning of acknowledging his supremacy. It is not to be confused by the English gesture of affable respect. In the English environment, this gesture can not have the powerful issues, this gesture can have in a feudal language environment. For example, a seeing of this gesture by others can convey the powerful change of words among all others. This theme is connected to another part of this deliberation; and I shall not go further here.

Erasing the parameters
Now, there is another extension to this issue. In the feudal language society, a wife has to definitely move with certain social parameters. Otherwise it creates deep fissures in the system. Actually everyone in the system is having certain parameters within which to function, and move around. Not only the servants, even the masters are also under this design. Now, the wife also has a particular path of functioning. This design of this path is not a creation of the husband, but by the language, with its varying indicant words, and usages. Everyone participates in this; the wife herself, the husband, his family members, the wifes family members, neighbours etc.

Now, if the husband takes an attitude of trying to freeing himself from the positioning done by his wifes family members, then there takes place another thing. The wifes family members also refrain from the positioning of his wife in definite parameters. Now, when string is cut, the web-like positioning of the wife and husband and everyone else change. The wifes path itself is changed. If the wife is not of very grand affection to her husband, there would be very visible change in her demeanour to her husband. Beyond that, if the wife family members actively use words that discourage the respect for her husband, then he is practically done for.

Why I went beyond the brief
I seem to have written a lot on things that should really fit into the realm of sociology, rather than language study. Yet, I wanted to only describe a few factors on how the codes and virtual world web that they create and control, functions.

The strings that gets conveyed through phones
Here I need to input a word on phones; may be on mobile phones. Phones are gadgets that can bring close proximity between huge physical distances. Actually they do much more than that. They can literally make huge changes in the virtual world codes. For example, a wife and husband are in a tight-knit husband-wife unit. They are conversing and the leadership of that family is somewhere between them. Suddenly the phone rings, and the wifes kinfolk of prominence in the family is at the other end. He can literally encase the wife with the powerful hierarchal command structure of the wifes ancestral family. It is a strange phenomena, in that no physical member of that family is nearby. Similarly, a wife is moving somewhere heeding to some decisions made by her and her husband. Suddenly, the mobile phone rings, and her leadership is forcibly shifted to another corner of the world.

What I say here may seem silly and of not much concern. Yet, it is a very powerful thing. I can take up this point to illuminate on the factor of nepotism and favouritism in Indian bureaucracy. But it is a different subject and far removed from the focus of todays write-up.

Insides of a very feudal language
I think I must not go much beyond, for the words have again run into huge numbers. Yet before concluding, I think I should give one example of what changes a slight change in words can create on human behaviour pattern. Here I need to go into the inner side of the South Indian language of Malayalam, a very feudal language.

This is the language of a minor strip of land that exists on the southern end of India, on the western side. The state is so small that one can go from the left to the right side in a matter of just three hours, by a motor vehicle. Yet, it is a state which has built up a lot of media-built hype, which the locals believe earnestly.

The differences
In this small state, as one moves from north to south the dialect changes. Actually, in the British period, the north was a part of the Madras state, which no longer exists. The local dialect of this place was Malayalam, but it was of so much difference from standard Malayalam that the persons from the southern parts could not practically understand it. Yet, it recent times, with the standardisation of language, the whole state speaks more or less the same language, with slight variations.

Defining the female aura
In this language, the word She comes in a number of forms: In north Kerala it arranges as Avar and Aval. Avar is a very high level, supremely respectful form, while Aval is a low respect, lower down word. At the same time, for the male, the word He is in three levels of respect: Avan, Ayaal, and Avar.

(Actually, in Malabar, the actual pronunciation of these words do change according to the cultural background and education of the person speaking it).

Now, in south Kerala, especially in the Christian belt area, the word She is not just two extremes, but a series of words which do not exist in extreme level of difference to each other in respect. They do include such words as Pulli, Pullikkari, Ayaal etc.

Now, it is my observation that in the south especially in the Christian belt, the females do move around with more freedom; being not shacked by a lower level word of Aval. Even if they do move from a level of no respect to that of respect, the change in the words is gradual and not very abrupt, other than in the case of bureaucrats.

At the same time, in Malabar, the ordinary females are all Aval (Oal); it is a socially crippling words, especially when the society at large uses it. Such females move with meek coyness, controlling a very sizzling urge to burst out.

The sudden metamorphosis
Suddenly one of the Oals (Aval) get a job of a teacher or some other socially powerful position. She immediately changes into an Avar. The change in demeanour is very remarkable. From a very wrinkled up or shy personality, the female seems to emerge as a powerful overriding individual. She turns very courageous, can brook no restraints, and all social boundaries move farther away.

The tumbling of equilibrium
Actually, there is a factor equilibrium being broken here. This womans husband may be just a Avan; and she has moved to an Avar. The wife would find it very distressing to move around with the husband. In some cases, the husband would be an Ayaal. Even then the wife is now much above him. For, the male has to cross three steps to reach her level.

A perverted liberation
Some persons have seen in this remarkable, yet demonic change in the female, a sort of liberation as akin to female assertiveness in English nations. Yet, the truth is that what has been achieved by the female here has nothing to do with the personality of the English female. In reality, it is a more powerful negation of the English personality that has come about.

It definitely has been a long writing. Yet, I hope the reader can see some features of the inner codes that I have being trying to write about.

Now to the other side
Now, let me talk about the other part of the discussion: In my last post, I did mention about the software and did put in the question as to what it was composed of.

Well, software as it comes into the computer does not have a material body. It is just electrical pulses, conveying the concept of presence and absence; signified by the numbers 1 and 0. I do not know much about this language. Yet, it is known to me that even a single alphabet A is actually made up a number of such binary numbers. A specific word comes with an immensity of such binary bits.

Similarly, would it be too much, if I do suggest that human words do also carry some kind of machine language behind it? (The word behind also needs clarification). And that, indicant words do carry the essence of differing levels of some energy, voltage, or numbers attached to it? And does this energy/voltage/number not affect the whole medium; and any change elsewhere can affect all else?

Clarifying the word
I have mentioned the world behind. I remember a computer engineer (actually a graduate engineer) in Delhi in 1999, symbolising the placing of my website on the Web by gesturing his hands in a throwing pose skywards (towards the sky). Actually the Internet and WebPages are not in any upper stratum of the atmosphere or outer space. Likewise one gestures towards the skies when mentioning the heavens. It is a known fact that there is no heaven in the outer space.

As for the Internet, it is actually in some Hard Disk in some server computer, somewhere. Not inside the computer or behind its monitor. As to the heavens, it is definitely not in the sky, but can be somewhere outside the universe, as one can imaging a computer operator sitting in a place outside the computer cyberspace. Likewise, the behind that I mentioned only signifies the other place well outside the interiors of our material universe, where there the codes are arranged and manoeuvred.

I also need to mention that all the lines, strings, left-right line, perpendicular line etc. can be just imaginary concepts, with the same significance as of the equator and other geographical lines on the globe. They help in dealing with more complicated factors.





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Secondary Level On Language Codes: Part X The codes that control

It has been a long time since I wrote my continuing series on Language Codes. I have no time to read again, what all I have already written. However, I do have a vague remembrance of the contents that have come out so far. Time has been scarce. But then, I have to somehow squeeze out a bit of time for this writing also. Otherwise, they shall remain forever like strings that eternally await attachment.

I think that in this chapter I should go singularly into the world of secondary codes. It means that I have to come up with a bit weird proposition.

A ware that refined my thoughts
Before embarking on this, let me say that I got to understand about the term software only around the year 1998. I had heard this term much, but then only when I started using computers and then got fantastically interested in them, that I really got a very rare insight on them. When I started understanding the ways and manners of software, I discerned that in understanding them, my own insights on languages and their effects can be extended.

Life force as the software
It is like this. A few hundred years ago, Samuel Hahnemann proposed the concepts of Homeopathy. As per his contentions, living beings have something called life force inside them. The errors/damage in this life force is what causes disease. Now, let me say that I do not know much about homeopathy, other than rudimentary details. I am not sure whether modern practitioners of homeopathy would agree to my understandings on homeopathy. Maybe they will, or they may not. It does not matter.

Now, it is my contention is that what Hahnemann stumbled upon as life force is the software the runs life. Off course, the term software was not there in those times.

Science baffled
Now again before putting forward my proposition, let me think of how scientific it might seem, and whether it is scientifically provable. Till now, science has not been able to make a head or tail of Homeopathy. But then, I am sure that it is a very affective treatment process, the only limitation being that at least some of the homeopaths may not really have an acute idea on its machinery, and what they are really dealing with. At the same time, there may be homeopaths who may also have divined on this idea.

The error and the patching
It is like a virus creating errors in the software. The computer acts weird, or has areas where it acts diseased. An anti-virus software kills the virus. There may be a patch up tool to repair any permanent errors created in some places in the software. May be all that is needed is a slight change of value in the right spot; like a change from 5 to 8 or something like that.

A unforeseen frill
For quite some time, I have been experimenting with digital books and web building, without any professional expertise. It was essentially a technique to give my children some skills in these subjects at a very early age. When I went about doing so many of these projects, I found that there were a lot of things that had much in common with my own ideas on language codes and the hidden life software.

Magic in the touch
For example, there is a digital book on my websites Booksdownload page. Externally, it is only a book that can be turned, page after page. Audios activate on mouse over, video will also come out in a similar manner. If you click on certain links, page moves forward, some take them back, some move them to far off pages, some move them to the cover page etc.

The path of magic
Now, externally, no code is visible. But then, if I open it on the code view mode, what is seen on each page is a maze of codes, lines and rectangles, each very powerful and actually controlling the exact behaviour of the book from the external view. But then, this inner code view is never visible to the ordinary user.

An extraordinary proposition
To give just a hint of my proposition, let me say that there are similar complex mazes of codes, lines, rectangles, and much more in the code view of our universe. But then, can modern science sense or stumble upon them, or is the force and links detectable, or do they even act in accordance with the known laws of mechanics, other than with a knowledge of the fact that there is this world in existence?

The tunnel
It is just like this: A person who has no understanding of software opens my digital book. He clicks on one link, and the page moves directly from page no: 3 to Page no: 85, without moving across any other page. He then click another link, and the page moves from 85 to 86. So many other phenomena is experienced. For him, page no: 85 is seen to be just next to page no: 3; as if the passage is through a tunnel, by passing all other pages.

However, it is even possible that the pages are not even arranged in any numerical order, and each page is actually independent of each others numerical status. The understanding that page no: 4 is just after page no: 5 is only the users understanding. In other words, page no: 85 is equally near to page no: 4, as is page no: 5. However, in the conventional method of using the book, page no: 5 comes immediately after page: 4. Knowing that page no: 85 is also as near, is connected to the knowledge of the appropriate link.

What laws of Mechanics?
Now, seeing the way the digital book can move forward and backward, in different routes, depending on the different links that lie hidden beneath, can one connect it to any laws of mechanics? I do not think so. The only way to get the explanation for this strange capacity for movement is to understand that there is a hidden software program working from behind. Actually, the word behind is itself wrong, for there is nothing behind the digital book other then the backside of the monitor.

The power of introduction
As my children and I experimented with website building, there was another phenomenon that I encountered. That is, we could link other websites to our website, in such a manner that we could decide how they will appear on the screen. What size, whether their address bar should be visible and thus. So, that any person who get to access these websites through the introduction from our website is necessarily bound to get a view that we have decided.

What cannot happen and what can
Another thing also I noticed when working on web design; especially when working with pre-made templates. It was my inability to put text and images in any place that I wanted. If the codes behind do not allow a pasting of text or insertion of an image in a particular spot, whatever I do, it simply moves to another spot, where it is allowed. These two ideas had a very powerful connection to my language code understandings. However, I do not propose to use them in my current writing (chapter).

The array of levels
Now, before going ahead with my contentions, I want to make something else clear. When one opens my digital book, various actions activate, audios, videos, pictures, text and much else. If one opens the code view, one gets to see code lines, code rectangles and such other things. No audio is heard, nor are there any videos to be seen. Now this is the second level. Now, actually I am not really using the original program/software that runs all these. What I am dealing with is only a particular software package, and everything that I do is actually the manoeuvring of preset codes available in the software package. So, again it means that there are other software codes behind my own work, of which I do not know anything about. So, we are now talking about a third level.

This third level maybe something like C++ or Visual Basic or Java or something like that, which I have no need to know to make my digital book.

Yet, this again is not the ultimate level behind. Everything ultimately is encoded in the Machine Language, in Binary Codes of 0 and 1. So, when I do any coding in my digital book, what is actually taking place is huge changes in the Binary Codes. I do not have much idea of this level at all. So now, we are now thinking of a fourth level, behind my digital book.

But then, what are binary codes, and what is it that creates them. I understand that they are ultimately made up of electrical voltages, of presence and absence. Now, we are talking about a fifth level, behind my digital book. So, that every manoeuvre that takes place in the coding of my digital book, make a corresponding change in the arrangement of the electrical voltages.
But then, what are electrical voltages and what is it composed of, and where does it repose? Well, the level is again going down further. I think this is the sixth level behind.

Naturally, this will lead us to the seventh level, and then beyond. Reality also could come with this level of complexity behind it.

This much I have written, just to give a framework of what is in my mind.

What I propose
The universe is really just like the digital book that I have mentioned. Outwardly, everything is logical, and functioning as per concrete laws, but actually each and every law and functioning is controlled and designed by codes.

Now why do I feel that this is so, and if so, how do I propose to prove it?

That is where the structured language codes come in. I know it sounds pretty silly. However, bear in mind that everything in this universe is part of the universe, including the languages. Since I have found that languages also are some particular level in the various levels of codes, a understanding of what they do posses can point to the existence of more complex realities.
Now, how do I start my discourse? Well, let me start from minor areas. Like that of ordinary living issues. If I can discern and display the existence of what I have proposed in these minor areas, then the idea can be extended to the whole cosmos.

What I would try to do in this chapter is to bring all my contentions in the previous chapters to a logical connection through the essential codes that link us all.

The 3 dimensional space
In a social system, human beings are arranged in a three dimensional space, in the level of codes that lie just behind the reality. We can call it the secondary level, akin to the level where I work on in my digital book. Actually there could be another dimension also, that of time. But for the time being, we need not think about this dimension, as it would only complicate the understanding.
Each person is linked to each other, other beings, inanimate objects, events, places, social positions, family relations, spouse, children, dwelling places (house), strings of acquaintances, work atmosphere, precedence in a sequence and much else through the codes in the language. Some of the terms, I mentioned here (strings of acquaintances, work atmosphere, precedence in a sequence etc.) may need further explanation.

The planar links and scattered links
Now, it is here that the understanding starts. If the language of the social system is English, the various levels of persons exists in a more or less plain like arrangement in a three dimensional space, so that the perpendicular height of each individual from the median plain is minimal. That is, each person is still a bit away from the median plain, but still near to it. However, each person is arranged in varying positions in the three dimensional space, as per their connection to each other. Like husband to wife, to children, to teachers, to boss, to employees, to public officials etc.
This issue will become more clear when I mention how the individuals are arranged in a feudal language social system. It is a very complex and complicated arrangement. Persons exist at huge distances from the median plain. For example, a senior government official stands at a distance equivalent to the distance between the sea level and that of the summit of Mount, when compared to the level of an ordinary citizen. Every person is in such distances that are not only detached vertically, but also horizontally. Everyone is arranged in a dynamic, yet powerfully fixed position by words in the language. If language is a reality, then this powerful positioning is also a reality.
The power in the words and the potential energy

Now let me say something about the power of words. I will use a very simple example. It is too simple, that one may even think that I am being very, very silly.

Look at this: My young daughter is searching for something. She suddenly remembers something, and says, It is there and is moving out of the room. Suddenly I remember it, and say, It is here. Actually, in both the sentences there is only a difference of one t. However, the effect is monumental in terms of the direction of motion of my daughter. She turns 180 degrees from the first direction and comes back.

Now, one might think that she did it because of the meaning of the second sentence. That is what is seen in the primary level. In the secondary level, it is a powerful change in the code; so simple and delicate, yet so powerful.

Now, what is the thing that I want to say? Each word, information, signifying of a relationship moves persons powerfully through the 3 dimensional space. Each level has a potential energy connected to it, and can be calculated as a component of its relative position from the normal, and relative to each other level. The potential level that each level carries is powerful and also a reality. However, this is the case only in a feudal language social system. In a social system created by plateau-like languages like English, all persons more or less carry relatively same potential energy.

The billions of links and code lines
Before trying to explain the various items that I had proposed in the previous chapters of this dissertation, I would like to explain one more thing.

Suppose one man of unknown social value goes to a metropolitan city in India. The language is fully feudal; even the vernacular English is superbly feudal. This man goes to a private company office to meet one official. Now, the potential level of this man is unknown to the official. He has to address him or refer to him at a particular level in words. This issue is not there in English. It is an affliction of the vernacular languages.

Now look at the brains of both the persons involved. I have proposed that it works on software, with billions of links, codes and lines working at a supernatural speed. Each word, each connection, each relationship, each reference to any other person or event, spontaneously gets encoded into the billions of codes/software lines.

The encoding and the assessing
If the newcomer just mentions the name of a senior police official, or of a menial worker, the fact is encoded with a particular value in the other persons brain software.

Actually, even a thought by this man of a particular level in society is immediately creating an immensity of codes in the brain software. His personality is actually connected to the totality of all these types of encoded software lines/codes/values etc.

Now the official wants to talk to this man. He has to use an appropriate level of words to address him or refer to him, or about his relatives and much, much else (all these things are not there in English). Actually, it doesnt take much time, for his brain will more or less arrive at an appropriate level for communication more or less spontaneously. For, billions of software codes work at lightening speed. It has assessed his looks, his dress, his languages, his posture, his demeanour, and much else.

Now, suppose this man is from a menial background, but has dressed up in expensive clothes. Or this man is well to do, but has social companions who are from the menial class. And such other contradictory issues. What then?

This is where the brain may check up the software lines that surround him in the three dimensional space, where all these things do place him in a particular position relative to so many other things. The brain software, it self being part of this universal software environment can detect this level, position, and potential energy. Here in this communication, the brain more or less automatically calculates the potential of this man. It is a very powerful calculation. Actually, this is a value this man carries with him, and depends on many other things not really physically connected to him. Actually, I think that every persons brain software is continually refreshing the inputs regarding his or her position in the 3 dimensional space. Whatever changes take place is automatically encoded into the file.

For example, what is the level his wife functioning at, what about his brother, his father, his mother, his immediate companions, at what level some significant persons are placing him when they are discussing him from afar etc. Now this issue takes us to another level of contemplation.
The placing of the digits

It is about values that can be assigned to persons.

Look at a man who marries a woman. They live in a feudal language social system. The man is a very prominent man is society. His wife is from a relatively lower social level. The man is very erudite, and acknowledged thus. His wife is not scholarly. This man can assign a particular level to his wife. Look at the number 44444. All are fours. Yet each four has a different value. The first four is in the units place, and thus has an intrinsic value of simply 4.

The next place is that of tens. So the intrinsic value of this four is 40. The next has value of 400, and thus for every other four

The ambit of change
Imagine that this man understands the innate low quality of his wife and assigns a position of Units. That is, the wife has a position connected to the value of simply 4. Now, if this woman stray from the 3 dimensional position she is placed as a wife of this man, her value can change from 3 to 4 or 5 or 8 or 1 and such. All very insignificant values and can have not much effect on her husband. Even if she moves with low class persons, or indulges in adultery with a low class man or a high-class personage, the value change is only at the unit level and would not have any appreciable effect on the husband. For, she is in a very insignificant position in connection to him.

Now, imagine that this man is very close to his wife and he tries to position her as an equal. He assigns her the value of Ten Thousandths. So her position is in sync to the value of 40,000. Now she is a position and value more or less equal to him. The strength of the link that connects him to his wife is very powerful. If this woman moves even slightly from her position in the 3 dimensional space, the values changes in astronomical terms. For when the 4 goes to 5 or 6 or 9 or 1, the changes are in terms of 10s of thousands.

The personages
To convey the concept, let me give some examples of persons placed in similar position, with huge values connected to them. The wife of the president of a nation, a princess of an outstanding nation and such persons. Let us say that the wife of Prime Minister of India is on close friendship with a menial workers wife from Pakistan. In the feudal language social system, it has a very powerful affect, not only on her husband, but also on the whole administrative system. For, a single word from the other side can influence her and her 3 dimensional position.

When princesses Diana started going on a social rampage, it was literally tearing apart the fabric of the 3 dimensional space connected to her, the British Monarchy, Britain and to the British prestige in all the feudal language nations. It may be remembered that feudal language nations are what fills the world. Nations with British demeanour are simply rare, and so the gravity of the errors committed by Diana is immense. For she was literally scrambling up the values and positions connected to herself and Britain in the encodings in the feudal language 3 dimensional space.

The guardian of the spouse
Now let us go to the story of the seafaring people that I had mentioned in the earlier chapters. That of the wife being the guardian of the husband who regularly goes forth into the deep seas. Her fidelity, level of association and all interactions that lend power to husband is literally accruing power to the potential levels of her husband, wherever he is. He may be far off physically, in the midst of thundering waters of the tidal waves. Yet, in the secondary level of codes, he neither is far nor near. It is all a matter of the appropriate link. As per certain link routes, he is far, and in others he is near. Everything is linked.

When his potential energy is high, he can ride above the waves, for he feels the power in him. But then, when his wife takes him below certain levels, by going under other persons who disparages him, then he is done for. Now, another point is to be noted here. The first thing a competitor of any man in a feudal language would do is to bring down the indicant word level of that man. Persons in the feudal language world fully understand the powerful displacement words can bring into another mans potential.

So, if the wife is committing adultery, she is more or less aiding and attesting to the lowering of her husbands potential energy. It is a powerful change in the codes. This is especially so, if the husband keeps her in a very elevated position. At the same time, if he keeps her in a lower level position (units level) she cannot do much damage.

When he confronts the whirlpool in the tidal waters of the sea, his brain software is also monitoring his potential energy in the 3 dimensional space. Any lower can have disastrous results in his capacity. He need not die, for a persons potential energy level is connected to so many other aspects. His wife has only lowered it, still there may be much left.

The straw that broke the camels back
Here I need to mention one more thing. When working on software applications, I have found that a small value change at certain crucial place can create huge changes in the overall effect. At the same time, a huge value change in certain other places does not produce any significant change in the product. It depends on where and when the value change is encrypted.

Similarly, the value change that takes place in a mans potential can have disastrous affect if it happens in a particular crucial/critical point. It depends. But then, any negative change is dangerous, even though its affects are not always discernible. This may explain the fact that many times, doing explicit inauspicious things do not cause discernible negative results. However, there is a value lowering, which on a cumulative level can cause significant negative effects. The same thing or corollary can be true in the case of doing auspicious things also.

The routes of negativity
I think that I had mentioned about the shutters coming down on persons, when negative reports precede them on their social or business routes. Actually, there is other route by which shutters come rolling down. It is the route of the secondary code levels.

The dynamic bouncing
In one of the previous chapters, I had mentioned a bouncing effect on the individuals concerned as they go on getting different levels of information about a person in front of them. Well, this bouncing is actually real and not an imagination. It relates to the values being added to a component of a linked persons attributes. In other words, differing information in a feudal language changes the indicant words connected to that person. Different indicant words have different numerical value or potential energy. They go on changing the power and pull in the connecting links. In the inner world of secondary codes, the individuals are literally bouncing around or possibly, moving hither and thither as the words change.

The pressing, the uplifting, and the inclined or contorted posture
See this scenario: There is a single man of unknown attributes sitting in a room. No one is really sure of his social levels. In a feudal language situation, the society tries to value him fast and assign him a particular level in the indicant words. People see him sitting and doing something in a room. The room itself is rented.

Low levels in the indicant words slowly gets attached to him. Suddenly one day a few persons come to see him for some reason. They see a few persons sitting in front of him, in a pose of deep attention. It is a powerful scene. He is seen as a leader. Indicant words immediately change in the persons who had seen this scene. He goes up, and a sort of power hovers on his personality. This is not an imagination. It is real. For, something has been added to his indicant value in the secondary codes. When he comes into the society outside, people can discern a slight change in the effect of his personality. However, it spreads more as the news of that scene is heard by others.

If a few persons in the society use higher indicant words and others dont, the person may himself have feeling of moving in an inclined or contorted posture through the society.

The disinclination
Persons in the feudal language social systems are wary of lower level connections. Such connections literally have the effect of heavy millstones hanging from the neck. In the English social systems also, a slight feel of this may be there. But it is nowhere comparable to what the effect is in a feudal language world.

It is usually persons who do not have socially known, and acknowledged-as-superior attributes, who are more wary of such millstones. They immediately feel the weight of socially lower class relatives, including brothers, sisters, in-laws, friends, and such very much. Actually, this millstone affect is also not an imagination. For, it really has a very powerful effect on the innate potential of a person, not only socially, but also physically. This issue is also a bit complicated, but I wouldnt discuss it here, as that part relates to the issues in the primary world.

The powerful negatives
I must even say that a mere mention, remembrance, sight or even the gaze of a particular level of person or relationship can affect the innate potential in a person, for each thing is a link in the secondary world, and has a value adding or depleting effect on a person.

The theme of this chapter also has a connection to the theme of evil eye also. It depends on the quality of the persons who are jealous. The more lower they are in mental and social attributes, the more powerful is the affect of the indicant words that they use on a person or event. Their words do literally add negative values to a persons or events innate potential.

Talking about the power of eyes, I would like to say that the mere viewing of something could cause changes in it. I may need to elaborate on this point in another chapter. For the time being, we may leave it at that.

The line and position of loyalty
Now, I would like to just say a few words on loyalty, fidelity, discipline and such items. These are things connected to a particular person in a particular string of command or relationship. They also have a particular position in the 3 dimensional space of the secondary codes. When a man positioned in a particular position moves away from this position, then there is disloyalty, infidelity, indiscipline and such other things happening. And vice versa!

Now what can move a person from a particular position?

Well, it is words that can. To a loyal person, give an information that can weaken the string of a relationship. The weakening in the link literally moves him away, for he is linked to so many other persons and events by other codes lines. Tell of a sexual debauchery of a Mahatma to a dedicated follower. It literally is capable of detaching the string or at least weakening it to that extend that the followers position move farther away.

The difference
However, it must be said that the relationship and strings created in a feudal language is not similar to that created by a language like English. In a feudal language, the strings are of a powerful hierarchical kind, and each word has innate disabling or powerfully promoting capacities. I am sure the native English speaker will not understand what I am saying here.

The need to cordon
So, any information, that changes the indicant words can cause grave problems in loyalty, fidelity, discipline and such. It may be noted that in the feudal language nations, even the reading or hearing the words of enemies by ones follower is frowned upon. For, it is very much understood that any inimical information immediately preys upon the indicant word levels.

The aura
Again, it may be safely concluded that the concept of aura that I have promoted in another chapter is also connected to the values in the secondary world. The very touch of a powerful indicant-word-personage transfers a positive numerical value in the secondary world.

I think I have mentioned in an earlier chapter about one businessman saying about the difference in going in a chauffer driven car to the ministers office and to that of going to the same place in a public bus or autorickshaw with a commonplace companion. Here again what is being coming into play is the aura that exists as the potential energy value of the individual.

The immense possibilities
Maybe there may be something in prayer, auspiciousness, inauspiciousness, good directions, positive energy, auspicious designs of a house, direction of the door etc. that are generally mentioned in such concepts as fengu shi, vastu shastra, astrology, numerology etc. However, I do not know much about any of these things, other than rudimentary pedestrian understandings.
Maybe even the experience of certain person that they move through continuing loops in their life, or that of certain persons being prone to accidents, and that of certain persons having a propensity for escaping from injury by inches, all may be connected to certain numerical values in their secondary world attributes.

The meagreness of the mental sciences
Beyond that, it is my contention that concepts of psychology and psychiatry may need redefining. I dont think the modern experts in these fields do really have much idea as to how the brain works, more than what an ordinary computer hardware technician knows about the working of computers. The typical hardware technician is not an expert in the software part!

The world of wealth
Another area that I need to connect is modern economics; for money is directly connected to feudal language words powerfully. This phenomenon is not discernible in English. Now, one of the major reasons for the strange collapse of English economies in these time of fantastic technological progress, is the unprotected coupling of English social systems (planar secondary codes) with that of feudal language social systems (with individuals positioned dynamically at huge distances in a 3 dimensional space). This has literally led to the unbridled scattering of the codes in the English social systems leading to disasters, not just on the economic front, but in many other areas also.

Also, there is the issue of money and its connection to the concept of the Ideal Machine. I hope to bring them out at a later date.

I think I will conclude this chapter, for again the words have stretched.





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Secondary Level On Language Codes: Part Xi DNA made of words

I have not been able to write in my usual style in this series of write up. One of the reasons for this deficiency is the paucity of time that I face. I dont get time to read what I have already written, and more or less write from some particular area in my thought process, which though connected to the central theme, may not necessarily be a continuation of my last post.

A crankier stuff
The same is the case now also. I vaguely remember that I declaimed that the universe is like a digital book, that I am used to creating. Well, it is nonsense! The universe is not like a digital book, with an external face to it. I said that much to make the reader think on those lines. The universe is more like a software program, which works on software codes that control it, and set parameters for its working. I am sure the contention looks crankier than before. That is just a feeling brought about by a certain level of non-information on current level of scientific contentions.

Occult forces in classical mechanics
For example, look at the contention made by Sir Isaac Newton regarding gravitation. To explain his theories of gravitation and forces, he brought in a proposition about a force that acts at a distance; like that of earth pulling the moon. He was a well-known alchemist, and also a person who delved in occult and spiritual sciences with the same or even more vigour than he displayed in material sciences. When he brought out this theme of a force that acts at a distance with no visible or tangible strings to convey the force, there was a big outcry at that time by the scientific community that he was bringing in occult themes into the realm of science.

Gravitation as the work of a code
Well, even now, I am sure no one has been able to say for sure what is this force or even the string that acts at distances, with no material content in it. May I say that what we call as gravitation is simply the affect of the software code that gives it a route, a numerical parameter of strength, and even a reason of acting?
It is just like the loop that can be created in software lines, that makes certain affects to repeat themselves when certain specific parameters or conditions come together.

An hybrid DNA
Actually, I did not want to write on this series now. What spurred this urge to write this post was that a few days back, just before going to bed, I happened to see the beginning part of the film Species II. I did not see it fully. The theme seems to be of a group of persons going to Mars and coming back. In Mars, there had been an alien visitation long ago, which more or less destroyed the ecosystem of Mars, and making it barren and dry due to the destructive nature of the alien lifestyle. The aliens had long since vanished. However, their DNA is still there lying dormant awaiting a suitable host. When human beings visit the place, they are infected. They are then the repositories of a hybrid DNA, which comes back to earth. The imminent possibility is that of a devastation of earth by the alien DNA.

I did not see the rest of the film. Seemingly, there is nothing of grave interest in this fancy theme and little connection with my theme on languages. However, when I saw the film, it rang a bell in me. For, the theme of DNA as the central code of biological design has a connection with my theme on language codes.

Design codes in words
I have, for a long time been aware that the so-called significance given to DNA and chromosomes as the sole depot biological design codes is of doubtful veracity. For example, I have seen the fantastic change in human looks in accordance to the language a person lives in, speaks, is spoken to, referred to etc.

I quote from the first chapter of my book: March of the evil empires:

A man who lives for a long time in Tamil Nadu, the Tamil state in India, and speaks Tamil for so many years, builds up a Tamil look. A man, who lives in Kerala, achieves a Malayalee look after many years of residence; and a man who lives in England, among Englishmen, acquires an English look. A Negro who lives in the United States of America has a physical and mental personality, which is remarkably different from a Negro who lives in a free African country.

Has it not been noticed?
Now, is it visible to anyone in the English nations that Asians who live over there in perfect English social conditioning do exhibit a real change in looks, expressions, height, complexion, familial strings of relationship etc? This change may not be visible in Asians who live among themselves, maintaining their native land language communications.

From midgets to giants
I have seen the same effect from over here also. Persons in my own extended family, who are domiciled overseas, have changed. The persons who lived in English social systems have changed fantastically, that it would require a lot of imagination to accept that they are genetically connected to their family members over here. Even the offspring of seeming midgets have come back with towering heights, exhibiting fascinating demeanours absolutely different from the local stifled facial expressions.

Even over here, groups of persons who live life in the same language, but on certain higher edges of it, do show remarkable changes. To a limited extend food quality can be attributed to, but that cant explain it fully. For, then the rich native language speaking population of Africa should have Black American looks, with is certainly not the case.

What sells is power
Now, do not take this contention to mean that a White English child brought up in absolute Tamil would turn dark in complexion. No, that much tremendous change may not be visible so fast. Yet, the person who grows up thus, will be Tamilian in most features, other than the insignificant feature of complexion. Why insignificant? Well, in Tamil language, complexion is not what sells, but power.

Now, what I am trying to convey here is that words and the codes it contain do have powerful designing codes, not only on human social systems, but also on human looks.

Hierarchical codes in animal world
What about animals? Well, animal social systems will also be seen to be well controlled or designed by the codes in their communication system, when they live together in social groups. The social hierarchies existing among monkeys in a particular group will be very much connected to the codes in their communication software. Of these things, our knowledge is very much in their rudimentary levels currently.

An explosive affect
I would like to give a minor example to convey what is the power in languages. My children do not know the local vernacular. They know many persons who belong to a wide spectrum in age group, who talk to them in English. The English teaching that is done in my office at certain times at most times, done by them in the form of indoor games like Monopoly, Caroms, Scrabble, Uno and much else.

Now, the local persons who come to learn English are more at home in their native tongues. However, they talk only English in our premises. The level of social communication is in perfect English level of equality as encoded in that language. There is only one he, one she, one you and all its other variations.

Now, at times, certain persons come inside making enquires about the class. They do not understand the concept of a single he and such. Seeing the youngsters among the students, they immediately go in for the lower he, she etc. for them, and the higher he or she for the senior persons. Now, the immediate affect that is solidly felt is that the youngsters are simply seen pulled down to a lower plane, while the seniors in age are pushed to a higher plane. It is a very powerful push. The only thing that can save youngsters from this diabolic displacement is for them not to understand the local language.

Now actually, what happens is really connected to the immense persons who have been perfectly connected to each other in English, so that their age, financial acumen, profession and much else is not taken into consideration for social communication and hierarchy. The moment an outsider comes and brings the communication to the local vernacular, everyone literally gets thrown into varying levels and positions in the non-tangible, yet very much real cyber space.

A different DNA
Now, what happens is that each level of word used can create a corresponding change in facial expression as well as a change in the mental sense of freedom, and ambit of social movement and/or right of articulation.

In the long run, this can literally bring in grave change in facial expression and even change ones physical growth potential. In a way, words have a capacity to override or even limit the designing capacity of DNA. Or may be, words themselves can create their own version of DNA and chromosomes. A study on words, expressions, languages etc. from this viewpoint may bring into visibility the existence of this currently unknown entity.
For example, there will be immense coding in the DNA or chromosome that can design a particular facial expression, a stoop, or a bent or hump on a human being. Similarly, there can be a particular combination of words, expression and language, that comes in a particular setting that can create a particular, special facial expression, stoop or bent in a human being.

The unseen evidence in words
I think that many of these things I have mentioned earlier in my other writings.

Now, let me go into another area of my contentions. In recent year, DNA has been taken as the invisible link to ones past life (I mean in the current life). For example, a murder has been committed long ago. A trace of DNA from that crime scene can connect the crime with a person after so many years.

The same is the case with words. A man does a misdemeanour. Some one knows it. After many years, a simple word or words in this regard to the right person can connect the man with the incident after so many years.
Actually, what the second man is in possession of is something similar to a DNA from the crime scene. A single word that contains a very powerful code. The power in the word is actually a lot of unseen codes and information that lies embedded inside.

Now, here again I am able to discern a link between words and DNA. Whereas the codes in the DNA are of biological origin, here the codes may be of some other kind of software.

Everything is recorded
Actually, nothing goes in to oblivion. For example, when I was going through the details of the persons who had visited my website, I found that the way they came, the website that sent them to my website, which all pages they visited, the amount of time they spent on each page, what they did over there, and much else are reported to me. Well, it seems that in the internet, anything that one does is encoded and retained for a person with the right tool to see and study. Is it not possible that in the case of the universe also, everything is properly stored, for the person with the right tool to discern? Well, it more or less reaches out in the realm of the gods; doesnt it?

That everything one does is there for the person with the right tool to see and study.

Language codes as just pointers
Do words and languages have anything to do with this? Well, I am not sure that words and languages do have the most significant part in this. I am only using the theme of language and words to contemplate on a world that exists, but remains non-tangible, yet. As I had said earlier, structured languages do have the capacity to create disturbances in the cyber space and thus can facilitate the study of this area. It is not necessarily that words and language are everything or the most important theme. As one study and get to understand the arena more, other powerful things/media may become more visible.

Another evidence of designing power of words
Let me tell you of one of my observations. It is like this: A woman is pregnant. She bears a child. During the period of pregnancy, she is living in a social mood much above her innate social level. She is in a respected social level, whereby feudal words about her and addressing to her are in the higher form. Well, I have seen that when the child is born, it exhibits remarkable social superiority in looks and demeanour.

The exact reverse is the case, when the woman during her times of pregnancy is in a lower social position than her innate social level. That is at that time, she is addressed as an inferior by inferior persons, and referred to in similar inferior words by inferior persons, the child would exhibit markedly inferior demeanours. Now, it must be admitted that these things might not be easy to be demonstrated, for everyone comes under the influence of an immensity of social features and codes. But then, there is power in words. These things may not be sensible from English.

So, again, I am pointing to the power of words to create codes that can literally dictate human expression design.

An infection
Here again, I need to talk about infections. It is like this: if the wife of a senior government official in India goes around on terms of familiarity with the wife of peon in the government, there is a sort of DNA mismatch in the social codes encoded in the Indian feudal languages. It can be a case of a social infection as far as the senior official is concerned. As far as the peon is concerned, it can be issue of a social power being conferred on him.
Well, persons from English nations may also think that they can understand the theme from their own social system. Yet, what they can understand shall be of a different phenomena, and not what Indian social scene conveys. For, over here, the language has something called indicant words; and they are powerful codes, which do not exist in the original pure English language.

Laying barren
As a further extension of this theme, let me go back to the film Species II. Well, the Mar travellers from earth are coming back infected with a dangerous DNA that can literally despoil the earth, and make it barren like Mars. Well, the same is the case with languages. They contain powerful codes just like the DNA. When English social systems give free access to alien languages, that have created messy social systems like that in so many nations of Asia, Europe, Africa etc., there is the same danger. That the alien DNA in the un-understood languages can create hybridisation in the local language DNA and can lay barren the soft social systems of the English nations.

Messy looks and messy codes
The unbearable looks of real India is not a creation of any biological DNA or chromosome, or poverty, but by the malicious codes in the local languages. The immense nations in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America etc. all in a state of imminent belligerence are all showing the affects of dangerous language codes.

Things can go wrong
The stifling social scenes in these nations are also connected to the same language codes. When the codes reach the English nations, they can create hybridisation of the local communication systems. Many things can go wrong. It can even affect marital relationships, just to name one area.

Words as aphrodisiacs
Let me tell about one kind of infection. Words can acts as aphrodisiacs, or let me say that words can be used to seduce or let a woman fall in love. Now, here I am not talking about the cunning and deliberate use of words and the slow shifting of conversation to sensual subject to inject sensual desires in females. I am talking about the use of words to convey power to men. Even though it is possible in English also, in feudal languages, it really has menacing power, in ways not understandable in English. Actually, in a powerful feudal language, one may be surprised at the infatuation of women for seemingly ugly men. Nice looks do not have any affect on them, rather they are more attracted to men with intimidating looks and dominating capacity. The other male with nice looks but fully in a position of domination to others cannot satiate a woman. She is not willing to concede her body and soul to such a person.

Now, let me tell you the domination in Indian social scene is very much connected to the capacity to arrive at a specific level in language codes and words. It is something English in its innate form has no idea of.

The slow infection and the collapse
Now, with the hybridisation of English communication system with an alien code, there will be a slow collapse of the English social communication system. People become wary of doing certain jobs, or being seen doing that, or even being associated with that or with persons who are known to be doing such jobs. The word menial and also association with certain groups all will be seen as dangerous; and especially repulsive. In short, a strange level of human relationship may come about; which could be entirely alien to English social and human relationships. In some sense, a sort of racial emotions may come out. Actually, it is not a component of English mood that is coming out, rather a component of feudal language codes, which did create the caste system in India, and the terrible social systems in so many nations.

Women will sense it, and then it will be a terrible time for husbands. It may even affect sex life. I am just giving an example.

Quarantining the alien DNA
The alien DNA can lay barren the English social scene. However, the remedy lies in understanding the existence of such a inimical entity, that lies embedded in languages. Once the existence of the virus is accepted, then there can be a search for a cure. It is not connected to human beings as such, but to what they are infected with. Quarantine the virus.

Enriching the system and its dangers
It is easy to say that newer and alien inputs would enrich the native culture, and lead it to bliss, and prosperity. It is a very shallow understanding. There are very many human experiences all round the world. All are connected to differing human social codes as embedded in their native languages. It might be intelligent to absorb the wonderful part of these human experiences to enrich ones own society. However, what is required in this type of work is an acute understanding of what one is doing and how the input will affect the social codes in the long run.

Know the outcome
When I was working with my daughter on Dreamweaver to develop our website, so many options would come from the applications. We would choose one or the other. However, we had no knowledge of what we were choosing or its long-term effects. In most cases, our individual choices did not seem to matter much. But then once, it did create a terrible problem that all the 1000 and pages were more or less rendered useless. Later a technically skilled person was to tell us that when we are choosing or doing anything on the application, we should have an idea beforehand as to what it was that we were doing and its cumulative outcome or affect.

Powerful codes behind simple words
Now let me mention words. I did mention in one of my earlier chapters about the word PRINT. When used in some programs as MS-DOS, and such in the appropriate context, it can really activate an external machine, the Printer. Actually, it is not just the word PRINT that is doing the activation. For, there are powerful programmings in the Operating System made by Microsoft that may be connecting to this word PRINT. Even in MS-DOS itself, there would be immense lines in the codes that connect to this word.

Thus, it may be understood that in any language, each and every word, does come with powerful codes that link to it, and induce or give it powerful capacities.





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Secondary Level on Language Codes: Part I Progression of logic

It was a long writing did when I got some time between my work. I was not able to finishe the writing as I wanted to.

So I have more or less taken a different route and started another write up on this issue, coming directly to my conclusions. From this point, I intend to go back to the reasons and logics.

Persons who are interested in this may read them from
this link. The post on this webpage itself.



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