I have professed the existence of codes, which are akin to software codes, that lie behind reality. Naturally, human mind, emotions and even psychic triggers are connected to what changes in these codes.
How did I come across this idea and how do I propose to prove their existence?
Well, the idea came to me when I was studying the differences between English and Indian vernaculars, and their manifold effects on human beings. English is, as I have emphasized many times in my writings, more or less a plateau like language, where there is not much of differing levels of words to depict different levels of human professional, age, social and such existence. However, Indian vernacular is heavily feudal or hierarchical or even structured, so as to design human social institutions and individualities into powerfully demarked positions. It is so powerful that it can literally create specific designs on the human personality and mental mood.
In the earlier days of my observations, I had only this theme in my mind. But later on I could sense certain powerful changes that could be induced at far distances by simply varying the inputs that can bring out changes into human conditions, including personality. If the same were enacted in English, not much observable changes could be seen, for English doesnt bring about such changes in human physical form and mental mood, for there are not structured usages in that language. However, in feudal language environment, it is different.
In feudal languages, information inputs or simply changing the words or usages used for such things as You, He, She, For Him, For Her, I, Themetc. bring in changes in the codes. Even the words You, He, She, For Him, For Her, Them, I etc are connected to some numerical value that gets encrypted into the codes. For example, take the case of one South Indian language. You can be Nee, Ningal, Thangal or Sar etc. {There are many more in between, but for sake of convenience we shall deal with only three levels).
Neecan be the lowest. {However, it not fully true and this statement may need more explanation, but for the time being we will leave it at that}.
It depends on what one knows or perceives about a person. He is young, then Nee. He is uneducated, then Nee. He is coming from a poor family, then Nee. Suddenly, someone inputs, he is young, but he is a teacher in the local madrasa, a Uthasd. Then Ningal. He is a poor man, but honoured in his social area, Then Ningal. He is an idiot, but he is a government official, Then Thangal or Sar (heavy respect).
Each level of words, attires a person with different levels of social standing. People interact or react to these different levels differently. For a higher level of words, things move fast, as there is homage extended. To a lower level of words, people display very obvious disdain and scorn. Things become slow paced.
Now, generally the Indian mind spontaneously gathers a lot of information and processes it, superfast and then starts the communication using the appropriate You, He, She etc.
How does it do it? Well, it can be on the basis of some numerical values. For example, when the inputs add on to the persons codes, it can rise from one to 10. When it moves to 11, Nee changes to Ningal. Like that when the numerical values changes from 20 to 21,
Many attributes can help add to this numerical value. For example, a man has a car. The numerical value will be on the rise. If he is seen going in a car or has gone to a specific place in a car, driving it on his own. Well, all these things do create perceptible changes in the value in the codes. In English also, it may have certain affects, but then, it is nothing compared to that which takes place in a feudal language environment. For, here it is like the Bohrs Atom Model. The electron literally exists at different levels, depending on their status.
In English, it is like the Rutherford Atom model.
Now there is another thing that I contend. Persons are connected to each other by such words as You, He, She, His, Hers, For Him, For Her, and by names. Now in English, these links are more or less with the same words. However, in feudal languages, the links are by different words, depending on who is addressing who or who is referring to whom. These links arrange the persons in a three dimensional spatial arrangement. Some words have pulling power, and some have pushing power. Now, in a society, innumerable persons are connected to each other thus. The moment a wrong word or usage is made, or a change in the usage or word is done at any level, there is a very sharp dismantling or jolting and rearrangement of the affected persons again.
Now what are my observations that make me conclude that there are really codes that are perceptible to human brain, without conscious knowledge and effort?
Well, there are many observations.
One. Many years ago one (Indian) of my acquaintances, who had an affluent business had a bad time. He had to sell off his cars. Finances were in acute scarcity. However, I was quite surprised to see him have a chauffer driven private car from a car rental service. When I asked him why he wanted to squander his money, when every single penny was precious, he gave me an answer. His answer was brief, but let me make it elaborate here as per my understanding.
His office was just around five kilometers from the Central Secretariat. He had to meet the central ministers on a routine manner, to manage business affairs. Naturally in India, everything works on prestige.
He could very well take an autorickshaw and go to the central secretariat. Or even a minor trip in a bus would suffice. He could go with a lower social level companion. Or else, he could go in a taxi car. Well, as he said it, all these things would be sensed by even the very pillars in the secretariat. A low level of value would be added to his codes, or may be there would be a subtracting of numerical values from his personality codes. A certain level of lesser amount of deference would be offered to him, and in many cases, even entry to the hallowed areas of the superior persons would be denied to him.
However, he goes in a private uniformed chauffer driven luxurious car. The car gets parked in a good place. His chauffer opens the door for him. Some people see him. All these events go on adding values to his personality codes. Somewhere in the codes, he levels are brimming with value and he is the higher echelons of the code values.
Even eyes have power. It depends on what level of person is viewing one, and what is his mental impression. The most powerful persons in this regard are really the most lower placed persons. They are powerfully placed. A word of adoration or admiration from them can work wonders. At the same time, a negative remark from them can powerfully remove a lot of value from a persons codes. For, they stand on a very low level, and a negative remark from them is akin to pulling a person down below them.
If when a powerful official comes to this person at that moment, and shakes his hand, a value is added to his codes. If this action is seen by some else, it can add more value, depending on that viewers level and also his level of acceptance of the event.
At the same time, if a lower placed person, who has had his persons acquaintance earlier, comes and shakes his hands, this can also literally wipe out a large amount of positive values.
Now, when my acquaintance goes into the ministers office, again the very pillars would sense all these positive inputs. There would profuse deference extended to this person and things would move fast. The values have been copied to that events in the ministers office, and to a limited extent it can even be encrypted to the very official files dealing with this person.
Now, this can be called a very subjective observation and not objective enough. However, it is my contention that most of human emotions and connected things do have a lot percentage of subjective events, which need not be mere imagination.
In many ways, this issue connected to feudal languages does explain the social mood known as un-touch-ability.
Two: I am with a person who has given me a man to drive my vehicle to a particular location. This person is a rich man, and socially prominent. The driver is an elderly man, and does derive some level of deference from the social system on the basis of his age.
I want to take this man (driver) for a better purpose. I had talked about this to him, and he was willing to do the work. He is standing a bit away getting the vehicle ready. I talk about him and my idea to the man (Mr. X) who had introduced him. The driver can see us talking, but the talk can be about anything, for we can have many things to talk about. Mr. X gives a very disparaging report about the person. The codes connected to him literally crashes down. The driver suddenly starts casting his glance at us in a suspicious or unsettled manner. Actually he had no way of knowing that we were talking about him. When I go near him, our relationship had changed. He could notice it and I felt it. As if he and I had moved from our earlier respective positions in the secondary code area and stablised at a different position from where our perspective, and link component on each other was different from earlier.
Here what could have happened was the brain or its software sensing the change, which was not materially detectable.
Three: In India, there are certain social positions which are more or less very stable, and not easy to destabiilse in the language code. One such position is that of the govt official. The more senior he or she is, the more stable he or she is from the jolting affect of the ordinary persons proximity or interaction. However, this is only correct as far as a persons common potential energy is concerned. For example, when a senior official name is connected to a lower job person. The lower persons link can really erode the other persons inner numerical value. However, still the fact that he is a very senior official may stabilizes the words connected to him, and helps it come down to lower levels.
However, still the issue of feeling abuse can be there. Here I need to mention one great fact. It is about mental serenity and its disturbance connected to abusive words. When one says in English that a man has used abusive words, it is very much understood that there has been profanity or expletives used. Well, in feudal languages, such words are usually used by the persons who have actually been abused. Now this is a strange contention. For, a man is heard calling another man a Son of Bitch. Surely he has been abusive. But the question arises as to what provoked him.
One can see in India at times, the government official unduly provoked and more or less abusive in words and actions. At the same time, the same man could be seen to be very tranquil and very affable to some other person.
In the same manner, some persons are seen to be really provoked towards some persons, and not at all provoked to others.
In Indian feudal languages, the abusive use of words can be a change of the word for You, He, She, His, Her, Him, Her, For Him, For Her etc. and in the use or not using of names with or without respectful suffix. A person who refrains from using an expected level of respect in his choice of words can be judged as abusive.
For example, in a particular state in South India, in the southern area, the government official expects the people to address them with the word Sar, meaning You (heavy respect). This part of the state had been under the rule of the native rulers. However in the northern parts of this very state, the people used to address the government official with a NIngal, which was a polite usage, but not equivalent of giving majestic deference to the government official. The northern part had been under the British rule and hence the officialdom at that time had been more liberal.
Now, I have the experience of seeing govt officials seething with anger when persons from northern areas come to the south and address them with a Ningal. In fact, there was an incident related to me by an acquaintance who was an officer in a uniformed service. He said that he had been on the verge of bashing up one detainee when he addressed him with a Ningal. However one of his colleagues explained to him that in the north (some 15 years back), the level of respect was of that word.
I mention this thing to denote the fact that there is actually more to abusive words and provocation than is understood in English. Modern psychiatry does not know anything about this.
Now, when a person is seen in a state of unnecessarily violence and provocation, there is need to understand this factor also.
What really grips the provoked person is his experience that the other man has powerfully dislodged him from this state of dynamic equilibrium and placed him in a lower area. Actually, many words more or less shift a person. At the same time, there are words that powerfully lend support to a particular mans earlier position. If this position is likable, he is happy with the words. Otherwise he is angry. Whether he reacts or not depends on whether he can react or not.
Now, it is these words and the associated codes that make such nations as India in a state of continuing simmering. Violence can breakout anytime, if there is no powerful machinery to crush it. At the same time, it may be understood that the police machinery in India is a very provocative machinery that callously shifts most citizens to abominable levels. People very fast turn into terrorists or anti-nationals, as soon as they are accosted by the police and taken into custody.
Four: There is this phenomena: In many Indian organizations, a strange force seem to settle on the individuals who work inside. The persons more or less get a stooping posture or a bend on their neck area, the moment they enter their work area. In some cases, it is the presence of a dominating boss that creates this. In this case, whenever the boss is away, a sort of unfettering is felt.
Earlier, I had thought that it was a mere feeling that was simply of psychological levels. However, after a lot of observations, I have come to the conclusion that in many Indian organizations, a strange sort of curving of space is happening. Its power depends on the language of communication inside the office. If it is English, the curving power is very much diminished. Also, if the English used is on par with the communications styles of Britain, there is practically no curving of the space. The persons inside do not feel any power that makes the bend.
The same power of spatial curving can be felt when an Indian enters an Indian govt office. The powerful feudal communication system inside more or less arranges everybody in a very powerfully designed curved or hierarchical space. The ordinary citizen, if he is a person not used to this stifling would very fast feel the power of the curving force. Many of the people concede to this power. Certain others do not, and they exist inside the office space as sort of poking needle that seems to thrust out of the cover. Their presence is seen as provocative by others, who have bent or are in specific positions.
I remember an Incident when I went to the district collectorate (district administrative office). I was sitting with a few people, all of the government officials in certain other departments, in the veranda. Suddenly a medium level officer, below the level of a collector came into our presence. Immediately, there was a sudden getting up from the seats by everyone. For the govt officials (all of them clerks), they were part of a hierarchy and the man who come in front of them was a senior officials, even though they were not from the same department.
When everyone got up, there was a sudden impulse in me also to get up. However, I did not want to get up, due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that I was very much trying to train myself in English systems.
As I refrained from getting up, I could feel a very powerful force, more or less pulling me up. I was sitting when everyone had got up. It was as if a string was attached to all of the seated persons.. Whenever one got up, this string was pulling me up. I immediately caught the underside of the bench and held tightly, so as to hold me tight to the seat.
Now, these types of forces are not measurable using any physical equipment or scales. But they do exist.
There is another thing quite different from all this. It is about the fact that certain powerfully positioned persons can sort of possess other persons, either for quite some time, or temporarily.
Here we again go to the arena of psychology. Certain persons are described as being unsocial, paranoiac, detached, with no friends etc.
Here one thing has to be mentioned. In Indian languages, it is not easy to talk to others who live in the same society, without being properly introduced, either formally or in a subtle manner. People exist in different social levels, which are generally marked by varying intellectual levels, levels of permitted articulation and also by levels of permitted interaction. All interactions have a direction code. For the languages are thus designed. They are not like English.
Wherever proper introductions of attainments, social or financial positions, intellectual acumen etc. are not properly made understood to others, especially of the lower social groups, a person may try to remain aloof.
Now, in many singular human existences, there comes the presence of certain inimical persons. They with deliberate intentions, may give hints of negative attributes to the others around. If the persons around are of the lower intellectual or social level kind, it is a very powerful degrading that is being radiated.
The other person about whom this type of killing inputs have been disseminated, would find it difficult to establish his true credentials, or the credentials he was to spell out. The stance of social aloofness would be one his defenses, to escape from the powerful degrading that would ensue from this. However, it is doubtful if modern psychology and psychiatry has any idea about these things.
His other defense would be to build up another group of persons who have no connection with the other inimical person/s.
Now, what has happened is a powerful lower of values in the codes, and these can be very much sensible to many other human brains.
Here I need to give one more input. The inimical person may then crave to dismantle his independent circle of friends. There are many methods that are used one would be to bring one or more of the persons in the other mans friendship circle, and extend an effusive welcome to them. And then slowly tell them certain things, that more or less can erode the value of the man that had been earlier encrypted in their brain. The inimical person may even tell them to tell or ask certain things to the other person.
Well, the friends of this person is now possessed with certain data, or words, or sentence, which are more or less, a copy paste done by the inimical person. When the friend/s, talk to the other man, he would immediately sense a presence of the inimical person in his friend/s demeanour. When they talk, he would literally hear the voice of his tormentor and feel this personality. As if the friends are possessed. This is a phenomenon that I have observed much. I have seen this process being done and enacted with perfect precision. It is the case of a virus infectionin the software.
Now, what is this possession? Well, it is just the working of software code, or just words. Words are what makes the software.
In many ways, the phenomenon of hypnotism is more or less the work of software, which is composed of words. The phenomenon that I have just written above about another person seeming to appear in another persons personality, is akin to hypnotism. The traditional science may call it suggestion and auto-suggestion and such. However, what is at work is the encrypting of powerful software codes.
See this writing that I got from Wikipedia, on Hypnotism: One author wrote that "a person can act, some time later, on a suggestion seeded during the hypnotic session". A hypnotherapist told one of his patients, who was also a friend: 'When I touch you on the finger you will immediately be hypnotised.' Fourteen years later, at a dinner party, he touched him deliberately on the finger and his head fell back against the chair."
In the incident quoted above, what has been encoded is a software code, which has set an action to be triggered when the hypnotherapist places his hand on the finger.