Instead of being afraid, why dont you take the courage to investigate what this phenomenon is? Surely there is something real that causes this. Do not think that it is some spirt or ghost interfering.
However, I would really be interested in knowning if you feel some kind of activation is going on. I have had the oppurtunity to observe self induced possession of divine entities over here. I have felt that it is a case of some software being activated, through the action of certain chanting. Once the person reaches the state of divine possession, he is able to answer personal questions, even if they are not spoken verbally.
It has been my experience that almost evertime, there is a certain level of precision in the messages delivered.
After many years of observation, I have felt that the divinely possessed person is sort of viewing into some software (so to say) application and getting the answers. I can speak more about what I understood.
However as far as your issue is concerned, I would tell you to dare to investigate, instead of being intimidated by psuedo scientific claims of modern psychiatry. You are in a most authentic position than anyone who has not experienced this kind of communications.
Hey Guys i think that the telepathy is one of the pseudo sciences that has been analyzed, but cannot be for sure verified. Some people believe it prevails, and others seriously question it. Telepathy is determined as interaction from one thoughts to another without using neurological views. Thanks a lot!