HORRENDOUS INDIA! A parade of facade in verbal codes! Chapter 1 Satanic social arrangement
Includes three different writings:?1. Refining India! Brutalising England:2. What is repulsive about Indians?3. Asian languages and friendship; and other things ??Chapter oneSatanic social arrangementChapter twoBritish predicament Chapter threeA heinous mental dispositionChapter f...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 1 Satanic social arrangement
It is generally taught in all Indian schools that the British taught English to the Indians to make them their slaves, and to make them better clerks. This idea may also be understood in the same manner in England also. For the current British understanding of the British rule in India is remarkably si...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 2 British predicament
When the British colonial officials and other Britons were living in British India, they were more or less forced to live among this highly devilish-quality social system. It was a system that would gnaw at the very refinement of human beings. For, in this scheme of things, there was no premium for ho...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 3 A heinous mental disposition
People in India are quite frightened of the prospect of the lower-class persons or their children growing up in stature, education, learning, social connections etc. They very enthusiastically take steps to see that such endeavours are thwarted. Others also understand the compulsion that go be...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 4 Why English?
Why Macaulay strove to bring in English as the medium of education to India should be understood from this background. Moreover, there is another issue that may need some explaining. Once English came to the Indian educational scene, British classical writings also slowly entered into the mainst...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 5 Problems of developing the lower class
When the children from this lower caste group were admitted into the English schools, some of them run by Christian missionaries, the higher caste children were not quite enthusiastic in joining them. For, the very first causality would be their refinement, which would be erased out by the crudene...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 6 The wily social developers
To a great extent, the local British could lend emancipation to the local populace. For, they never strived to learn the dangerous local dialect, which was quite obviously offensive and brusque in tone, usage and meaning. Their way of improving the Indians were to this extent quite different from t...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 8 Quality verses formal education
Now, we come back to what was the development that was to be brought in. The modern idea of education is that there should be a lot of Medical and Engineering colleges. The question of what then is to happen to the vast majority who do not get to be doctors and engineers, remains unanswered. Actually, wha...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 9 Why only English?
Here the natural question that would rise would be: Why only English? Why not the ancient Indian literary and scientific traditions? Well, there are many answers to this. For one, the ancient Indian literary and scientific traditions were dug up by the British East India Company officials, from ob...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 10 The cunning craftiness of the Indian leadership
So now, one of the greatest communication software that has been discovered and used by mankind, that is English, is being freely given to the people of India. It can naturally give the creeps to the upper class persons. For, their servant class persons, who should get up in their presence, use heavy r...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 11 What needs to be refined?
Now let me reach the aim of this write up, that is, Indian education:The English education that was being propagated in India was to bring in quality in Indian people, and change many of their behavioural aspects. For example:People spit on the road, courtyards, pathways, through the window, out of...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 12 The redesigning of human features
The power of the eyes: Here, I need to digress into a thing that I had discussed in my book: Codes of reality! That is about the power of the eyes. In that book a detailed description has been given. Let me give a minor explanation here. It is connected to the indicant word levels. The way the eyes look at a pe...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 13 The ambiguous perception
Refinement of India was what the colonial British wanted to do. Yet, this was precisely what the stay-at-home British did not understand. Their picture of India was of a nation simply being enslaved by their own countrymen. There was a minor issue here. The British colonial officials who came back f...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 14 Current day Indian education
Current day Indian education is simply a nonsense, with the policymakers having no idea as to what it is that they want to achieve. Education has two totally different aims. One is the improvement of the social system. In which case, English education is imperative. For, it has to erase the feudal ton...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 15 My personal perceptions
I received a very pointed understanding about these issues when I brought up my own children in total English. They were not made to be in any Malayalam talking area. Even though this statement may mean that they were cut off from society, the actuality was that they were more in contact with others, wi...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 7 Indian education: Colonial British versus free Indian
Now, let us look at what is the essential difference between the British conceptualisation of education in India, as against the current day practises in education. What the British officials in India saw was a strange society which was arranged like a lot of pyramids. Inside each pyramid, there we...
Refining India! Brutalising England: Chapter 16 What happens in Indian schools?
Now, what happens in the schools? The very first requirement of these schools is to bring the children to a level of respectful subordination to the teacher class. The teacher class, who more or less, had rarely travelled more than 50 kilometres from their native place, never read an English book, ne...
Refining India! Brutalising England:Chapter 17: Achieving equality downwards and upwards
It is about the effect of being brought up and down in the feudal language indicant word codes. It is like this: When one moves freely in English with a person who is kept at a lower level in his own social group, what happens? Well, being in English, there are no corridors to keep the other person down. He f...
What is repulsive about Indians?
What is repulsive about Indians? Well, the question presupposes that there is something repulsive about Indians.Well, is there anything really repulsive about Indians? Well, I am not sure about many things, and what is the universal experience, but then, there is one thing that makes Indians rep...
On friendship and Asian languages; and other things!
Codes of insult & despoilmentI am not an expert on all Asian languages. But then, I have discerned the issue of there being a certain code of respect, disrespect, disregard, pejorative etc. that can be added, prefixed or suffixed to a persons name in these languages, that can define that person....