Chapter 1: Introduction
At first glance, the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is a very wonderful act. For, it proposes to protect the womenfolk from their husbands. From all kinds of abuses from their spouses, in terms of verbal, non-verbal and physical violence.? Yet, anyone with some level of...
Chapter 2: The concept of equality
Now we move on to discuss the various facets of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. As mentioned earlier, this discussion cannot follow the tracks of wordings of the Act, which at best is only a display of empty pedantry. Before entering into the exact premises of the discussion, ther...
Chapter 3: What the Act enthuse
Let us first examine what the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 proposes to do. It does not aim at the protection of the unit called family. Its name gives the impression that it is putting up defences against the physical assaults of the husband on his wife. Yet, in reality it goes mu...
Chapter 4: Leadership in the wife
Now let us speak about the leadership quality of the female. There is a general belief that the Indian female is weak. Well, it is correct only to a very limited extent.? I need to discuss this issue from my own life experiences. I come from a family in which the females were not subordinated. In fact, the...
Chapter 6: Wife working for another person
This brings us to the right of the wife to work for another person. Well, this right also is entwined with the feudal language codes. Yet, before going into that aspect, I would like to mention that in the per-British period and also in the areas where British rule had not made any significant social imp...
Chapter 8: The theme of discipline
The tenterhook of intimidation: Now that we have reached here, there is something connected that has to be dealt with. It is connected to the issue of discipline. Indian vernaculars insist on force to subordinate. For example, when visiting English men came to India during the British rule in India...
Chapter 9: A code to promote family life
It is quite safe to think that in the ultimate analysis, the drafters of this Act also, would urge for the promotion of the family as a social unit, in its current state, befitting the restrains of the Indian feudal vernaculars. If that be so, there is a need for some external or internal force to bring in...
Chapter 10: Who benefits from the Act
Now we need to seek out who really benefits from such a one-sided law. The wife is not a standalone unit as seen in an English social system. She is a person deeply entwined with either her own parents or other members of the parents extended household or she is a person deeply attached to her husband. Tha...
Chapter 11: The tantalising aspect of physical violence
Now, let us deal with the issue of physical violence. Physical violence can be done by anyone on anyone. The husband can beat up his wife; the wife can beat up her husband; father can beat up his children; the children can beat up the father; they can beat up their mother; the uncle can beat up his niece etc...
Chapter 12: Defining the do-gooders
Now, let us look at the features of the so-called do-gooders. They are people who turn a blind eye to the total problems of this nation. The feudal vernaculars that despoil both men and women. The lack of social security for anyone who is not a government employee. Pension is there only for the governme...
Chapter 16: The need for a code for Indian Married Life
Now, let come to the final part. What the Act fails in: What is to be done is to protect the basic unit of society. That is the unit called family. In this proposition, the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act totally fails. Moreover there is no spirit or endeavour in its wordings to save the fam...
IDIOCY of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act!
Written byVED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS?Chapter 1IntroductionThe ambitIndian Judiciary and its limitationsWhat was aimed at and what came aboutThe differing levels of freedomThe solicitorsCitizens of IndiaIndian policeAll India Service OfficersDrafters of daft lawsQuality of the new...
Chapter 5: Verbal and non-verbal abuse
All persons who come to read this article are requested to download and read: THE SHROUDED SATANISM in FEUDAL LANGUAGES to understand a very powerful communication phenomenon about which the English world has no idea about. Please CLICK HERE  Now we need to discuss the issue of verbal and non-v...
Chapter 7: The fervent theme of male-female equality
Indoctrination in English versus that in the vernacular: Now I need to go into the fervent theme of male-female equality. Well, in England this equality can be more or less considered a mere fact of life; even though, it is also true that man and woman are not same, but have different physical and menta...
Chapter 13: An active look at the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
A curious paradox: Now let us go into a detailed examination of the various wordings of the Act.? Yet, before that there is one thing that needs mention. The question of: Are women equal to men? Well, if it is proposed that they are equal, then why a discriminatory Act that promotes the idea in all sense t...
Chapter 14: A critique of a Women’s Commission’s ideas
First let us go through the wordings of the Delhi Commission for Women website:Quote One: The harassment of women ranging from physical beatings, emotional torture, mental abuse, sexual abuse, threat of violence, denial of basic necessity such as food and maintenance or where there are children...
Chapter 15: Generalisation of ideas in the Act
Now, let me go into the general impressions of the Act. A few of them are listed below. However, it may be noted that many of the items mentioned are not tangibly present in the exact wordings of the Act. I think some of them are simply derivates of the Act, with what level of legal status, I am not sure.1.??...