CHAPTER III: What all things to do to make it sustain?
The vow: The one thing that can make a marriage work is a commitment to make it work, on both sides. In cases of unbearable circumstances, it may be a tough proposition. But the very moment one gets married, there should be a silent vow that he, or she, would put his or her best effort to get it working, what...
CHAPTER IV: What are the pressures in married life?
In our country, a marriage is not just between two individuals. It is a union of two families. At least, that is the way some persons, possibly with deep vested interests, tend to see things; and enforce on others. A man, who has till that date enjoyed the life of a bachelor, suddenly becomes a person wit...
CHAPTER VI: The experience of the wife
In many ways, the requirements of the wife are just a reflection of the needs of the husband, and in many ways, they are not. In our social conditions, a wife is not accepted as an equal partner, as understood in the English context (there also, there are peculiarities to their levels of equality, but th...
CHAPTER X: Acknowledging the reality of class, and its implications on family relationships
There is a word class in English; and naturally it should mean some feature of an English society. For the reality is that there are classes in England also. Distortion in sense: Yet, when we use the same word class in our Indian social meanings, it does acquire a qualitative different sense and meanin...
INDIAN MARRIED LIFE : The Undercurrents!
??INDIAN MARRIED LIFE?The Undercurrents! VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS This book was written by me some years ago, when a prominent publisher from New Delhi gave me this specific topic to write on. However, I did not complete the writing to my own satisfaction. Even today, a huge part of what I had p...
CHAPTER I: Introduction
?There are, no doubt, a lot of writings on the theme of?happy married?life. And it still is a theme, which can be discussed from various angles, given the variety in human experience.There are a lot of good books on this theme written by English authors of the west. And if one reads them, at least from so...
CHAPTER II: What all things to think of before agreeing to a marriage?
Usually in the typical Indian social condition, marriages are arranged by the family. In this context, family may just mean the parents or may, as in most cases, mean the whole lot of relatives of the person to be married. They proceed through well-established routes of social conventions, to achie...
CHAPTER V: What the husband requires
A demeanour of respect: Apart from these generalisations, we can now go into the specific issues that need to be addressed. Apart from love, what a husband would really like to see displayed is a demeanour of respect from his wife. In all actions on this part, this should be displayed with an earnestne...
CHAPTER VII: What is a good family life?
All persons who come to read this article are requested to download and read: THE SHROUDED SATANISM in FEUDAL LANGUAGES to understand a very powerful communication phenomenon about which the English world has no idea about. Please CLICK HERE The essential ingredients: A good family life inc...
CHAPTER VIII: The aspect of sex
This is a very delicate subject that needs to be handled with a soft touch. For it comes with all the complexities, that exist in our country. But we neednt go into all that straight away, and when the context comes up, we will elaborate on them.The Greek muscles and the alluring curves: But as a beginnin...
CHAPTER IX: How to bring up children?
Another individual with same emotions: All parents should have a basic understanding that their children are not their material possessions, but individuals in their own right, having their own feelings, who have the same sensations of pain, vulnerability, shame, ego, individuality etc. A chi...